I find it curious that we in the UK are fed US news in a way that makes us fear the New President and are certain, from our backward third world country that the citizens of the US voted incorrectly! How can we throw stones in our metaphorical glass house as we have Mr. Charisma himself running our country into the ground like a WW2 Zero Pilot he picks up speed each day until the aircraft is exploded onto the crowd of tax payers, many thinking he is doing a good job!
It's not in our gift to work out how the US should conduct itself. From my humble one voice in a million I hope that the US leads the way in breaking us all from our slumbers. Dream walking into Net Zero, a guess to two decimal places from a computer model not real data. Made to destroy our businesses and our lives because we can't allow ourselves to be independent we must take our orders from zealots and financial institutions. F**k the people, tough luck to us who have seen our bills double in 5 years and our ability to earn enough money to pay for the doubled bills halved, tax burden massively increased to 70% and for what?
No the US is leading the way and the wishy washy liberals can cry as much as they like but enough is enough and all of this regressive draconian weight of tolerance (which is nothing but tolerant). This dressed up confection of debauchery and tail wagging dog policies that benefits 1% to the detriment of the 99% needed to stop and from the top down. You don't want this stuff sorted out at bottom up level for there will be a bad outcome from that.
No matter how "good" you think you are being, no matter how "kind" you think your policies are, they result in inequality and despair, punishment for the innocent and praise and high honours for the wrong doers in society. That's why I look to the west with some envy for they have finally woke up from their slumbers and their false societal experiment, found it benefits few and punishes the many who pay for this nonsense. I hope that they lead the way a beacon to us and we feel the heat of their changes and melt our political system, our corrupt, think, stupid, politicians and we ourselves change this unfair society thrust against our will on us.
It doesn't take much to peel away the veneer of politically corrupt damaging policy to comprehend the damage it does to us for virtue signalling, lack of joined up thinking and crazy directions that destroy economies and lay us open to security issues in food, transport and unwanted attention from anyone from a medieval backward thinking, full of hatred external country. Politicians lose sight of such things until it is too late. Let us watch and learn how to move this all forward and to that we actually need to thank our US cousins for voting the way they did.
You may think all of this is nonsense but it's OK 'cos Joe Biden pardoned me for writing cruel hurty words like this!
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