When he said
"I think you all know that I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help."
He's right. Our lot are totally pathetic, lying bunch of turds I've ever seen and I can't be alone in thinking this. Polls suggest that most people think these people lie all the time and that they are inept.
Working on a "Don't fix it if it ain't broken" would be a start but every Minister wants to "put their mark" on their portfolio which is why Health, Education, Transport and most things are FUBB, f****d up beyond belief!
Hidden in Bills are snooping on your bank account for Pensioners. Idiots who think that a Pension paid in all my life by me into the system is a "benefit" when it is an ENTITLEMENT!! Who the hell puts these imbeciles in charge (I know that we vote but we have no say over the lack of grey cells these people display). Once again, they lie, they hide information and they overreach their powers.
Of course, I attempt to do my bit in contacting elected representatives but to little or no avail. This intrusion into our bank accounts as Pensioners is once again, beyond the need to do so. If the system was fair in the first place there probably wouldn't be a need for this. But successive Governments and civil servants have tinkered and fiddled with the system making it horrendously complex and with it full of holes and on top of that it is administered by people more interested in rainbow coloured flags than helping the people that need it and not always getting it right and I've seen too much of this where people are badly advised and then punished because the Government Department made the mistake in interpreting the complex system and they then have to suffer the consequences of it.
I wonder if the British, who are generally known for the tolerance, will eventually reach the limit of that toleration of these ne'er-do-wells. It's brewing under and the polls show are distinct shift to the right and if things go as badly as I am expecting, there will be a lot of discontent coming. It's all pain and no gain at present. Finally the people begin to see through the myopic ideology of these policies that are there to make others richer at our expense and do absolutely nothing for us. They appear to have lost the very reason they say they are in Government and as sleep Joe Public starts to wake up from a bad dream they find themselves in a living nightmare.
Bills have all but doubled since 2020 and no one complains and no one appears to have looked at that and said hold on, by shutting the country (and the world) down against all previous experience and knowledge causing a financial catastrophe, printing their way out, having zero interest rates etc etc etc what did you expect to happen? I wrote to my MP at the time and suggested that not only did I not expect to live in a North Korean regime but that it would lead to employment and financial woes. It did for me it killed off my business (not the first time that politicians have done that to me).
Add to that this present set of shackling tax rises and you've got the makings of a third world economy. And our idiots think closer ties with Europe which is going down the toilet faster than we are (just look at Germany and France's economic figures) and you've got all our Captains of Politics going down with the same boat.
The disaster is just appearing on the horizon and it's time for some smart work by the politicians but I don't think that smart is in their tool box but there's plenty of dumb, stupid, naive, incompetent, thick and similar in there, almost an unlimited supply from what I see.
Because no one trusts these people and we see through their lies and how generally incompetent they really are, they hold no real authority with many people. I ignore them, will not watch them or listen to them and only enjoy their gaffs and hearing about their car crash interviews and policies. They were an angry mob in opposition but now they govern they are an incoherent blob of failed promises, blatant in your face lies and they demonstrate a complete lack of a plan, coherent joined up thinking or indeed any shame or humility.
I do hope they rot in hell. Those in society who are weak and frail, those who need a government to look after them have been deserted and thrown to the wolves. I'm not sure if this is accurate but we have to look to the dark days of the 1930s where it was Hitler's management style to not give written orders and therefore ministers were not entirely sure of their portfolios and these overlapped and whilst they were busy politically fighting each other.
Here we have a lack of a plan, I think they didn't expect to take power in the way they did but that's a problem with our voting system as they polled less than 30% but have a huge majority. What little they said has been reversed out of, all the promises have been broken in 6 or is it 7 months. They appear to be working a s a set of individuals and not a joined up government. The Net Zero religion is spending money on something that will never give a return and that is trying to use untested, unproven technology £20BN worth mind you. They are building an AI data-centre ready in 6 years but our energy costs are too expensive for anyone to invest in it. They go to places like Iceland where they have geothermal almost free energy supplies and plenty of it.
No one works out the feasibility of there grand plans and designs. EVs no one can afford them or the losses involved in owning them and the electricity to charge them can't be built in time for their 2030 target. We know that, how come they don't we will all be taxed so hard that none of us can afford a car anyway. Stifling everything is hardly joined up policy and looking west will only exacerbate the problems.
Oh well, other than that, everything's fine of course!
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