I feel rough as you like today - sore throat still, I'd have thought that should have gone by now and thudding low down headache. I've had enough pills to kill a horse and I'm finding sitting down trying to work just isn't doing anything for me at all.
I will perhaps give up and just go and lie down when Mrs. F and A and L arrive back from the Nativity Play up at the Nursery.
I was disappointed to hear last night that a friend had lost her job after 15 years in the job on some trumped up disciplinary. Little people hide behind this sort of behaviour, if you want rid, step up to the plate and say so don't dress it up as something that you made up that they did wrong. This is someone who went out of her way to make sure things happened - in her own time and all the other heroics she performed. The good thing is that the people left behind who assisted in the betrayal don't know the half of it and it should be amusing to watch it all tumble down like a house of cards. However, she is left with the bad taste and feeling that she did wrong when once again some little jumped up spreadsheet jockey - who obviously has no balls - wants to balance his books. Good for him, I hope that his employers - for he answers to others - sh1t on him like he has on others. Little prick.
I've quite tired myself out doing that little flame out. I'd like to meet the little git face to face, little dictators are my speciality :-)
Right - retiring hurt - I feel I want to cough but know it will feel like barbed wire if I do :-(