I dislike funerals and have never really got on with them fully. I am not sure why but I didn't like graveyards as a child and had an over active imagination. I was singing at Rye Church and we stopped the Church clock from ticking and the huge pendulum which was putting us off our A cappella singing of Faure's Requiem in Latin. Just before we started and were getting changed into our Choir Cassocks and Ruffs there was a massive Thunder and Lightning storm and the rain lashed down. Opening the door I always remember the rain had pooled around the grave opposite the door and the water was bubbling. My nine year old mind was well and truly disturbed.
I always remember my mother and I going to the graveyard where her father was buried and a gravestone fell over and hit her leg! So I never liked them. My mother always said that "They can't hurt you, they're all dead!" Tell that to her bruised leg I thought.
And to this day, I never quite feel right at these things, so much so that I am thinking of getting an unattended funeral/cremation for myself. My mother has arrangements to do that and I need to check whether anyone objects to it in my close family. I think they may want to do something and it won't actually matter to me what they do really. So in the course of writing this I may be changing my mind and seeing what others want to do.
Today, a member of my Lodge, I don't know how many of us will be there in total, definitely two from our Lodge will be there. Then afterwards to a pub I haven't been to for about 40 years or more maybe. It was always a nightmare drive to get to down very narrow country lanes but since they built the M25 access has been made a lot easier by the looks of it and just a few hundred yards off of a roundabout!
Quite often you find out things about someone you never knew but that's not helping the fact that I dislike funerals. I think it is probably mortality thoughts that affect me. Having seen that prospect and being reminded of it quite often, it's probably that.
Anyway, being there, despite my dislike is the thing. But how is this, I knew him and I know his wife but I have never met his children until today. So that in itself is strange I often feel. I don't think that is always common in these situations but you feel you know someone quite well and yet perhaps not that well at all , you were only part of the person's life story.