Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Morning Not The Start I Wanted

We departed our friends at about 2:35 in the morning.  As I approached the car I realised that I was, in fact, slipping down the hill on a sheet of ice.  Not good they live on quite a slope and carrying a box to the car, trying to retain my balance in new leather soled shoes - well, you can probably piece together the slow motion of the event.

At first it was slightly amusing as I started to veer away from everyone and then as I picked up speed and moved to retain balance realised that I was going down one way or another  The fact that I hit our friends car then fell into the road beside it may have been a good thing as I didn't career into the road itself!

There was lots of concern, of course, my injured pride and the annoyance of anyone who dared thought I may have drunk too much.  However, most were concerned that I hadn't broken anything and indeed, I don't appear to have done.  I landed about as gracefully as you can falling forward with the box in front of me which broke my fall, then on my knees and hands and smacked into the wheel of the car, gutter and kerb.  

I am very lucky as I just have bruised upper left arm, slight bruise to my left thigh and on the palms of my hands, again more on the left hand.  No grazes or cuts and no broken skin anywhere.  I was singularly unimpressed that the pavements (we walk on the pavement in the UK BTW - something lost in translation somehow) were left so bad, anyone older could have a broken hip or arm.  My friend managed that last year.    We tend to forget all about people and just look after the cars.

Christmas Day has gone well although I do find it a bit tiresome being with my sister-in-laws partner.  He really is a waste of Oxygen (and I'm being nice to him).  I'm very good that I share my Christmas with him and don't get him sectioned.  I have ever met such a total waste of space and he has the social skills of an amoeba and has quite the worst manners.  However, somehow we manage to "do our bit" for the environment and I suppose it is only once  year.  Unfortunately it isn't up to me, but if it were I would have to make an exception to "goodwill to ALL men" at this time of year.  It will be my turn to host him on Sunday but there will be more of us and we can amuse ourselves taking cheap shots at him :-)  I don't mean to be cruel but he doesn't like getting dragged along and makes that quite clear.  it is only my sister-in-law who doesn't get the message.  The things I do to keep the peace :-)

Oh well - it is Christmas after all.


Anonymous said...

Bah humbug. Give the boring bloke hell. Treat yourself. You know you'll feel better for it :)

Anonymous said...

I take it you dont like your sister in laws partner


A Dived Ref said...

He is the sort of bloke who can quote train and bus numbers and all the timetables to you. He even has the nasally, nerdy voice to go with it. If he doesn't like company he could stay at home but he isn't clever enough to work that detail out for himself. Not content with not enjoying things himself he spreads his Scrooge like sentiments to all around.

I am ever so good - he really is one of those people you just want to walk over and punch for absolutely no reason at all. They just look like they need it. How he has survived this long surprises me, I'd have thought someone would have stabbed him by now!

I struggle to work out what on people like him are put here on earth for. It is a bit like Wasps - why??

Anyway - he is due here in a few hours but as I am mob handed they can perhaps keep me from thwacking him :-)

At least I like everyone else. Unsurprisingly, I'd hate to get on the wrong side of me :-)