Having fun, enjoying the company of people and just all getting along with each other. It was so nice this evening to find that the guy I've been having so many problems with over quite a period of time is almost back to his old time best. He is still in deep trouble but at last seems to have accepted that and is fighting his way back. His old sense of humour is appearing again and that's just great and it is pleasing to see that. Fingers crossed for him, he has an interview and could land himself a job that may actually steady his ship and allow him to build into 2011. I do hope so. He has had a wretched time of it this year. It will also give me a bit of a breather too.
Talking of a laugh, L & A were on top form tonight L has my sense of the absurd and A has my darker sense of humour. Between them bouncing off each other and taking the rise out of me too it was seriously amusing in the house tonight. We haven't had quite so many laughs for a long time. I like it and they are very funny when they relax and get going. I hope that the next few weeks will be good for us over the festive season - goodness knows we haven't had the best of times these past 4 1/2 years and I'm seriously considering just putting everything on hold and just going for a two week mellow and chill out, leave the business to look after itself and see if we can't all get back to normal again.
Not that things were abnormal but you can probably imagine that things have been strained and we have all had to deal with me being ill. I may whinge about how I've been, to them it can have been no easier seeing my looking like sh1t and perhaps not being my usual self.
Time to let our hair down and make up for the rather staid Christmas holidays we have had before. I will see if I can make that so for us all, it would be a good goal to aim for before the end of the year.