"They've all got it in for me!" (So said Kenneth Williams as Emperor Julius Caesar in the 1964 film Carry on Cleo).
And so it felt this morning as my altered plans were once again,.... altered. Rain stopped play or a I was going to do continue stripping out the English Ivy from our hedgerow. It's been raining since the early hours and that's a nuisance as I really wanted to get as much cleared as possible to plant the hedging plants I've bought. We have a selection of Hawthorn, Dog Rose, Dog Wood, Beech, Silver Birch and Holly which should fill in the gaps of the hedge nicely.
But there you go, it's just wet and horrible out there and no signs of clearing up anytime soon.
Well at least the Six Nations Rugby starts tonight and I've been a bit naughty by buying some beers to watch it with. It hasn't been a totally dry January but I did finish off all the Christmas beer before the New Year - the fallout though is that there's been so much food left over that I have only just got back onto my carnivore diet. I haven't put on a lot of weight but it is noticeable that I've put on a little. Hopefully this year I can set to and lose a lot more.
The current government are just a nasty sad bunch of losers. They behave like spoiled children in parliament and the education secretary needs, well, to put in mildly, an education and to learn some manners. She comes across as a disgusting poison mouthed common piece of sh1t.
Oh well, has anoyne seen through the extra runways and tunnels nonsense yet? Huge capital projects that probably wont see the light of day until I have shuffled off this mortal coil. Just smoke and mirrors to deflect from the self inflicted, near mortal wound, dealt to the country by a budget that's probably been written by AI and peer reviewed by a child.
Being dealt a 20% increase in our water bill was a bit bad yesterday considering half of our town has been without water for days due to a power cut! Where the hell do they think we are going to get that sort of money from given all the other increases we have just suffered?
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