Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Here we are again. I went and had a look back to last year and that was funny - I thought that I had gone to get my blood test on Christmas Eve last year and yet the blog said it was New Year's Day? That was a bit strange as I was certain I had done Christmas Eve. Oh well - it just shows how your mind plays tricks on you.

I saw that I resolved to get healthier and lose some weight, so that happened. I'm about 15 stone 10 or 12 at the moment which is pretty good but I think that I ought to go for a lower weight in 2011. I need to get back exercising again too and to make some serious time to work and to rest.

So perhaps I'll list some resolutions:

  1. Lose some more weight gradually
  2. Get fitter and try to make exercise regular
  3. Make time for work and rest and distinguish between them
  4. Try and get a little bit better in terms of outlook (not as depressed as I get)
  5. Enjoy life a bit more

I think they are achievable. I'd like 2011 to allow me to take the business, Doddle, a little bit further than it is at the moment. The survey is coming along nicely which we need to add some real weight to our business plans and I'm getting really enthusiastic about the New Year and the work we are going to be doing in January and February to finalise the business plans and start to find finance.

Happy New Year to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Item 1) no chance
Item 2) second word is spelt with an "a" not "i"
Item 3) should be make more time for play
Item 4) you always cheer me up. Try listening to yourself :)
Item 5) enjoy life (and beer) a bit more.
Happy New Year