You see it everywhere but strikingly in public services and government too. SO bad are they at their job that they regularly screw up and then (if found out) have to get out of it. All the while a 5 minute job goes out to 5 days, an inquiry takes decades, guaranteed positions get reversed, people work from home or in some cases from other countries and whinge about having to work in an office. This could have all been foreseen but no one did anything about it and now it is too late because failure is the norm, laziness is tolerated and seemingly encouraged.
I was chatting with my partner about this and how people disliked me at work because I wouldn't tolerate lazy or incompetent people in my team. Managers would try and provide team members from their pool and if they were late, lazy, incompetent, disrespectful, not team players and so on were dispatched back from whence they came. They may not have liked it but it meant I didn't have to molly coddle them to "get the best out of them" or deal with them because they were "special" or any other nonsense that came with them from their bosses. That., after all, was their job, not mine.
I'd got to that point in my career where no one being a bully or trying to impose their will or team members by "you will do it!" or levering their importance in the organisation would make any influence on me except, perhaps, to harden my stance. People cannot normally argue against "No" or a well worked argument. The best part was that you just turned their arguments against them and proved they weren't doing their job properly. Eventually they learned that I didn't take any waifs or strays from their pool and they also realised that other people would so I'd only get good people. All the while, they still didn't do their job of getting their team members project and customer facing ready. Anyway another example of the sort of problems I had to deal with.
These days we hear about the over reach of the state, now wanting to check your bank balance and take money out of it directly or theft as I like to call it. It may well lead back to people dealing in cash like the old days and giving them the run around. Socialists don't like you having your own money, your own life or making your own decisions. These incompetent, never had a real job, pond life want to control every aspect of your life and for what? I'd be surprised if they'd have much fun controlling me.
I am still amazed that people tolerate all of this, perhaps they won't when things start to turn into the financial and societal wreckage that's coming down the line at us. I said to a local councillor that had they correlated the demise in the High Street with the big increase in car parking charges and the length of time those charges applied now? Had they realised in addition that the bus services only run for a few hours a day and that getting home at night is not possible for the vast majority if you'd like us to use public services. I could go on about this but it just seems that people make decisions that don't make financial sense. Like our multi million pound high street that was made narrower for pedestrians but there were no provisions for bicycles or for bus stops so after a few years disruption and then traffic jams and so on they then made the bus pull ins so care could continue rather than wait behind the busses. If you meet a cyclist there's still no space to overtake them.
Given that they had another scheme that made the pavement larger and incorporated cycle path and pedestrian path and again narrowed the road. Cyclists don't like the cycle path which costs a lot of money so cycle on the road that's now narrowed and once again you can't overtake easily. Another road has an obstacle to slow you down in a 20 mph area so you are slow anyway. Genius thing pushes you out into the path of oncoming traffic and if you don't know it is there could seriously prang your wheel.
If it ain't broke don't fix it surely, stop interfering FFS but no, they need to get in and tinker with things. Then they'll tell you they haven't got enough money! There's plenty to do these harebrained schemes and put them back the way they were. Incompetence abounds yet again. Now they are talking about Unitary Councils you can only guess what an awful mess they are going to create!
I suppose I just need to sit back and watch it all crash and burn but the majority of these people will be on big salaries, huge pensions and they will have messed up their whole working life. It is no longer a meritocracy it's a box ticking exercise devised by people who failed in the very basics of how things work. Whenever you see failure and you see a lot of it these days, scratch the surface and you'll see that people were employed to meet a set of targets that are not based on the best person for the job. The people running these organisations and the people in them don't see it but failure is burnt into the system. It comes as a complete surprise that their general level if incompetence and ignorance is why that failure happens.
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