Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm not in the right place at the moment

I can't quite put my finger on what it is but I just want to go and shake a lot of people and tell them to "get real". Today, everyone is complaining and prattling on about something or the other. No one actually gets off of their arses and does anything about it. It is always "somebody else's problem!" It is so easy to scoff or mock and hiding behind the Internet, not using your real name you can fire off vitriol to your hearts content but all you actually do is add to the pit of bile that is building around us.

The European problems, the whole "get rich quick" culture, the entrepreneur gurus and social media experts who - lets face it - are hardly old enough to shave or have spent sufficient time in practice to be hailed experts are just leeches on today's society. If I see one more of these I feel I ought to get up, grab a baseball bat and beat said jumped up twat to a beating to within an inch of their lives. These tasteless little jumped up oiks compete well with our Euro MPs in terms of irritation - frankly watching their performance in the EU today I can understand why Thrush infects certain areas of the body. Who the hell are these people too. Can no one grab a sensible, logical and well argued stance and go and do something about this? Hell, it ain't rocket science but can someone, somewhere just stop playing around with 500Million people's lives - make a logical and practical decision and get us out of this mess? NO of course not, it isn't in their interests to do so. You can understand the exasperation of the market and also of the electorate whilst these theorists cling to their half baked ideas to bring about a United States of Europe that will never happen - vive la difference as we used to say - Greece and Germany start with the same capital letter - that is I am afraid where the similarity both starts and ends.

It is just so utterly annoying that all these small people, who act like truculent children, educated in the greatest Universities in the world can totally fail to sort out major problems because they are so deeply involved in their own vanity projects.

As I said to my business partner - if I EVER turn out to be an utter pratt like these people he had my permission to hit me really hard!

Europe is in a bad way and I'm following suit - I believed in the "idea" of Europe (A Common Market - what I expended my first free vote on), I never asked for regime change (mmm where have I heard that before) or to have sovereignty removed from us or central control of our tax and budget by unelected clerks.....

No - someone, somewhere, needs to get a large cattle prod out and zap these idiots into sorting things out. The World is looking at Europe and we need to lead by example.

Anyway, as you can imagine, being led by the Germans and French is not a good place to be at all.

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