Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Just How Effing Difficult Is It?

 We live in a lane that has one way in (unless you drive down a green lane and have the keys to the barrier at the end about a mile away.  Thirteen houses in the lane, we aren't part of the management group that looks after the houses further down the lane.  They maintain the road etc

So today, the road is closed, no notice, certainly none with the County Council that I can see.   Now, late for an appointment we are told that we should have had a text on a WhatsApp group which we are not members of.  In fact I think that four or five houses are not part of the overall management group.  Eventually after merry hell is kicked up we get through.  Call me old fashioned but perhaps a note through the door would have been polite?  I've a tanker due to deliver fuel and another delivery and OH had a meeting to go to, if I'd been meeting the Accountant I too would have been held up.

They of course said but Hey, you can go down the green lane but little did they know that too was blocked off with a set of emergency vehicles making repairs.

I am hoping that we get at least an apology for this - it's a bloody nuisance but if, as happened last time, we knew the lane was going to be closed, we could at least plan around it like parking the car elsewhere and holding deliveries back.

What a bunch of numpties and Muppets if they couldn't work out that they hadn't informed everyone - there's only 13 houses FFS!  Not even heard of the person who was meant to be organising it either, luckily I can work out who it was and where it lives.  Given what they do for a living it is surprising that they couldn't manage this simple task.  

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