Thursday, August 29, 2013

Reflections On A New Earth

Good grief - that was an strange and interesting book.  I can barely even tell you what it was about as it is so complex and yet so simple at the same time.  

Here is a link to Amazon and I'll let you read the reviews.  Mumbo Jumbo?  I don't think so - it's where I've been heading these past 7 years and perhaps for longer than that.  It has started to make me question and more importantly recognise what the hell has been going on in my head all this time.  It isn't an "easy read" I'd have said but in three or four days I've now read through and variously identified much in this book with my own experiences and there are some areas that I just need to go and work on.  

I'd say you need to keep an open mind to read through this and be going through some of the processes would certainly help you understand what he is driving at.

It is strange how you can relate religion and consciousness so clearly, it also answers some of the karma like stuff that has been going on in my life (still embargoed folks - sorry).  But I've got plenty to think about and discuss with my mate now I've read this.  

I've read plenty of "self help" books and yet this isn't self help as such but does give some pointers.  I've lots to think about now :-) More later! 

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