I'm still a little stiff from my ice fall but otherwise I'm OK. Yesterday the whole family (Mrs. F's side) A and her boyfriend and the rest descended on us. The "waste of oxygen" at least managed to get through the day and to not vomit on my carpet like a few years ago so that was a result. I can't believe how much he winds me up and I'm generally very good with most people. Perhaps it is his complete disregard for others? At least I don't have to see him until the next funeral, wedding or Christmas next year!
Why people tear arising around and get stressed out just because friends are coming I have no idea. Of course they get even more stressed out when I tell them to slow down and take it easy. This sort of stressy stuff during the holidays really isn't necessary. Again we have 13 or so guests coming around this afternoon. I have slunk back here to my sanctuary to get a bit of peace and to also count to 100 before going downstairs and trying not to be flippant, sarcastic, level headed, sensible and all the other things that people who know me would realise would stress anyone else out completely. So I'm doing a bit of a United Nations bit, making a tactical withdrawal and will re-appear in time to take the plaudits or to wind Mrs. F up even more.
I'm hoping that tomorrow I can start to get some relaxing back into the Festive break. We just seem to have been on the go non stop.
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