Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nice - Pleased about that

I got a really nice and unexpected letter this morning - I've been made a Grand Officer in one of the Orders I am in which put a smile on my face this morning. I hadn't expected that at all.

I've spent a lot of the day sorting out my stuff and have only just realised that on Tuesday I need to have my accounts ready and they are just lying here in bits at the moment - oops. Tomorrow will have to do for them.

It is the beginning of a very busy week for me and I'm hoping to get through this and just relax a bit afterwards. There is a pretty heavy Lodge meeting coming up in a few weeks time that I need to keep an eye on but other than that I should be able to start to settle down as the rush will be over until the New Year. As someone reminded me yesterday - it is only 11 weeks to Christmas. I couldn't even begin to tell you where this year has gone!


Anonymous said...

What is a Grand Officer??


A Dived Ref said...

There are three layers:

Your Local Lodge
The Province or District you are in
The Grand Lodge up the top.

You join and become a member of your local Lodge and after going through the chair as Master you eventually become a Provincial or District Lodges - sometimes, if you are lucky you might get Grand Rank which is pretty good. It isn't like the Provincial Grand Master of course but it is very nice to be recognised this way. It is the first one I've received.