Monday, February 06, 2012

Conflicting Evidence

That's a nuisance - I thought I'd do some searching on High Blood Pressure and juicing and so far I can't find anything that says it does anything but reduce your blood pressure, especially the stuff I'm juicing - Beets, Carrots, Celery, Cucumber and Spinach.  Even so - I'm a bit wary of that now and so I will start measuring my BP tomorrow and try and do it daily to see what is going on.

I'm a bit confused as I don't have any salt, white bread or pasta or rice, I'm almost a vegetarian these days and rarely have meat - perhaps once a week.  I have fish most days for my protein and also eggs.  From tomorrow onwards I will be making sure that I don't have any flour products and the only things I'll have like cereals will be seeds (Pumpkin and Sunflower).  I have dried fruit and nuts with breakfast and then tend to have soups at lunch and dinner time.  

So A bit more searching around in my books, some measurements and then a review.

We've had our first snow of winter - about 6" of the stuff but it isn't powder it's that wet slushy stuff and now it is icing over.  

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