Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fun starts now

There is something quite invigorating about getting this all clear - suddenly and surprisingly I find myself lifted out of a rut and I'm positive and happy.  Mrs. F. and I are planning our journey across Europe by rail and it is looking quite an adventure with some wonderful things to see along the way.   The journey through the Alps into Italy from Switzerland looks to be beautiful and the opportunity to actually go between one city centre and the other without the need to get to an airport, hang around, do the big security thang and all that is quite compelling.  I fancied trying the Orient Express but it costs as much for a one way ticket each as the whole holiday is costing for 10 days!

Anyway, back to planning and getting excited about it all, amongst other things.

Surprising Reaction

Normally I'm pretty pleased that I get a clear but I also have a low reactor reaction and find the results somewhat of an anti climax.  This time I am really pleased and excited about finding I was clear.  Maybe I'd tuned my mind into it being like last time (what could be worse than finding it had recurred - only to find after being knocked out for the operation there was nothing there - a false positive)?  Maybe it was because it is over 5 years now?  Whatever it is, it is a great feeling, I'm really elated and excited.

That said, I should now turn this to my advantage and make even greater strides to improve my health and get my body protecting itself.  

Here's to a different outlook and a positive look forward this morning - great - I'm in an amazing frame of mind which can only be a good thing, it really does feel this time as if a weight has been lifted.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Clear - Relief

Relieved to be clear - not impressed that Planned Procedures and Surgical Admissions are one and the same now - what a nightmare and packed out.  Didn't wait too long was 15 minutes late and I saw my Consultant - amused the nurses with stress balls - which always makes for an amusing phrase as the cystoscope goes in, wiggle your toes (getting past the Prostate) and breathe properly - I'm a bugger for not breathing properly and of course "squeeze your balls" and that's when the fun starts.

Anyway - clear, clear yay clear - did I say clear?  What a relief.  So pleased and they are going to do a CT Scan - the first one I've ever had to make sure that things are OK elsewhere too.  I've got to have some dye shoved into my veins but hey - sure I can cope with that these days - hated the X-Ray version they gave me, with a vengance but hope this CT scan thing isn't as involved as that.

So that's good - 6 months to next appointment and this makes it clear (even with the blip) for about 4 years I guess.  I did have a very minor recurrence way back during BCG but post BCG have been clear all the way.....  LONG may that continue.

Pretty "made up" at the moment I have to say - it's a great result but this time was a bit more of a sting - don't know why - so spending a little more time in a darkened room relaxing.

30 minutes until I leave for the Hospital

I am just sitting at my desk, playing some quiet classical music before getting ready to wander up to the Hospital and get checked out.  Like all these things it is attitude and almost "habit" now.  I know where I am going, what is needed and as long as they are on time and I'm relaxed then it will be OK no matter what the outcome may be.  

It will be what it will be and I hope that this time, they won't need to get me in for an aborted operation but if that is what is needed (and it was last time) then I suppose I will need to just bear with it and go through with that.

I'm in a neutral place, a little nervous I'll admit but this has to happen and I'll reward myself with the rest of the day off whatever the outcome.

Judgement Day Again

In a little under 8 hours time I'll be having my flexible cystoscopy and we will see what 6 months have done to Mr. Bladder.   I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little tense and a little concerned, a little anxious.  Of course I am but there's a good reason to also look forward to this (he said bravely) and that is, if there is any possibility of a recurrence they will spot it and we can do something about it.  That is the bottom line, generally bladder cancer grows slowly and they can operate or we can redo treatment.

It is far better to know whether it is clear or not and so that really is the benefit of these tests, if it is good or bad news we can resolve it and plan away from there.  I'd hate to be set free and somehow find that I'd got a recurrence and it was too late to do anything about it.

Oh well, here we go, fingers crossed.  Everything is ready, dressing gown, music, water, tablets (paracetamol and ibuprofen) which I have just before the procedure and my stress balls are also to hand, very useful gadgets they are to stop me moving my hands and arms about (not that I think I would).

More tomorrow.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

No Sh1t Sherlock

So finally after - what - a month or more - yes dad does have Diabetes.  Well I could have told you that.  Sometimes we get the best and the worst of our National Health Service all in a short space of time.   It's a good thing that we take responsibility for pushing this but really it should be "bleeding obvious" to health professionals and some how there is a huge chasm (black hole more like) between the Hospital and the local GP. 

I guess that they tend to be reactive only in the GPs - yet if you'd have had the letters from the Hospital you'd have picked up the seriousness of his condition surely?

Oh well - at least we now have him under control, diagnosed and now it is just monitoring and controlling things and feeding him properly.  At least my brother, sister-in-law and their kids can assist as both the kids have Diabetes and know the ins and outs of it all.

I ought to balance all this out by saying that in my case the greater part of the treatment, speed and people I've me has been positive with the occasional blip at the local level.  Also the treatment and operation that was provided to my dad has probably meant that he is still with us today.  I doubt he would have been if they hadn't done it.  

Phew Roof Fixed

So that's fixed and a fine job he has done of it too plus all the guttering as well so that's one job out of the way.  Will have to sort out the Insurance over the next few days once I get the Invoice/receipt.  I took photos so they can see the damage.

I had a funny old night last night some amazing dreams - occasionally I get a series of amazing, technicolour dreams.  So last night - fantastic - the trial and beheading of Charles I in the 17th Century.  It was incredible and I was right in the action.  There were some amazing details in it including stuff you couldn't make up when concious.  

But, there was a downside to this dreaming. I'm thinking it was to do with Friday's tests and the fear of it not turning out as clear.  I feel great at the moment, the change of diet is taking effect and I'm already losing weight and feeling great so I do hope that my check up will prove clear.  

I think that since the last inspection and subsequent half operation that wasn't needed the changes I've made to my lifestyle should greatly assist.  Since that time I've been using Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese on a regular basis.  Exercise (albeit a bit problematic with my back problems) and now juicing is also assisting to get nutrients into my system so I'm hoping that all of these things will assist in keeping me clear.

But of course, I'm bound to be a little wary and a little worried about what they'll find but there you go.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Scope of Hope

Since the last check Cystoscopy which resulted in a visit to Hospital for my 10th or 11th Operation I have changed my lifestyle with some success and some failure but I hope with more of the former rather than any of the latter.  So this Friday sees a six month check up based on them operating on me and finding nothing last year around June.  Having found nothing they moved this check to 6 months and that, my friends. is progress indeed.  Going from 4 month checks to 6 months is a big step in the right direction.

So this Friday is coming into view and I can feel the anticipation of it already but I'm feeling very positive about this.  Since they found the anomaly in April last year I've changed diet and I try and have Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese everyday - in reality I probably manage 5 or 6 days a week at this as occasionally I get up and just don't fancy eating anything at all.  

I look well, I feel well although I could feel better and I'm working on that - I do look so much better that I did even a year ago and as I joked with a friend who finally told me what I actually looked like when I WAS ill.  I was so grey that I looked like I was dead.  I remember it well - and some of the photographs of the time are just like there is a ghost who looks like me where I was.

This scope, this Friday, is a significant milestone to me as it would begin to allow me to start to believe that I am keeping clear and clean of Cancer.  That would be a big help and incentive to continue with the regime I've set myself this year.

My appointment is early and that suits me, I can get in to the Hospital, get seen and then come home and just relax for the rest of the day in my chair watching my DVDs and having a weekend to take it easy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Interesting article

I must point you to this blog post from Steve Kelley in the US.  If nothing else it ought to challenge your thinking.  I've certainly sat up and taken notice.  I've now got the book (eBook) and started to make a study of it to see what I can learn from it.  It seems to have made a huge difference in Steve's weight but more so his overall well-being. 

One of the strange things is how your whole body is thrown out of kilter through having cancer, whether it is hormonal imbalance or something else it is marked and I'm interested in some of the areas explored especially linked to sleep, something that I struggle with, energy (stamina) and generally losing some weight in a controlled way.  Also it appears to have assisted Steve with posture too - and with my back giving me intermittent problems I wonder if that too might be addressed.

Anyway, whilst it is a long read, it is very interesting and thought provoking especially the way that some areas concerning diet and exercise challenge accepted thinking.  For that reason alone it is worth investigating.

Monday, January 16, 2012


We are off on holiday/vacation - a little early in the year but that's OK.  Lucerne, Venice, Florence, Rome and Turin.  I'm hoping we may get a chance to do Pisa or Lucca or something like that as we have managed to get a couple of extra days in Venice, Florence and Rome.  We are going to do the whole thing by rail which sounds awful but shouldn't be considering that we can get to Paris so fast from here.  we have upgraded on a couple of the longer journeys to First Class but the trains are so fast these days you hardly have to do that. 

I'm certainly looking forward to this - I've always wanted to go to Florence and Rome and Venice for that matter.  I loved Milan when I was there - and we actually change train there although we only have an hour between trains so we wont see much of the place.  It should be a bit of an adventure and for us, it takes less time to go by train especially to Paris and Brussels than by air. Think of all the hassle having to fly.  When you go by train that last time anyone will ask for a Passport is at our local station when we leave and when we come back.  None of that check in up to 2 hours before you fly, people not knowing what seat they are in standing up for hours queuing to get onto a plane that won't leave without you and generally is boarded by seat numbers!  

There is something quite insane about the way people behave in groups - especially tourists they seem to lose all vestiges of common sense and turn into sheep.  Then you can't move around in the cabin too much and there's all the hassle about food.  On the train there are restaurants, food trolleys etc.  In first class you get a meal and booze too :-)

Even better is that the trains arrive smack in the centre of cities we are visiting with the hotels between 1 and 3 blocks away from the station and the attractions a short distance from there.  I could be converted :-)

I used to enjoy working in Paris and Brussels for that very reason - once I was on board then I was whisked from city centre to city centre with food and drink provided and at either end I wasn't far from home or work.

I suppose the only bit I'm not feeling great about is being away whilst dad is ill but the truth is that it will be what it will be and that's the bottom line.  We need to get away and Mrs. F. could really do with a holiday as she hasn't really had one for all of 18 months and she works too hard - but ignores me when I say that :-(  At least we can have some time off together.  I'm guessing it must have been our Baltic Cruise then that was our last holiday and we enjoyed that - again going from city to city in a ship rather than flying.   There's a pattern emerging here :-)

Anyway - done, booked and that's the end of that.  Now to get the guide books, get cameras ready, waterproof jackets and suitcases sorted!  

Amazing how you can get annoyed with yourself

I find it that way and I get very upset with myself and annoyed especially if I've done all the right things etc but I must also remember that, like it or not, I have a check up this Friday to see how I am.  I forget that I was seriously ill not so long ago and I give myself a hard time for all sorts of reasons and I'm certain that I'm not the greatest person to be around at the moment even if I don't think I'm sending off bad vibes I probably am :-)  I'm also annoyed that I've got to and get a blood check now.  It's a pain to get that done - the hospital has huge queues and I think that I'll just take the flack from the doctor - they also want me to have my BP taken - perhaps I'll go get that done - I'll see if I can arrange that near to the point where they need to re-do my prescription.   In reality I'd like to work on a course of diet and exercise that means I can kick these damn medications into touch altogether - I can't see how shoving chemicals into your body should be able to beat some sort of natural remedy.

My dad needs to have a few more checks later this week as he is marginally diabetic - brought about by his Pancreatic Cancer no doubt.  I'm pleased to say he is still here - given that he was told he had 6 months about 5 months ago.  I've set the scene for my mum and dad that Mrs. F. and I are planning to go on holiday and will book that up in the next day or so.  We haven't been for some time and I think I am displaying signs of needing a break for a while.  I certainly would like to get away for a short while.  

I'm working on how I can now move my diet and ratch it up a notch.  I am drinking a quart of vegetable juice a day and a quart of water now and I am having my FOCC in the morning.  I wonder whether to drop out eating too much at lunch time and in the evening.  I intend to also see if I can get myself out of the routine I am in at the moment and start to get to bed on time and sleep properly.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Highs and Lows

I can't quite believe it I was doing really well and was installing my friend as Master of the Lodge - I had all the words right until one point in the proceedings where I got a bum prompt and went totally off piste and completely lost the plot.  It was OK we came back to normal and carried on but it screwed my performance badly.  I never like my own work - ever - I don't like the sound of my own voice, my own performance etc., never have done never will do.

I am reminded that I will very shortly be thrust into the limelight in my other Lodge and rather than installing someone may well be installed myself.  That will be a significant day in my life, it is very important and very special.  It was nice to install my life long friend in the Chair tonight, he's as hard as stone on the outside but as soft as fudge on the inside :-) bless him, he was as emotional this time as he was 20 years ago..

I then realised that it was over 20 years ago that I conducted the ceremony I did tonight so actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.  The trouble is, you always want to do your best or be your best and I wasn't.  It's not as if it is a black mark against me or anything like that but it is a matter of personal pride and I wasn't as good as I wanted to be.

What drives me mad

Mrs. F. drives me to utter distraction some days.  So tonight, she can't get onto a particular website and suggests the internet is down and so I look into it, no the internet isn't down but some websites only work with Microsoft and so I boot up another browser and start to get that up when I'm told she doesn't want to get onto the site and what about the security as she has tried to log in and it isn't working!

So why bother then if I sort out the site and get it working?  Why complain in the first place?  Why let me go through all of that grief if after I fix it, you don't use it!  Drives me mental sometimes.  It isn't just her, lots of people ask questions and never listen to the answer.  Best of all they ask your advice and they do the opposite and then tell you how they screwed up not following what you told them to do.  

I've been very impressed with progress with juicing and using my Omega 8004 Juicer.  It really is the business and now I've got used to making juices with a little more neutral juice in them I can tolerate the green juices a little better.  I don't know how much weight I've lost but I've lost about an inch off my waist if not more and the love handles have gone away at the sides.  I feel fitter and that's on top of already feeling pretty good in terms of still using Flax Seed Oil and Cottage Cheese mixture most mornings for breakfast.  I have changed a little though and do not have much cereal now as I am trying to ease down grains.  What I do now is use my dried fruit - raisins, dates, figs, apricots etc and add pumpkin and sunflower seeds, fresh blueberries or any other fruit I may have to hand and use that.  I cut the dried fruit into smaller pieces and then add the ground flax seeds and the FOCC mixture - I still use the active yoghurt to water down the FOCC mixture and it works out really well. 

During the day I have 2 - 3 pints of water - sometimes 4 and 2 pints of juice normally mid morning and mid afternoon.  It takes about 30 minutes to drink the juice as it can be thick and the green juice can't be just thrown down you neck.  I take water in between sips.  My coffee consumption is down to a couple of cups a day.  I have soup for lunch and dinner with Sardines, Pilchards, Cottage Cheese, Salad, Fish Sticks, Tuna and occasionally a bit of low fat cheese.  I need to perhaps up the protein a bit and so I will have to remember to have some eggs occasionally as well.  I was impressed that when I went out to lunch I had smoked mackerel and then vegetarian Lasagne but I did have Cheese and biscuits afterwards :-)  

I'm hoping that as I feel much better and my back isn't giving me too much trouble that I will get back in to an exercise routine again.  If I can get back into that habit I am sure that it will help with the weight loss I am experiencing now and also improve the rest of my general health.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Italy - Looks like it

Found a fabulous site to look at and Mrs. F. for once, seems impressed with my research and suggestions...  We actually need to ring the office as it is bespoke booking but the Itinerary looks something like:

Ebbsfleet International Station (just up the road from us) by Eurostar to Paris
Change to get a TGV to Lucerne and stay overnight
Lucerne to Venice and stay for a few days
Venice to Florence and stay for a few days
Florence to Rome and stay for a few days
Rome to Turin a day 
Turing to Paris and Paris to Ebbsfleet.

That appears to be a lot of travel but these trains are now 300kM / hour beasts and we can be across and in France or Belgium in less than an hour from here, it's how transport should be and on the continent it is meant to be a great way to get around - punctual etc.  So hopefully we will work out a reasonable rate for the holiday and do that later this year.

I've been up to London today and as a non participant at London Lunchtimers, had a very good talk but found that the pub has changed ownership so problems with things like the beer wasn't ready to be drawn etc and the meal was 20 minutes late but good company and good fun was had by all...

A has finished her dissertation and I did a final proof read last night, the local printing shop charged her and arm and a leg to bind it - so they'll not be recommended by me any more - rip off artists, £40 to print and ring bind two 67 page A4 coulour and the didn't even use good paper either bloody cheapskates - they'd have got a tongue lashing from me if they'd have produced that but A needs these for University and was caught.  Anyway, it is a stunning piece of work I have to say taking a difficult subject and she has actually interviewed a number of people and her research has always been second to none, she has really spent her time at University studying hard and I'm really pleased that she has.  I'm hoping that she gets top marks on this work, she certainly deserves it for effort and for the work she did interviewing the primary people in the field, using Skype to talk across continents too.  Clever.  I just hope that she gets a great result and that she can find a career using her photographic qualifications.  She is seeing her mentor tomorrow, if I had the money, I'd pay him to take her on for a year or two to learn the business.

Talking of money, we are getting closer and closer to getting to talk to investors, it has been a long hard road and it has been two months since we were ready to do this but have been forced to wait and take it slowly.  I'm impatient to get out there and start to make waves but that isn't the way we operate and so a meeting next week will allow us to push the button.  

Dad not good again

He's got a bladder infection - well I can only sympathise with that I'm pretty certain that it will debilitate him and make him a bit wobbly.  Doctor appears to have no bedside manner but then again, they live in the wilds of Norfolk where the tumble-weed rolls through and the Pony Express makes it once or twice a week!!  It really is a bit out of the way.

Had fun asking a question in answer to someone who wondered how my brother just came to be living 5 minutes from my folks.   It would take a big stretch of the imagination to believe that in the same year at around the same time and for the same reason (to realise the equity in their houses) my brother and my parents moved independent of each other and to the same location (originally within 7 miles of each other).  If you managed to do that without consultation you should go down the road and buy just one Lottery ticket (you wont need more) and await the payout.  And yet the story goes something along those lines.....

Anyway, it has made me a little more uncomfortable with going away but I fancy the adventure now having found a way we can go by train to Italy from just up the road here.  And as it is early in the year they are throwing a couple of extra days in the deal as well so we could get quite a fun holiday in if we sort ourselves out this weekend.  Of course, now I'm a bit worried about dad but he is hopefully going to be able to attend the doctor on Saturday and sort out this Diabetes (or not) question.  I hope they sort it out soon though.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Italy Looking Favourite

It's one of those things - I thought I'd got it all worked out - Caribbean or Florida, Dubai or Goa, perhaps the Seychelles for a bit of sun and warmth but Mrs. F. has suggested that Rome, Florence, Venice and Naples etc has taken her fancy.   I suppose we ought to go I've been to Milan, Trieste and Ventimiglia but never to Rome etc.  Mrs. F. has been to Venice but I haven't and so perhaps we can do that.  The Italian lakes would be too cold at this time of year.

I'm now searching through the internet to see how we can make all of this happen.  It should be easy enough the trains in Italy are very good and we can fly there for tens of pounds thanks to low cost airlines and we might even consider going by train and travelling by European TGV.  We can be in Paris and Brussels in a couple of hours from here so that's a possibility.

It's going to be hectic and I sort of bridged the subject of us going away with my mum today.  If we go at the end of February then it will be around the 6 month window for dad and whilst he is fine at the moment, I'm sort of concerned that I'll be away for a while but - I've done this before and ended up missing my holidays and feeling like cr@p which is the last thing I want but neither do I want to be too far away in case something happens but what can you do?  It will be what it will be and that's the way of it I guess.

Oh well, lets see what transpires...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

OK Now

What a strange old feeling that was yesterday - it just felt like someone had dumped the world's troubles on my shoulders.   I know what it is though, it is this.....

It is coming up to two years since we started this journey with the new business and we expected that it would take a year but of course suddenly we were left with just the two of us on the journey not the original 4.  That would easily have added the extra time but it comes as a serious shock to realise that we've burnt coming up to two years money to get here.  If we don't get finance then you could look at it as 2 years wasted I suppose.  It isn't but try telling yourself that :-)  I think it is pretty obvious that we would be having doubts about it now that we are there and investor ready and entering a new unknown area that appears to be occupied by charlatans and strangely enough, venture and entrepreneur are now the new celebrity in the UK as we try and emulate Silicon Valley.  The trouble is that - very much like the Dot Com boom, money is being haemorrhaged by these investors into ventures that are all clones of some other idea and many have seen a market opportunity and dived into some niche of it - there is little real innovation and ideas like ours don't figure as they aren't initially sexy or don't meet this idealised view of the world - like the one that everyone has an iPod, iPhone or Android phone and use it all the time.  Stuff isn't sustainable but there you go, that's the market we have to tackle.

I'm sure that wanting to go on holiday with dad ill is also playing away there in the background and the good news that I can't talk about until late February too.  Oh well - I'm OK now and I have control again, I am working too hard trying to compensate and I realise too late that I'm melting down.

On a happier note, I am beginning to get the hang of my juicer now and find that I'm drinking about a pint of juice a day - sometimes I find it a bit difficult but today was a treat with watermelon as you just cut the whole thing up seeds, skin and all and drop it into the processor and away you go.  It works a treat and a pint was around half the melon - incredible.  It tasted great too.  Of course, juicing should really only be used on vegetables not really too much fruit, the body can process fruit much better.

I have a load of salad stuff left over from tonight so I will just juice that and see what it is like.  There is some Iceberg lettuce in there and I believe that is pretty good to juice.  Looking forward to it.  Oh, and the Banana Ice Cream stuff - I suggest you use over ripe bananas as the younger they are the less ice cream like the result.  Also hope to do some berries and make a sort of sorbet too tomorrow.

Monday, January 09, 2012

That feeling of dread

Just came over me - and I don't know why, a huge heavy weight, thump, right down on my head and shoulders.  It's a sort of gloom and a sort of slight feeling of despair.  I have no idea where that came from, apart from it is almost 1 in the morning and I really should have gone to bed earlier in the evening.  My sleep patterns are all over the place and I really, really need to work on those along with the diet and other areas.  

I'm changing my diet but it is taking a while and I can feel that I am impatient for all the "good stuff" to happen NOW!  :-)  Of course it wont do that and of course it will take time.  I just feel a bit down again but we will see how I feel in the morning.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Holiday Required

So Mrs. F. informs me - we need a holiday and we need it soon.  She doesn't want to lose her holiday entitlement and it has to be taken by the end of March.  So two weeks to squeeze in and we've been looking at the options today, Dubai, Madeira, Goa, Florida, Turkey etc.  The thing is we want it warm but not hot and we want stuff to do as Mrs. F. doesn't "DO" beach holidays or laze around a swimming pool.

So the search is on and I have some set dates that I must hit.  Of course the scope due on the 20th January may mean that things are OK or that I may need to go back in a again.  Something else has happened over the weekend that I can't publish until later in February and so that also means I'm constrained by a date there.  Having said that it is a bit chicken and egg and so Mrs. F. needs to talk to her employer as they want to know what days she wants off and we don't know whether we can have the days off or not so we will see how that works.  Of course, we are in the middle of working on getting investment so the phone will need to be redirected or sorted out as well!  Doh - it's all too difficult :-)  But - she is right, I haven't had a holiday since 2009 and so we really need to get away for a short break.

Last night we went out to a Mexican Restaurant and had a good time celebrating my friend's birthday and retirement.  A made a lovely cake as you can see below.

She's pretty clever and as you can see Mike was in the Police and now retires although he has a civilian position with the force to go back to.  It's amazing that one of my school chums has already retired :-)

I'm waiting on the roofers to get their quote back - it is annoying as they were meant to email it to me or even call over the weekend.  

 You can see the line of Ridge tiles that have been disturbed by the storm and these have dropped down to the roof below where the Tarpaulin is.  That has about 8 or 10 damaged tiles and of course a hole down to the roof.  All the guttering has been disturbed too.  We actually found some of the guttering in the fish pond.
Let's hope this gets fixed soon though and we can get on with life without worrying when the rain or wind is coming again.

Saturday, January 07, 2012


Well it is an acquired taste I have to say.  I remember this from last time.  You need to slowly work your way into the heavier - and much better for you - green vegetables.  The rule of thumb appears to be in this case no more than 25% of your juice should be green.  You should use a base like Celery, Carrots, Cucumber / Courgette or Apples = something neutral.  The greens are quite heavy in taste and can make you gag a bit if you try them without anything else.

So I've got a huge box of Bramley Apples which I am using along with Celery and Carrots.  I have had a little green additions mainly Brussel Sprouts and Tops.  Have not tried anything heavier yet but have Cabbage, Asparagus and Lettuce as well.  I will slowly try and work through that.

Impressed with the ability of the machine to make Peanut (and other) Butter.  I takes a little getting used to but should be interesting in the future.  You don't need to add anything at all and it tastes very nice.

I am using the Juicer 2 or 3 times a day at the moment and it is most impressive.  Because it doesn't take too long to clean it means that you can.  My old one used to take about 10 minutes to break down and clean.