Saturday, October 12, 2024

Amateur Hour

The one thing you can pretty much guarantee when you get unqualified politicians (i.e. those who have never had a job and come through the system) is that sooner rather than later, their inexperience shines through.

It's been all of one hundred days since we got this Labour party in charge (even though they hardly got enough votes to do that) and they've already p1ssed off 10,000,000 pensioners by withdrawing their winter fuel allowance and I can tell you it's bloody freezing here today.  So around 15% of the population already pretty much hate them.  

Today's fiasco is cracking I have to say.  Not content with now closing down the last coal fired power station, then the loss of jobs at Tata Steel in Wales and Oil Jobs next year in Grangemouth their latest foot shooting moment has just arrived.  Now the way P&O dealt with some job loses a few years back wasn't great but the Transport Minister and the Deputy PM recently waded in and let's say they weren't particularly complimentary about the P&O people.  The parent company who were about to make a £1 BN investment in the London Gateway docks just pulled their investment on the basis of those comments.  Oopps.  When you've got a big investment summit coming up starting Monday that's a little naive shall we say.

I also heard that foreign investors are reviewing pulling out of owning UK businesses based on rumours of what Rachel Reeves (Chancellor) is about to do to CGT and other taxes.

The firm I used to see a lot of was a Demolition Company,  Syd Bishop & Sons (Demolition) Ltd.,  and it reminded me of their famous slogan 'Watch it Come Down'.   Well, it's interesting to "watch it come down" as these amateurs try and deal with home economics and their reputation on the world stage ought to be one of ridicule as we already know that some bandy words around about other world leaders and support the wrong side, have little or no idea about geography or local politics in far away lands and just make themselves appear ridiculous.

I see some of my lefties loving friends still stick to their old ways but are wondering why this Government aren't doing what they "promised to".  Well they didn't actually promise anything so they've delivered in spades on that.  I like that the important thing to one of the people I know is the plight of the Just Stop Oil protesters who are in jail.  Now they are there for massive disruption to the public, closing down an arterial road and many missed holidays, appointments (including Cancer treatments) and so on.  Some people died as an indirect or direct result.  If not them then those that threw paint and soup or priceless works of art.  Obviously that Van Gogh geezer was bad for the planet was he?  These aren't as he would say, just going about honestly expressing their right of opinion or their right to protest.  It's way beyond that and they have been punished accordingly.  I think they should also pay everyone's lost appointments, expenses, wasted fuel and so on.  Large businesses should take them to task - these "protesters" cause thousands of pounds of damage as they are actually vandals - they should pay for what they break not the insurance companies or the businesses.

So onward, these are the sort of people who think that this government will actually do stuff that's a Utopian dream and always will be.  These "saints" are as bad as the previous incumbents and take a bribe and are as stupid as you'd probably guess they would be.  Incompetence would be their prime skill I'd suggest.  There are no statesmen or stateswomen figures anymore.  To borrow Black Adder's words "I wouldn't trust any of them to sit the right way up on a toilet!"  

In the past you may dislike some politicians but they were people you could listen to and agree or disagree with.  I was never a great fan of Tony Benn but he was a good orator and some thing he said resonated with me.  You knew what you were getting and you understood his politics and dare I say his conviction to his cause(s).  One short speech he did that always struck me was his five questions and they are:

“What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you?”

It is a shame we no longer have politicians of integrity or indeed, of any great IQ.  They spout their learned phrases and social media chants not knowing what they mean or who they affects and now, they are getting their comeuppance.  I just love to see how they blink in the lights at their latest gaff and have no idea how they screwed up so royally.  Silly buggers the lot of them.  

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