Monday, January 27, 2025

Can't Get Away From All This Doom And Gloom

 It's a case of new day new f**k up by someone or other in the government.  Today it's more grabs on dead people's estates from the thieving bastards.  Essentially the way they implement taxes it's downright theft and bayoneting the wounded and dead bodies after the battle is the low stooped to by this feckless bunch of politicians.  

Councils are declaring a 114 so that they can charge way more than they were allowed to under the law.  Some of these are looking to charge 15% or more.  Councils are charging us more but delivering us less and less.  I see no improvements to services and all I do see is our money spunked away on traffic schemes that didn't work and needed to be changed back again.  Costly gold plated pensions schemes and of course there's always plenty of money to spend on DEI and wokery too.  

The County council are delaying our right to vote and want to become a unitary council which is ridiculous considering how large our county actually is.  There's mounting anger with it all and I hope that it will end very badly for the main political parties.  I fear the country will go to the dogs to start with but somehow this has all got to end.  I said before about the tail wagging the dog and the 1% or 2% makes so much noise that they get their way when the vast majority do not.  It's time to change it and make this nonsense go away.  

When they started to ease discipline in school and then forced the unruly kids to stay on dragging down the good ones it was as if they wanted everyone to be dumbed down. I can understand that dumb and stupid are excellent qualifications for a politician but not for many of us who held responsible jobs.  If I didn't do my job correctly people could have died.  Do you think that being a dumb fool would be a defence in that case?

I knew this government would be bad but they are really going to town with the complete lack of direction, planning or coherent policies.  I imagine that they are only given crayons to write with in case they injure themselves.   That's is they haven't banned buying crayons from Amazon this morning!  Believe me, that wouldn't surprise me in the nanny shut the stable door after the horse has bolted world they frequent.  The deflection and misdirection going on is pathetic, childlike and so obvious that even stupid people can see through it and call it out.  It's like listening to a class load of prepubescent 12 year olds arguing over who their favourite pop star is and then when called to order by the teacher explain that they were discussing the subject they were meant to be studying.

I watch as they stagger from one f**k up to another, stumbling over the rotten corpse of the last lie they told and digging themselves every deeper into a pit of lies.  Painting themselves into a corner of moral ineptitude and financial naiveity that is almost beyond belief.  It's like a kid who can't add up being given £20 pocket money and being let loose in a gaming shop.  It will all end in tears when the sums don't add up.

Reminds me of one of the phrases on my desk that I used to say was about me "His men would follow him anywhere, mainly out of curiosity"  

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