I was struck with the general level of ignorance I see and read these days. There's plenty of comments that are Trolling but there are also some very strange people out there. People commenting on the car crash that is the UK economy appear to be caught in some sort of time loop and think that we are back in the 70s and 80s. Those who think that other people should pay more taxes whilst they don't have to. Those who think that after 50 years I'm not entitled to my pension that I've paid for. They think it is a benefit and it should be removed? Strange. They think that ruining children's education is OK as it makes a point about toffs being sent to private schools! Amazing, some of my friends went with bursaries and some their parents scrimped and saved to pay for their child's education. Why is that bad? Having said that, reading the stupidity of the comments, we can guess that they probably played truant if indeed they were educated.
There's a parochial view of the world here and they don't appear to see how things actually are and how the world works and how in our case capitalism benefits us all. This pathetic outlook on life is alarming and one wonders how they actually get through day to day living at all? They don't appear to have worked out that all these thumping taxes will increase their own finances when they filter through. Stuff costs more than the 3 or 4% inflationary figure that our state broadcaster would have us believe. In 4 years I reckon my bills have doubled, yes doubled, go and check out what you were paying in 2019 and compare. Who did they think was going tp pay for all the handouts and freeloaders? They think it is business! We already know that if you run a business you need to work out how you run it in the face of all these overarching overburdening government regulations and taxes. The consumer pays, the consumer always pays. But no, these Muppets want to continue to pile regulations and taxes, rates etc and think that the business will just absorb it all.
Meanwhile, go and look at the BRICS economies and wonder to yourselves how come they can make something and ship it to me for less than half of the price I can buy it for retail? I purchased a Magnetron for less than £12 shipped all the way from China (including shipping). OK they didn't protect the package properly so it arrived in pieces but how can you do that and make a profit at it for £12? We could barely ship it in the UK for that price. So how are they doing that? Well the great and good don't want heavy stuff in out country you know like mining or obtaining the raw materials, making things in factories and so on, really NIBBY types. We have such high energy prices (some of the highest in the world) that we cannot actually compete that way, nor with people, again a high cost and all the regulations associated with that we cannot do it and to remain green we shift it all and now fully rely on other countries. I was watching a programme where the costs of goods is so cheap and why it was like that.
These do-gooders have destroyed what economy we had. We no longer have any leverage in the world and we are no longer "Great" Britain. It's sad to see that these people seem to think there is a government money tree somewhere. There is no government money at all, it is OUR money. People are happy to sling mud around about Brexit, Taxes and Big State and yet they have no idea what that actually means. Does the Public Sector actually generate income or do they spend our money? There's no willingness on anyone's behalf to counter this death spiral of economic and societal decline either. There appears to me to be whole areas of the country that are marginalised where people are trapped in a system that makes them poorer and is difficult to escape from. Inflation is eroding incomes and prices are going up with little wage growth (excepting public sector and government favourites). Fiscal drag is applied by not moving tax thresholds, employment is slowing as extra taxes are levied to employ people and many businesses will just close down operations, not hire or do something else and pass on the costs to consumers. In the words of Monty Python "Is this anyway to run a ****** ballroom?" (or was it Derek and Clyde?).
I've been looking for the ROI data on plastic straws. So worrying was it to the environmentalists that it was deemed necessary to do away with them so that we could save the planet. I'd guess that it would probably save the planet from warming by 0.00000000000000000000000001 degree but no on can tell me. The increased costs and you now need to often get a second straw as the paper ones (wrapped in plastic and coated in plastic) go soggy very quickly thereby doubling the number of straws required.
Anyway, this rant is really aimed at those who wave their arms around, want to be controlled by the government blob, being told what to do and when they can do it etc. They really need to do some research before opening their gobs. Every time they do they show that they are willing to sacrifice their fellow citizens for their own end. Of course, they unwittingly also end up going down the same plug hole they've created for everyone else.
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