Thursday, June 06, 2013

A Few More Bits of Debris

A few bits of debris whilst going to urinate this morning but that appears to be it now.  Certainly things are looking a little clearer and hopefully that's the lot and things will be better.

I desperately want to get back into shape and do some exercise and to, in doing so, bring down my blood pressure and blood glucose and to move my weight loss on even further.  I've got to about 15 and a half stone from 18 and a half so I'm 3 stone lighter than I was in January and it's June now.  So 5 months have been really good in terms of just how good I feel and how much I've lost.  With the operation I've slowed my weight loss and I think I now need to concentrate on working to being down the nest stone or two - I haven't settled on an "ideal weight" as I don't know what that should be.  I will be working though on getting down to fit into my outfits from 6 or 7 years ago.  It is funny that I've lost weight all over my body and once again my stomach looks fat again where it appeared to have gone altogether.  My hips, waist, thigh and chest measurements have all taken a tumble and I'm pretty pleased with progress.

You Look Well

It is always nice to hear that you look well.  I have to say that I feel well and am beginning to enjoy life once again.  I've still not heard back from the Hospital and that's my only 'back of my mind' concern.

I tend to think that you 'feel' ill or not quite yourself when you've got something although I'm not sure if you can put your finger on it.  When I look back at my dad we took him to the seaside and he really wasn't his old self at all.  He was a bit dodgy on his feet and didn't walk far.  This was three years ago when Mrs. F & L were looking at Universities and A and I took my mum and dad out for a day.  We have a nice photo of them eating ice creams which is one of my favourites - it's nice to have a photographer in the family.

I don't know if then dad could have gone to the Doctor and sorted something out - it was early days and I suppose the Pancreatic Cancer wasn't detectable but I feel that was the start of it.  I remember not being quite myself but I couldn't put my finger on it even now looking back I'd have never had registered that it wasn't anything other than just stress and wanting to impress in my new job.

I guess these 'warning signs' would be useful but I guess you'd have to go and have tests and even then they may not know quite what is wrong with you.  My dad never wanted to have blood tests or anything so in some ways perhaps if he had of gone maybe things might have been slightly different - I just don't know.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Funerals - Not My Favourite

My how I hate funerals and whilst I knew a few people there today I decided to hover at the doorway of the church - the place was rammed.  I hadn't realised that the lady in question who was the landlady of the local pub had had cancer at the same time as I had but there you go and at just 9 years older than me - well - there you go - how lucky am I?

I decided to take my leave at the time that the funeral directors turned up and went to the pub and met my next door neighbour.  Interestingly he and I got onto the subject of diet and it was an interesting conversation albeit that he wanted me to start having fruit juice and probiotic yoghurts which I'll never do :-)  

I'm off out tonight to the Jazz night and I'm looking forward to that.  I'm also looking forward to completing my year as Master of my Lodge this Saturday - I can then concentrate on work, income and making myself feel well!

Well Still Some Blood In There

Not everything is clear and I can still see blood in my urine on occasions, which is distressing but perfectly normal as the scabs come off and the bladder repairs itself.  The bladder is a muscle and so I imagine as it is in constant states of expansion and contraction it can't be easy to heal the gaping wounds where the biopsies were taken.

Still heard nothing and so I'm hopeful that it isn't going to be bad news.
 Been out to a funeral today but didn't set into the wake at the pub in the village - decided to go to the other pub which is still much nicer.  Met my next door neighbour who had a lung removed (Lung Cancer) and we have a long chat about diet, cancer, drink and so on!  

I'm off out again tonight to the Jazz night but need to load up on food as it is close to 4 p.m. and I ate at 9:30!!

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Looks to have cleared up

Nothing quite as distressing as seeing your urine come out like red wine or in the final part of urinating actually deep red.  Yuk - but there's one thing to do at this point in time and that's to drink water, lots of water (and coffee in my case) to wash through the bladder as thoroughly as you can and to also not do too much else.  After about 18 hours, things have settled down with a final expelling of clots and bits - definately a ewwww moment I'd say.  I have now had two clear urinations and I hope that it the lot.  

I will continue to drink water for the rest of the day and see how things go.  I kind of remember something like this but it is some time ago since I had biopsies.  The one thing I won't be doing quickly is getting back onto my exercise bike and power plate!  I wouldn't mind but that activity brought down my Blood Pressure readings last night and this morning to acceptable levels.  I know that it does this as when I was last doing this regularly I got some good readings and now I'm so much lighter it is easier to do as well.  I just need to wait a short while before going back to the exercise!

Glad that things have cleared up a bit and that lots of debris and bits are now outside and no longer inside my bladder.  Let's hope that this is the lot now.

Whoa... Claret Time

How soon you forget what it is like to be urinating blood!  I had a rather large clot earlier today and noticed I had very high blood in my urine when I tested with the urine strips.  I'd had some clots come out last week too.  However I hadn't really expected this evening's episode.

I felt quite good today and decided to cut the grass using a hand mower and then I did 20 minutes cross trainer work with a few high impact bursts followed by 5 minutes on the power plate.  

As the evening wore on I had a slight burning sensation and went to the toilet and had a stream of blood and bits firing out in the urine stream.  I set about drinking lots of water to alleviate this and so far, I've been about 5 maybe 6 times and on each occasion have had blood and bits coming out :-(  I'd totally forgotten about this part of the process although I guess I've probably shaken these loose through doing some heavy exercise.  I just now need to keep hydrated and just be careful.

It is so annoying as I really wanted to get back to exercising in some sort of structured way and had just worked out that to do this I could do exercise at the end of a working day say three or four times as week.  I really want to now concentrate on exercise and fitness and starting to bring my weight down even more so that I can also bring down my blood pressure and also to bring down my blood glucose levels too.  These areas are the next step along the way to a healthier lifestyle and to getting myself under control.  I realised that I need to move away from my existing habits as well and mowing the lawn was another step to breaking routines and starting to move my life forwards.

I'm sure that this urine problem will go away in a short space of time and will calm down.  I just need to hold off the exercise - I've done this before with exactly the same outcome - I'd have thought that it would be OK by now but of course, I've no idea how big these cuts in my bladder were but I can see that I could easily have dislodged them.  The amazing thing is how far a little blood actually goes - you don't need much to make things look pretty horrible and pretty disgusting.  Because it is so unusual or unnatural it still takes my breath every time I urinate and it certainly makes me feel rough.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Urine Tests

I've restarted testing today - after my mum was here and all the furore of the visit the last thing I wanted to do was to be leaping in and out doing too many tests and check.  I was a bit shocked though to see that the blood scale was very high today, that was until I went to the toilet and passed a few large clots of blood which must be from some of the larger biopsies that they took.  Hopefully I will have trace readings for a few days and then hopefully, once again, these will go away.  

It is amazing that you can see the Ketones kick in when on the diet and these generally mean that the body is burning up some fat and that's good - you have to be careful though and make sure it isn't anything more disturbing.  Interestingly, since I've been recording my Urine I've never had any glucose in my urine which is good news.  

My blood readings were a little higher than I'd have like this morning but still way within boundaries for being non diabetic.  Again I've had a couple of high readings and these tend to be associated with "cheat day" or "dieters gone wild" the one day a week that I can eat just about anything I want.  Interestingly I have scaled this back as I don't like the rough feeling I get the next day.  I also took a suggestion from Steve Kelley in which he suggested that the day after you could skip breakfast and make it like a fasting day.  That seemed to work fine yesterday and I only felt hungry around 2 pm when I then had lunch.  


Quiet weekend after a hectic week last week - I re-read Friday night's blog and pulled it as it was a little too raw and to the bone.  I took the weekend off and enjoyed a good cheat day that actually started on Friday night.  Interestingly my Blood Glucose readings were a lot higher which I can only attribute to the sticky bun, bread and other goodies I had on Saturday.  Interestingly they had been low during the week leading up to Saturday and so I can quite easily see the impact of these sugary, carbohydrate fuelled excesses.

In so many ways I'm starting to settle into a lifestyle which keeps my blood glucose low and the only concern I really have is that my blood pressure is a little higher than I'd like.  Exercise will I am certain bring that down and start to help bring my weight down a lot more.  I have managed to do well and I'm now 3 stone lighter than I was in January and boy do I feel good for that.  I even managed to get up a ladder and do some DIY work at high level for my father-in-law on Sunday sorting out some soffit boards that needed rubbing down and painting.  I need to do a bit more on that later this week.   

I've made some more clarified butter which I tend to use to make scrambled eggs and cook things like Spinach and the like with.  I am now getting to a point where commitments on my time are getting less and I can start to put effort into sorting out business and getting things turned around.  Typically as soon as I find something to do there are three or four other things hovering around for me to do.  Goodness knows why this always appears to happen?  It is noise and distraction but I will just have to work my way through them to see if they have any substance.  I somehow don't see that they have much relevance on my future but you never know.

Interestingly I haven't heard back from the Hospital as of yet.  I guess that means good news and nothing to worry about?  I do hope so.  I'm still recovering a bit from the surgery - I still have the mark on the back of my hand from the cannula and it is still a little tender.  

The sun is out, it is a little warmer (we've had one of the coldest winters in years - some Ski resorts are still open in Europe and it's June!) so that lifts spirits and makes me feel good.  Time to see if I can stuff some Vitamin D into my body with a bit of sun exposure.  

Friday, May 31, 2013

Another Day Up In Town

It is amazing how many people think about me for projects they are working on but nothing comes of them.  Two in the past two days and both "may" come off.  Of course the problem is with these things that invariably they don't actually materialise and I get involved only to find that the work goes away or just doesn't appear at all.

Both these jobs sound great, right up my street but I'm uncertain whether I want to get involved anyway as I've only just got the other business under way - although it will take some months I believe to be ready to trade.  

I'm back up to London for the second day in a row - I certainly hope I'm not catching the 00:56 train back again like I did last night.  Goodness knows where all the time went last night we were having a good old natter as I guess we hadn't met for 10 years or more!  I certainly don't want to drink as much as I did as well - goodness knows I like Red Wine but could have done without bottle three appearing at dinner....  No after effects thank goodness although goodness knows I should at least have had a sore head but somehow I don't.  Tonight it should be a little less boozy.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tragic news from a fellow BC survivor

Steve Kelley is a fellow Bladder Cancer survivor and blogger and we are bonded together through our diagnosis and experiences and the Internet through our blogs.  We share messages of support and advice and we are good friends that have never actually spoken on a phone or met in real life.  I pop into see his site regularly but today was the tragic news that his parents had perished in a car crash on the 28th May. 

These are Steve's words:


My parents both perished in a single-vehicle automobile crash this evening. They were in relatively good health for a couple near 80 years old. The entire family is in shock. It will be some time before the blog is updated again."

I hope you will join with me in offering prayers and thoughts for Steve, his wife and their wider family as words completely fail me at the moment.  I remember how I felt when I lost my dad but I had almost a year to prepare for that and so I really cannot imagine how this feels.  I am comforted by the fact that Steve's church and faith are strong and I am certain they will help them come to terms with and deal with this terrible tragedy.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Exercise - Two Four Letter Words Joined Together :-)

No one actually likes exercise do they?  I certainly don't but I got back onto the Cross Trainer today and did a 20 minute workout.  Interestingly it didn't feel too bad I guess because I'm probably lighter than I've been for years.  I actually fit back into stuff from when I was first diagnosed - well almost - a few pairs of trousers are a little tighter than I remember them but at least the jackets and shirts now fit and half of my pairs of trousers.  

I now need to work in a routine of at least 3 exercise drills a week and also I will aim to get my vibration plate workout in as well giving me aerobic exercise on the Cross Trainer and Anaerobic on the plate.  

I did my blood sugars from yesterday and they are all pretty good in and around 5.1 or 5.2 before and after meals (2 hours after) and I'm happy with that sort of level.  I'd be happier with 4 or so but they aren't as frequently recorded.  It is surprising how quickly you get used to stabbing your finger and taking readings.

A Quick Replanning Exercise

With the 3 months freelance working going away I am back to the drawing board this morning.   I need to advance my efforts by three months which I was hoping to use as thinking, planning and building time.  Oh well, these things happen.  It was a nuisance though.  

I was planning to start in two weeks once I've got all that is currently on my plate out of the way.  I think that I'll make that date the beginning of my new direction and see where I go from there.  What I can start to do is clear the decks and get ready to organise my office.  I can get rid of lots of old junk and stuff I no longer need.  

In some ways I'm lucky having undertaken some research last year - I can reuse that.  I've now purchased the company name and I already have the web sites and so just need to build the business plan an hone it to allow me to launch the business and hopefully have it up and running by around September or October.  A steep ask but I think it is doable.  

I can also aim to build the changes to my routine and build exercise into that too.  

Turn Again

My goodness - it's gone 2 in the morning and I've just got back from a really great evening.  Just seen for the 2nd time the Zombies and for the 5th or 6th time Colin Bluntstone.  All a bit last minute and I'd already been for a "few wines" at lunchtime.

It was a great evening and even better we then went on for some more drinks and had a great time ranting on about the bands of the 70s and 80s.  

The downside and bummer is that the potential contract I had for 3 months has subsided into nothingness :-(  Not a good end to a great evening.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Interesting Comment

I dropped my mum off and she got home safely after a good weekend.  She seemed to have enjoyed herself and so that's good.  I got a call from my business partner and we went to the local pub for a few drinks and to have a spot of lunch.  I was able to ask for a salad and that was great - very enjoyable.  Chef asked if I was on a diet as he did reckon I'd lost a lot of weight.  I then realised that I'd actually lost close to 3 stone so far since January which is pretty good.  I've still got about that to go I think to be really around the weight I'd like.  Nice of him to notice and also nice of him to fix me a salad for my lunch.

Over the weekend I finally got to fit back into my posh shirts and Mrs. F. has brought out some old clothes that I might now be able to fit into!  Who knows :-)  

My business partner was telling me his story of the job he started not too long ago and the idiot he had to work for who it appears lied to him about having a full time role.  It is shocking that these sorts of people hold office in big companies.  So my mate is now out of contract - although I smell that there is more to come from my understanding of the contract and the agreements that were made.  He was feeling that something was wrong from day one.  Now he is fully aware that there is.  Good thing that he's pretty much tuned in to what was happening from early on.  Frankly I'd have smashed ten bells of sh1t out of the guy :-)  But then that's me I have a very low tolerance level for dickheads.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Preparing for normality

I have to say that the last 7 years have been incredibly up and down and I've managed to hit the highs and lows emotionally and it doesn't help when there is an inherent lack of stability in your life and in addition, it isn't the only thing that's destabilizing things.  Cancer is one huge iceberg to hit and the blow it delivers to your self-confidence is amazing.  

I sat down and watched the HBO series 'Pacific' which was a present (of my request) for Christmas - it is equally as harrowing as Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan (all made by the same people).  The last episode features one of the "heroes" returned from the war who just wasn't ready to return to civilian life.  These men had been through an unimaginable hell only glimpsed at in the film and you can only begin to start to appreciate the Post Traumatic Stress they were going through.  In one breath I cannot compare myself to them but in another perhaps I can for the stress of having Cancer does wear you down emotionally and physically.  It isn't until after the event, when you rest, when your breathing comes back to normal, when the irrational fears subside and when you can apply some cold logic to your situation and spend quiet time that the enormity of it all hits you.

The Tsunami of depression or perhaps it may be a complete lack of energy and a leaning to be introverted and silent and uncommunicative.  It can be the opposite making up for things by exploding into extrovert behaviour for the benefit of your friends and family over compensating for how crap you actually feel by doing the opposite.  All of these and many, many more are part of the journey and not everyone will be the same.  Not everyone will "think" about it or even 
consider it.  Not everyone will look to fight and change their lives and some will succumb and lay over and die.

For something like 5 years now I've been clear of Cancer and apart from these two false positives life's been sort of OK with working at the Charity and then on our Venture (now sadly closed through lack of imaginative funding).  Now I've got to work out where to go and what to do and like the soldier, I've spent some time just not wanting to do anything at all.  I can't seem to get my head around returning to civilian life and drudgery and wage slave status as it all seems somewhat pointless having come through a life changing event I wanted to do something worthwhile.  In many ways I could still be at the Charity and settled in a 9-5 but that isn't me.  

Once this weekend is out of the way and I have something I must sort out in early June then I need to prepare to be normal again - it's a big step though and the last thing I am any more is normal.  

Stand By - Mum's Coming Over

This time last year I was up to see my dad on and off and of course, it was the end of the business too and all very distressing.  We went to the Hotel for the meal and I think I may have gone off just after that.  It is coming up a year in July when Dad passed away and I'm really very pleased that mum has got on with things and she is getting out and about and tomorrow she comes down to stay with us for a few days and will come with me to the dinner at the Spa Hotel.  Needless to say, it will be her first experience of anything like this and I've been in Freemasonry for 30 years.  My dad never travelled well and wasn't a great socialiser and didn't particularly enjoy dressing for dinner or any of that fuss.

It will be nice to have mum for a few days and we have the Bank Holiday too so it will make a nice weekend which is just long enough (for both of us).  I pick her up tomorrow from the Ebbslfeet International Station - it is great as she can get off at Kings Cross and walk to the next station and get on a train that takes a less time than it does for me to drive there from London. Amazing High Speed 1 Javelin Trains.

I may write less with her around as her room is opposite my office :-)  I'm feeling a little sore today around my middle - I guess internal bruising and readjustments going on.  At least it isn't painful more uncomfortable I guess.  I printed off the first week's blood glucose tests and will probably do a few more over the coming days.  They appear to be in the right order.  My Blood pressure is a different matter altogether as it isn't as low as it has been but it still isn't bad.  It compares to last year's readings and things haven't got worse but I was expecting a lowering with this diet I'm on.  Perhaps I just need to bring in some more exercise.  If I get this job I'll certainly be able to do plenty of exercise in walking to and from the stations and the work and home locations - around 3 to 4 miles a day I think.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blood Testing

6 or more years ago you'd have found me not ever wanting to give up my blood willingly or without a fight :-)  These days I take measurements myself and don't think much of it at all.

I'm taking a series of measurements so that I can "discuss" with my GP whether or not they'd like to get around to telling me something that the Hospital know and that I've only just found out through them at my last pre-assessment.  That is that they wrote to the Hospital very early on in my treatment so around about 6 or 7 years ago telling the Hospital that I was a Type 2 diabetic controlled by diet.  In many ways this came as a shock because all they told me to do was to lay off the very high amounts of fruit I was consuming at the time.  I'd regularly have Grapefruit, Oranges, Apples, Grapes, Apricots and Pears daily and the hit it was giving me would give my body problems.  I hadn't been eating that way for long but had been told to eat healthily and up my fruit and vegetable intake.  Knowing what I know now, how wrong was that?!

So after I was told not to eat excessive fruit or I "MIGHT" end up Diabetic I duly went home and changed my diet accordingly.  Of course, it still wasn't anything like I am on these days but even so it was a major shift.  Quite what made my GP write to the Hospital and not tell me is beyond me.  I also know that I'm not in denial or some other process blanking this out because Mrs. F. came along with me that day and we spoke to the Doctor together. In fact I do miss him as he was very nice and seemed to be genuinely concerned about how we were coping mentally as well as physically but I digress. 

However, the dangerous thing here is that for a further 5 or 6 years I've happily gone on in the belief that I had a scrape with being Diabetic based on some unhealthy healthy eating kick and yet if I was truly Diabetic then I should have been being careful with what I ate for all that time.

So far, the measurements I have taken all bear out that my blood glucose is in the normal range and whilst I've had one marginal reading it was the morning after cheat day where I had two meals and plenty of drink during the day all normally off my 6 days a week diet.  I haven't done every meal - that's complete overkill but I do switch it around to say do breakfast and evening meal or fasting overnight and lunchtime.  The process to get a drop of blood is pretty straightforward and the machine is simple to use.  I log everything down on a spreadsheet and let it go from there.

I'm still monitoring my Urine pH levels and have been fascinated with seeing the trace blood count in that.  There is no Glucose whatsoever which is good.  My blood pressure isn't exactly where I want it but it is within tolerance.  I'd like it to be lower and perhaps when I get a bit more active next week it will be.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bit Of A Wordy Last Post

I hadn't intended it to be quite as long a tome as that :-)  I got a bit carried away with all the stuff going around in my head.  

Of course what "does my head in" as they say colloquially here is that on the two occasions when I've had a false positive I've actually reacted to each by assuming that I did have a recurrence and it's been quite destabilising for me on both episodes.  I remember stepping up my Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese regime from once or twice a week to every day.  I noticed that I looked seriously at my current diet to see whether I'd do something stupid in that department and on this most recent repeat decided that Bacon was the bad guy although, of course, if there is no recurrence, then that's a conclusion that I shouldn't have made.  Mind you, I did review the evidence and have made it sufficiently worrying so that I don't have it regularly any more.  I will certainly just have it occasionally and sparingly there are plenty of other things to eat.  Although let's face it the taste of Bacon is great. 

I've had a few flecks of the biopsy scabs fire out today so expect a few more tomorrow and hopefully that will be the end of it.  I'd forgotten how long it takes for everything to "rearrange" itself after the operation, it still feels tender and slightly uncomfortable.  Nevertheless, this is still looked on with the Silver Lining that I'm 99% certain that there was no cancer there.  The thing that threw me this time was definitely the drawing of a tumour on the bladder diagram they use here.  It might be more useful if they'd use a TV and take a photo you'd have thought?  Perhaps a conversation I can have with my Consultant?

My mum is arriving on Thursday for the long weekend and she is coming to my final fling as Master of my Lodge when we will be hosting a lunch for around 120 or more people at the Spa Hotel in Tunbridge Wells.  It is a lovely venue and I am looking forward to it greatly as we will have the girls with us as well as some very good friends.  I think I might end up having a bit of a wobbly cheat day on Sunday and perhaps on the Saturday - it depends who is home and what we end up doing.

Scientific Process

Richard Feynman  was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics.  I recall listening to him some years ago, he is no longer with us unfortunately.  

Here is the clip of what I remember:

"In general we look for a new law by the following process. First we guess it. Then we compute the consequences of the guess to see what would be implied if this law that we guessed is right. Then we compare the result of the computation to nature, with experiment or experience; compare it directly with observation, to see if it works.
It’s that simple statement that is the key to science. It does not make any difference how beautiful your guess is. It does not make any difference how smart you are, who made the guess, or what his name is. If it disagrees with experiment it is wrong."

I kind of wonder about today's science and these stories that come about.  There seems to be a leaning towards consensus science and a move away from being challenged and your theory torn apart by your peers.  Surely good science can stand up to peer review, to experimentation and surely good science actually holds water, experiments can be repeatable.  Today you see modelling using computers and their results taken as Gospel and defended with religious zealotry as if they are real results.  You only have to look at the behaviour of "climate scientists" to see how they take any criticism of their work and resort to a public outburst and call people's authority to doubt and bring free speech and the scientific process (see above) into question.  

I read something the other day that some Rabbits had been fed meat and they had developed cancer and that this result was posted (I haven't been able to find it again) and published.  Now I'm no scientist but aren't Rabbits Herbivores and if you feed them things they aren't designed to eat or digest well it sure to have a bad affect on them.  Is this good science?  I suppose we needed to know that but really does it have any bearing on meat consumption in humans?  I think not but it was being bandied about as another reasons we should all become vegetarians which, is a lifestyle choice and not what our bodies are designed to be.  I've no problem with anyone deciding to do this but we are Omnivores and need vegetables and meat in our diet - that's what we are designed to eat and it sort of makes sense to put the right things into our bodies.  I could do the petrol and oil and water in a car analogy I suppose but hopefully you get the picture.  

Then there are other things out there and it all seems to me to be "Stating the Bleeding Obvious" then there are few holistics studies and then there are the statistical anomalies.  Surely if you do an experiment on 6 people in 3 months it doesn't point to long term trends and isn't actually meaningful in the overall scheme of things.  Stuff just doesn't appear to be thought through these days.  

Trying to find data that isn't statistically played with and also trying to find the good information from the bad take a lot of time.  As they said in the X-Files "The Truth is out there".  It probably is, it just takes ages to find it and then you need to read through a number of times to make sure that you've read what you thought you read and that the science holds together.

The food debate goes on and so much that I read is at variance.  One day something is good for you the next day it is bad.  I like the idea of looking back to see what we ate years ago and to try and replicate that now.  Then you'll see someone stating that people didn't live that long back in history and again why was that?  Surely our bodies are designed for more than just a couple of decades usage.  I thought it interesting to read that major problems such as heart disease and diabetes, tooth decay and obesity were unheard of hundreds of years ago.  It was only when we started to develop a taste for sugars and complex carbohydrates that things appear to have started to go wrong with our bodies. 

With so much obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer around these days one has to wonder is it to do with our lifestyle, our food or is it something else.  I've mentioned Occam's Razor before and it helps to choose some of the interpretations include:

"If you have two theories that both explain the observed facts, then you should use the simplest until more evidence comes along"

"The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations."

"If you have two equally likely solutions to a problem, choose the simplest."

"The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct."

So what do I think it is likely to be?  It has to be to do with diet and lifestyle.  Diet more than anything appears to me to hold the key to this.  We have been led to believe that a diet that some call "balanced" is right for us.  I see it like feeding meat to Rabbits we are eating a lot of the wrong things (possibly as we believe it to be for the right reasons) and we perceive these things to be healthy for us.   Bread, Potatoes, Pasta and Rice.  Our mothers knew that these made us put on weight.  They fatten up livestock on this sort of stuff :-)  We all know that sugar is bad for us but we consume huge quantities unknowingly as it is trapped in most of our food in one form or the other (I'm not going to play Carbohydrates and Sugar as the same at the moment).  Fruit which is sold as incredibly good for us is just loaded with Fructose and there are few fruits that you can consider your friend.  Man has never had so much fruit available nor had it out of season.  Additionally this fruit has been so bred by the growers to contain more sugar and less fibre so that a sugar dependent public will regularly buy them.

Think back to the days when fruit and vegetables were in season.  You only got apples in autumn and vegetables were seasonal.  You could get some things year round but very few.  Some days you went hungry and that's when your mum would feed you a bit of bread and dripping or you'd have Jam sandwiches.  You had sugar as a treat not as a staple.  Most of the stuff we ate was meat and two veg but only once a day.  These days you can easily get three cooked full meals a day and that's what they call a balanced diet and eating regularly!  Really?  Surely we aren't designed to eat three times (or more) a day?  Nor at each meal to eat a balanced diet, we must have eaten what we gathered or hunted for?  We didn't have the benefit of Sodas and fruit juices, exotic fruit available from the supermarket around the corner.   Today's society is one of plenty and high availability - I'm old enough to remember shortages of staple food in the 1970s and so everywhere you look you can find food.  Fast food, out of season food and stuff from just about anywhere and everywhere.  Processed foods are perhaps the major concern.  I've found that things you wouldn't expect have High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS or perhaps sugar on its own or wheat flour and other undesirable things which "hook" us and make us wanting more.  I could hardly believe that mustard and Worcestershire Sauce contained sugar as do most pickles and some with HFCS and that's here in the UK.

I started off by looking at scientific process and have strayed a bit off subject but what I've been trying to look at is the phenomenon of "Settled Science"  we are told to have carbohydrates and fruit as an integral foundation of our diet.  Meat and Fat are demonised and yet these are the very things it appears we are designed to eat as the foundation of our diet, our carbohydrates coming from vegetables and very few fruits (certainly not fruits as we know them today).  Seeds and berries were seasonal and not available every day to us.  There is plenty of evidence that the way we eat today is leading to the modern diseases such as diabetes and obesity and heart disease and cancers.  There are whole industries set up to feed our bodies things that aren't naturally good for us and there are other industries whose job it is to provide remedies for those of us affected by these diseases. 

Surely addressing the root cause of these would be the way to do.  If you could look to diet and change it sufficiently to bring down the instances of these diseases that would be a good thing for humanity right?  Perhaps it is not a good thing for the businesses who may deliver the problem in the first place and those who treat (but don't sure) the symptoms......

Just saying :-) 

Cancer & Diet

Oh dear....  Here is a link to a Podcast from Radio 4 (thanks Gary H).  It is about 13.5Mb and is 28 minutes long.  Some of this is interesting but some I find a bit concerning - especially this fallacy of a balanced diet.  I think that some of the stuff in the Podcast still isn't actually right as I tend to believe that we (as a species) haven't evolved to be able to eat fruit that isn't seasonal - you can get bananas all year round as you can many fruits.  

Grains are also available year round but have only been for a small fraction of our time on earth.  Processed carbohydrates and man made foods have also only been around for a very short time - perhaps 70 years or so.  Man has been on the earth for, it is thought, around 2,500,000 years and evolved through eating a high protein base diet which helped build large brains and so bring about intelligence and as time went on language and great motor skills.  Man is a hunter gatherer and existed on his ability to hunt game and live off the land.  The better he was the more he ate but you can imagine that often man would go hungry and that there would be famine and feast times.  Crops of berries and fruits and grains and vegetables would only be available in season and these would be a supplement to not part of the day to day diet.  

The 5.2 diet is gaining traction as it tries to replicate something that is somewhere akin to the natural diet of man.  My 4HB diet is also similar in some ways too emphasising the use of proteins and vegetables in the diet but removing all man made processed and non natural foods as possible.  

As I've often said my Doctors are great at treating the cancer and getting rid of it.  They only ever told me to "eat healthily" and then I had to ask what I could do.  They treat the disease and no one considers where diet has any bearing.  In fact, it is only my own desire to never want to get cancer again and to do everything in my power to make myself better and to keep myself well.  

The more I investigate the more I firmly believe that our modern lifestyle and diet are major contributory factors towards modern diseases such as Diabetes, Cancers and Obesity are somehow linked to the availability of food to us these days, the production of processed foods and the prevalent inclusion of carbohydrates in our diet.  Now - I'm no doctor or specialist I can only put my beliefs down to the results of my investigations and added some logic to those arguments tabled.  

I find that people still thinking that bread and cereal, pasta and potatoes can be called healthy is somewhat concerning.  This stuff is all sold as healthy.  Have a read of the label and suddenly it doesn't look that good.  You have to buy into the marketing that eating processed carbohydrates can be anything other than damaging in the long term.  

Much of my early efforts to eat healthily led to me firmly believing that carbohydrates and fruits were the way to go after all they are the base of the food triangle they show and our Government peddle on the TV etc.  What happened was that I overdid the fruit and the carbohydrates and pushed myself to pre-diabetic blood-glucose levels and was warned off these.  The annoying thing is that this is standard knowledge and balanced diets show a heavy leaning towards fruit, cereals and grains and vegetables (not all good ones) and meat and the like are very low down the order.  What is wrong here?

I'm not going to put all the answers over in one blog post but I do think that the way that we can now have plentiful food available to us does make us overeat - we feel hungry we just go to the cupboard or to the shop and we aren't hungry anymore.  Before we'd have to wait until we caught or found something and perhaps sometimes we would gorge ourselves on it.  The true use of insulin and fat storage can then be seen when you can't use all the food you have, you can store a bit and use it when times were a little harder.  We live in the land of Eden where we have a never ending supply of food but really is that a good thing?  More musings later.  Enjoy the podcast although some parts didn't ring true of me but I would like to see more work and advice available.

I also need to think through my views on some food stuffs - like Bacon and processed meats again - especially as I vilified them because I thought my recurrence (which wasn't) may have been through eating them.   Another post on that once I've thought it through.