Our cowardly politicians are the modern version of Roman Nero in my humble opinion. They do not tackle the problems we have far less understand them and they lack the basic skills and the courage to actually do anything about the societal problems we face. So long have they ignored either willingly, by design or they just don't have the wit to truly comprehend the trouble we face that we are now painted into a corner of woke ideology and the sort of problems that abounded prior to the second world war, that of appeasement. The trouble is it is appeasement to the minority at the detriment of the majority. Like Nero they p1ss off the vast majority of the population appealing to a small minority mainly by giving our hard earned money to those who don't deserve it and squander it.
They show no leadership skills, certainly no backbone, no shame, no cognitive understanding and no ability to work out right from wrong!
Such is the shower of sh1t we have been dealt in the last 20 or so years, very few, if any, statesmen like politicians, poor decision making, no real understanding of risk and reward, investment opportunities are black money holes and they speak big and act small. The latest "triumph" for our Chancellor in her visit to China was to come back with a "deal" that's a few hundred million a year. the Chinese must have laughed themselves silly. She returns in triumph with something that won't even make a dent in the balance of trade and is the sort of pocket money her paymasters give away on a daily basis to causes which have no benefit to society whatsoever.
And here's the thing, she cannot see this. She's meant to be in charge of the world's 6th largest economy (not for much longer on her or the economy either) and yet she entirely misses the whole point. Running away from the problem and showing that you've written the first paragraph of your 10,000 word homework doesn't bloody well cut it. The economy is going down the toilet, the public are realising that they are being screwed for every penny and no one cares. The tax burden and the other "going for growth" policies have had the diametrically opposite effect. They cannot seem to grasp the damage they've done in that area.
In social cohesion they need to work out fast something to equal up the various problems they and their predecessors have caused. Immigration where there is integration was always within our grasp but they never understood the people. Generally we are a tolerant people but what cannot be tolerated is minorities imposing medieval backward practices in this country. How we have fallen and how the populace is growing daily more angry isn't measured because these politicians are not in touch with the people. They are the worst type of managers (and we've all worked with them) who don't listen and don't believe what they are told by the workers at the work-face!
They lack any ability to be brave, to be leaders, to govern for the people. I liked to think that I was a brave manager and didn't step away from a problem. I may have planned a little longer than most so I understood the whole thing before acting. If I had to do something unpleasant that I disliked I still had to do it but I wouldn't fudge it or not do it, misrepresent it or anything like that. We have cowards, thick, stupid, arrogant, low life, evil non caring parasites as politicians. Watching the car crash is a little masochistic as it's going to hurt us all but watching their performance and expecting us to be impressed with their eternal failures makes me wonder if they have any shame or understanding of their jobs let alone their fatally flawed decision making!
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