Monday, January 20, 2025

We Were Beautiful Weren't we?

 An old friend posted a photo of us when we were at school about 50 years ago.  We were the first sixth form to be mixed from the boys and girls schools and we are standing outside of our form room on our last day.  Excited to be leaving school and for our lives ahead and as I looked on the images I realised that we were all beautiful.  We were young adults just growing up fast and there were the girls that I successfully and unsuccessfully courted back in those days and how shy we were and not quite worldly wise at all.  

We weren't cynical, we all enjoyed ourselves and we had no real worries other than would we pass our exams, get the jobs we wanted and have enough money to go down the pub next week.

But oh God, we were beautiful and we didn't realise it at all did we?  With the wisdom of age comes the appreciation of our youth and it is a shame we didn't realise it back then.  There's photos of us all skinny as rakes, healthy bodies, on trips to the coast, camping, having fun and they were great times and memories were made and that photo brought it all back to me. 

We are beautiful now of course but in subtly different ways I'd say.  The only thing I tend to concern myself with is that the utter corruption of our political system has made me a big cynic but I do need to work on getting back to being present, in the now, appreciate and enjoy what is there to be enjoyed and to ignore the killjoys and hypocritical tyrants we now have here.   Let's hope Trump releases a small earthquake here for our Muppet politicians.  

I'd never have thought, when I was 16 or 17 that I could describe my school friends as beautiful but the photo just made me feel and think that way.  

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