There is something about our present government that is at its heart cruel and spiteful and uncaring. I felt that before under Blair and Brown too. There was a constant chipping away at wealth and our very civilization and identity.
I remember "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi and how he said "An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so". He believed that people should resist unjust laws through nonviolence, not violence. By refusing to do certain things it would make India ungovernable.
I like to think that the longer this goes on and the more people finally awaken from their slumbers (and get angry) something similar would happen here. I'm thinking about just being awkward (why is that word so difficult to spell) and not doing things, civil disobedience if you like. I had in mind making the local council invoice me every month and not take my money automatically and all the utility companies too. Get them sending paper requests and paying at the second letter or statement. Staying away from village centres and only shopping at the local Farmer's markets, not parking where you have to pay but walking a little further to get whatever you went for. Boycotting things and so on.
The trouble is we aren't like the French who seem to have a once a fortnightly riot whether they want one or not, nor are we like our Latin counterparts in France, Italy and Greece. The British have a far more laid back attitude and you can push and push and push if you are willing to suffer the consequences because once pushed too far things turn distinctly dark.
There's no easy way to become a thorn in the side of the authorities who are elected to their positions by the very people that they mistreat. It's not a loving relationship and its almost abusive. We are meant to be governed by consent, that's what the democratic process is there for apparently. Whet we get is ideologues unworthy of their position, amateur in their outlook and ugly on the inside and generally that bristles through to the outside too. The infliction of (mainly) monetary pain followed up by the destruction of our heritage and history is unacceptable and it will lead to consequences that no one saw because they don't think, plan, work out outcomes and benefits and rewards. It's all beating the populace with a stick at the moment and telling us its good for us.
I do my little bit with complaining and so on but feel that the next step is to make it difficult to deal with me. Huge increases in my household budget are coming in because this government lied. They were going to freeze them all but no, they've taken the brakes off and kowtowed to their invisible masters and let them all through at once so utilities are going up, local taxes, employment taxes and general taxation - they'll say it isn't but they forget conveniently the effect of fiscal drag by not changing thresholds. The currency is now unstable, gold is being moved around the globe in large quantities and investment is drying up and money being moved out. I know I am getting myself ready for this.
They state that inflation is only (whatever it is) but we can see it must be double or perhaps treble that maybe even more and so it keeps everyone poor. If you are reducing the value of your currency by around 8 or 10% per year then you are in a bad space. They just haven't realised it yet.
Well let's see what is coming down the line and become ungovernable if possible.
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