Thursday, October 14, 2010

Come on come on

I am getting impatient to get our web site together and get our branding and all our hard work seen but, as I know by now, I must follow the process and eat my own dog food. For years I had advised businesses about making business change about how to build websites and on-line banks, about software development, bidding and running work, due diligence, process, operational and management techniques and guess what? All that stuff I've been peddling for year and years..... actually works :-) It did for my customers and does for us now. How on earth could I desert the process that I put in place.

But like anyone who is waiting for a long time for their baby to be born, the wait has been many years and it isn't over yet. Our baby is already 6 months overdue but none of us was in a position to start earlier. Now we are right into the work it is a little frustrating to see it just out of reach still but it is coming along - just not as fast as we wanted.

My business partner and I had a chat last night and both of us have "friends" that are being like millstones and Harry Potter death-eaters to us. The sort of person who burdens you with their problems and drains you of your energy and loads up your system with their stress and makes you feel bad. They, on the other hand walk away with their burden lightened leaving you a positive wreck. Such is the nature of the cancer survivor's lot that whilst they are pretty tough on the outside and have been through stuff you don't really want to know about, inside they are little frailer and weaker than they will admit to you. I'm wracked with guilt sometimes about not being a friend to people and yet I'd probably not be that much use to them.

Other than that - I've been amazingly busy this week and work has been all consuming and very interesting learning about advertising, tag lines, SEO, web placement and all that good stuff. All good fun.

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