Friday, March 21, 2025

Another Funeral To Go To

 I dislike funerals and have never really got on with them fully.  I am not sure why but I didn't like graveyards as a child and had an over active imagination.  I was singing at Rye Church and we stopped the Church clock from ticking and the huge pendulum which was putting us off our A cappella singing of Faure's Requiem in Latin.  Just before we started and were getting changed into our Choir Cassocks and Ruffs there was a massive Thunder and Lightning storm and the rain lashed down.  Opening the door I always remember the rain had pooled around the grave opposite the door and the water was bubbling.  My nine year old mind was well and truly disturbed.

 I always remember my mother and I going to the graveyard where her father was buried and a gravestone fell over and hit her leg!  So I never liked them.  My mother always said that "They can't hurt you, they're all dead!"  Tell that to her bruised leg I thought.

And to this day, I never quite feel right at these things, so much so that I am thinking of getting an unattended funeral/cremation for myself.  My mother has arrangements to do that and I need to check whether anyone objects to it in my close family.  I think they may want to do something and it won't actually matter to me what they do really.  So in the course of writing this I may be changing my mind and seeing what others want to do.

Today, a member of my Lodge, I don't know how many of us will be there in total, definitely two from our Lodge will be there.  Then afterwards to a pub I haven't been to for about 40 years or more maybe.  It was always a nightmare drive to get to down very narrow country lanes but since they built the M25 access has been made a lot easier by the looks of it and just a few hundred yards off of a roundabout! 

Quite often you find out things about someone you never knew but that's not helping the fact that I dislike funerals.  I think it is probably mortality thoughts that affect me.  Having seen that prospect and being reminded of it quite often, it's probably that.

Anyway, being there, despite my dislike is the thing.  But how is this, I knew him and I know his wife but I have never met his children until today.  So that in itself is strange I often feel.  I don't think that is always common in these situations but you feel you know someone quite well and yet perhaps not that well at all , you were only part of the person's life story. 


Thursday, March 20, 2025

Why All This War Mongering?

 Why, knowing what we all know about wars and the like are we even contemplating this?  Sure have a defence policy and decide what you want to do and then do it but, whoa big fella (that's our PM) why are you being the big kid and talking up feet on the ground and all that good stuff.  Didn't we used to have United Nations troops for this sort of thing?  You know, neutrals not NATOs?  Maybe I'm being simplistic here but all most of our European countries have done is fight a proxy war with the lives of another country and prolonged the agony and consequences of that war.  Likely a generation of men and women wiped out too.

Politicians talking it all up, spending trillions they haven't got to pursue something that only bankers and big business profit from and none of the lessons have been learned from previous conflicts where nobody wins.  

It's disturbing that they aren't even coming from a position of strength and heavily rely on the US who rightly ask why they should protect Europe, what's the point?  They've been posted over here for 80 years.  We have run down our services, introduced wokeness and we just don't have the numbers and the capability anymore.  

This little speck of a planet 4.5 Billion years in the making, hardly visible in the solar system let alone the universe and apparently blessed with life everywhere, still seeks to destroy itself and not operate for the good of man, the dominant species on the planet.  We argue over God (which is like arguing over who has the best imaginary friend) and if we don't get our way justify the killing of others in pursuit of a peaceful religion and because it will further our cause.

It's all futile, infantile and serves not to advance our innate goodness but to self limit ourselves and drag us back down to the primordial depths from whence we evolved.  The standards of living and health and many progressive impacts of abundant cheap energy have rapidly advanced us so that we live longer, healthier lives, the poor are being lifted out of poverty and the impacts of natural disasters are mitigated through progressive increases in wealth but once again our politicians wrestle defeat from the jaws of victory, if they aren't proposing war, they are taxing the very things that have brought us this far.  

Maybe we will all wake up together and stop this?  Maybe it will just fail of its own accord?  Whatever happens I wish these idiots proposing war and of course not having to feel the consequences themselves would wake up and limit their ambitions to get us all killed. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Outrage - Really?

 It is amusing to me that we have headlines stating something like some foreign dictator doing what foreign dictator's do.  It's a bit like finding that there are groceries at the Supermarket and screaming outrage "How dare they sell all this stuff!"

I was looking at the news - I try not to but was too lazy to get up and walkaway when surprise surprise, Vladimir Putin hadn't agreed to a ceasefire or any other demands.  He'd moved a bit but everyone was surprised that he hadn't done what they'd expected him to do?  Has he ever done that?  A bit like our Ed Millipede telling the Chinese what to do or Starmer threatening Putin.  It's surely a time when you should quote those much loved (by me) words 

No Sh1t Sherlock!"

What's the outrage when you know full well what these people are like?  I like that the reporters stare directly into camera addressing you and report as if it is unusual behaviour.  I was too lazy because I'd fixed some PIR cupboard lighting and a close coupled WC with all new parts before I had my dinner!   

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

DIY - It's Never Easy Is It?

 OH says there's a leak in her bathroom.  On checking, yes there is, not a lot but enough to wonder why that should be as I only repaired it around 18 months ago when there was a similar problem.  Anyway, I know roughly what the problem is as it is a close coupled WC and there's every possibility it is from the doughnut (donut) coupling which I had replaced, maybe it just needs tightening up!

Of course not dear reader, of course not.  Tightening it didn't do anything so I took it apart, that's unscrewed from the wall after draining down, taking off the attaching wing nuts, turning off the water and disconnecting the feed pipe.

All looks OK perhaps the doughnut isn't seated exactly in the centre but it should take a small leak and so I reassemble and then I get the full Niagara coming out.  So what on earth can this be, it hasn't been flushed so there must be a leak and I have to drain it down, disconnect it all and then testing the cistern and testing it with a few cups of water I find that the seal must have gone underneath!  So it's the cistern flushing mechanism washer must have deteriorated.

I've only recently done the downstairs cloakroom and so I've hot footed to Amazon, and a new flush unit, filler unit and a new doughnut (it's best to do all at the same time - which I should have done last time).    Anyway hopefully that will arrive today and I can fix that.  Along with the downstairs cloakroom PIR detector and light fitting which I also need to fix!

It's never ending and I guess I just need to make a list of everything and tackle them one at a time which I would do except these two recent jobs have only happened this week!  Onward and upward.  

Nil Desperandum

 "Illegitimi non carborundum" is a mock-Latin phrase, meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down," Often used at work along with many others such as “We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.”  attributed to Konstantin Josef Jireček

And so we go on our journey with such mottoes as we shake our heads in disbelief at the liberal value system that isn't particularly liberal or that exemplifies and real decent values either come to think of it.

I see that in the US a District? Judge of some sort demanded that criminals (many vicious and pretty unsavoury) be returned to the US.  The plane, already in the air (or planes) completed their mission and these undesirables were repatriated.  What sort of person wants one or two plane loads of criminals in their country?  Such are this Judge's overblown authority that he should perhaps denounce Putin and send his troops back home, order KFC and Coca Cola to disclose their secret recipe and other such urgent matters.  

We have Rory Stewart.  He's quite different in opinion to me - opposite would be underplaying it, he's almost alien in outlook.  Often calling things out wrongly, sweeping victory for Harris in the US elections etc.  He has a sort of young puppy excitement about things and just sets off my spider senses every time I hear him or see him.  

There seems to be a new breaking awakening among the great unwashed. A slow realisation of how much poo we are in, how unbelievably bad our so called leaders are, how corrupt, how stupid, naive and how they lack any real experience of life, the universe, business, science, economics and they have a very loose grasp on the truth.  How so many can have lied about their past careers and have actually got away with it is beyond me.  Again, in "public" life it appears that you do not have to be meritorious, perhaps the opposite.  You don't have to have displayed competence in your particular subject nor understand the consequences of your actions.  In my real life experience, I'd have lasted less than a day if I'd have displayed anything approaching the low level of achievement these people think is acceptable.

Are we waking up to this?  A little too slowly I think we are.  I suppose everyone is sick to death of it all and so have been dulled and numbed like having your teeth filled, you don't feel the pain after a while and you get worn down by it all.  But, gradually the roar is beginning to build up and the hatred (for it is that) is beginning to brew up as both local and central government continue making our lives miserable.  Local councils are doing things at the dead of night, against their very own constituents wishes.  It's like a dodgeball game out there, dodging fines and cameras and the get rich quick schemes of the people who work for us, by our mandate.  I really hope that this May, people will heavily punish all the old established parties and give them a bloody nose.

Of course, some people are happy to be told what to do all the time and how to act.  Happy to be fined and ordered around like some unruly flock of sheep.  It's time that the public woke up as one and kicked the living daylights out of the system.  Any new councillors need to act hard and fast to tear down the nonsensical oppressive systems there before, save money by cutting away all the waste and nonsense of huge committees and running services based on central office policies instead of what is right for the people.  It's like living in 1960s East Berlin in some local towns and cities.  The financial crap they've managed to get into (some of them) is not punished, oh no, the people they represent have to foot the bill and have double digit increases imposed on them through mal-administration.  And no one gets sacked or goes to prison for it.

Yes, come on everyone, wake up, vote them out of office.  Get rid of traditional uni party and see what this new lot can do.  What's there to lose?  You can have more of the same or you can try out the new kids on the block who have talked a good game so far.  You can't really lose as everyone else has screwed up so far.  If they get in and make no difference then we are all in trouble.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Trying Hard Not To Laugh Out Loud

 Or am I?  I have to say that I've now started to just ridicule our leaders who strut around proclaiming utter nonsense but do so in an authoritative way, asserting their complete lack of knowledge about world affairs, economics and being so massively disconnected from the public that it really is just funny even though it is so serious.   

I have terrible trouble now not to just burst out laughing wen these caricatures, cartoon like, sitcom look and sound a-likes say or do anything.

Good old Kier Starmer made me chuckle when he "Warned Vladimir Putin"  Yep good luck with that old man.  I imagine Vlad would have to have asked for his 'Whos Who of Foreign half wits" to work out who was threatening him now.  Honestly, who does he think he is?  Who do Europe think they are.  Our glorious leaders seem to only want a war and yet they are neither prepared for it nor has it been planned.  No one actually has a plan for what they want out of it anyway?  Of course you'll hear the liberal wets stating that Ukraine feeds the world but I kind of doubt that it is really true.  Where do they think the manpower is coming from.  Would anyone follow these witless politicians into battle?  What for, what's the reason, what's the objective?  

This is no Sir Winston Churchill in charge.  Just look at what was at stake back then.  It's all words and no actions all mouth and no trousers as we used to say.  It's just a joke and it curries no favour with the public, it's just a spout of words and politicians vying for a Nobel peace prize (not).  

When you hear their measly mouthed, weasel worded statements, their inability to actually govern and manage but rather blame it on someone else.  Wouldn't happen in business, these are the sort of waste of oxygen types you'd sacrifice at the altar of the bosses and who you'd send on suicide missions into the cauldron of management transactional warfare.  They'd either sink or swim.  The former being the most likely.   Ideal cannon fodder.  Those who have climbed the greasy pole not by merit but happening to be there and brown nosing their progress.  When finally they take power they are woefully inadequate, what od they say?  The sort that would take a knife to a gun fight.  They are easily outwitted and confused by facts, have no idea of anything practical or that requires common sense and emit cognitive dissonance and they probably smell nasty too.

I hate being talked down to but I am now finding great joy and much hilarity watching them bury themselves doubling down on their mistakes and not realising how far they are digging their own graves, they're not shallow as they reach the bottom and continue to dig.  Watching Ed Millipede in China admonishing them about their use of energy (I think he still thinks coal and oil are made from fossils) as if the second largest country in the world is going to listen to someone who really cannot rationalise the damage he is doing to his own country by exporting all the work to, let e see, ermm, oh yes, China.  The man is a complete basket case. 

Just laugh for they will end up in a mess.  They all need to be investigated for lining their pockets and they all need to be held accountable for destroying our country and its people.  So ridicule is the weapon,  That and not listening to a word they say, opposing every sick policy they have that impacts us the people.  I used to enjoy the word "NO" when at work.  Try it, it completely befuddles people.  No explanation as to why, just say no.  Ignoring people is also good, I enjoyed that too.  Cutting them short when they wanted to tell you how they had missed a deadline, calling them out.  I wouldn't want to work for me even now.  I was a nightmare to deal with because I took no truck, no feeble excuses.  Anyone who messed around was subject to FAFO.  You didn't deliver on the day you said.  Come with me and let's explain it to the customer.  They didn't do it again.  The boss taking one of my team away without telling me was also thrown to the wolves and made to explain to the customer and if they wouldn't then they'd be made to explain it to my direct boss.  FAFO.

None of these so called politicians would be allowed to get away with this sh1t in a commercial situation.  Not one of them understands business, it appears the lie on their CVS and they have no cognizance of the impact of their actions until it smacks them in the face.

Laugh at them, ridicule them, take the mickey, poke fun at them, make them feel uncomfortable, hold them to task.  They can all go to hell in a handcart and no one will miss them.  No need to pay for comedy entertainment we've got the labour party.  The people of Doncaster ought to be super proud that they actually went out and voted for Ed Millipede as they now see their energy bllls double and possible quadruple so that we can live off Unicorn Farts and unreliables in the future.   So we should all ridicule Doncaster as well - it's gone downhill since I was last there Obvs.  

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Disconnecting From The Matrix

 I enjoyed the Matrix films and the underlying messages and the more I think of it, the more I feel that somehow we ended up somewhere similar.

The constant push and pull of the MSM and if you have anything to do with X or Facebook indeed any social media you'll know that you are bombarded with messaging.  Here's an exercise for you.  Compare the headlines of an event and see the similarities in the way it is reported.  Look for common headlines and phrases within the article or report.  Ask why there are common phrases and headlines?

It's a complete assault on your senses and an insult to what intelligence we've got left after they've beaten it all out of us.  Do people think for themselves anymore?  Do people believe all that is fed to them?  The looks of horror when I mention the Covid debacle, the Climate Change Scam, the use of statistics and graphs to portray information that are clearly skewed to make a point and the use of percentages without backing data are some of the things that annoy the hell out of me but are held up as dogma or an axiom by those who accuse me of being "A Denier" which is pretty sh1tty way of closing down a conversation at the same time revisiting the horrific crimes of the Holocaust....

I feel that sometimes I am just p1ssing in the wind and I am also getting that awful problem as I get older of not wanting to argue anymore.  I try and discuss things in a scientific way but getting yelled down and also gang shouted down is also a bit tiring.

My friends, let's say 95% of them, hate Donald Trump.  None of these friends are American Citizens and none of them have been to or lived in the States.  They hate Elon Musk too, once again, I'm not sure what he has done to them either?  Surely they've all used PayPal at some time or other.  But here's the thing, they are convinced the planet is getting warmer yet they've lived as long as I have and our promised Mediterranean Climate has not materialized.  Far from it.  Whilst we don't suffer the cold winters of the 50s, 60s and 70s we don't have the heat of the 30s and 40s to contend with either.  

So why are they so invested into these things?  We are fed Trump and Musk hatred by our MSM.  We believe what we are told almost without any pursuit of the truth or attempt to understand the accuracy or efficacy of the data.  Let's take another truth that's been bent way out of shape.  Take Ukraine's President Zelensky, a comedian who came to power after the US got rid of his predecessor.  I'm not a Guardian reader but go and look at the headlines of that liberal left leaning paper and you'll see they were slagging off Ukraine for Nazi leanings and other underhand stuff.  It's all there on record and then, look at after the war and butter wouldn't melt would it?   So what changed from the short time it tool a sinner to become a saint?  

No one remembers the pre-war worry about the regime.  It's all a horse of a different colour again now.  It was also like watching "Drop The Dead Donkey" (If you know you know).  Blown up buildings with glass broken yet the cars in the car park hadn't been touched?  Stuff like that was all a bit strange.  Remember the Covid dropping down dead in the street films?  It was all too contrived, not believable and done for reasons perhaps to deaden your brain and make you take sides, frighten you and make you follow orders.  I'm waiting for our Government to "Make The Trains Run On Time"  which I believe was a sort of swipe at Benito Mussolini.  If we do manage it, I think I'll have to hunker down LOL.

Back on track with all this stuff going on, it actually "does my head in!" to go back to my Sarf London roots.  It does mess with my head as I feel half or more of the people I know are brainwashed with this torrent of propaganda and half truths wrapped up in easy 5 minute sound bites.  The TDS being shown is off the scale and do people really exhibit that sort of hatred or is it just somewhere to let off steam now we no longer have the Colosseum Gladiators, Feeding the Lions with slaves, Bread and Circuses?   We perhaps need our own 'Running Man' or 'Rollerball' to keep the masses entertained with violent outlets in the hope that after they have vented they will remain peaceful until the next gore fest?

So how can I disconnect from my own Matrix connection, break the cord and live a life without having the distraction of all this noise and bad stuff?  The temptation to go off grid is huge but you are still connected as your money is in the bank and your bills need to be paid and your credit cards (if you use them) identify where you are, what you spend your money on and so on.  Your mobile phone connects you to the grid too.

My mission has to be how can you disconnect and remain both connected and disconnected at the same time?  It's not going to happen but I do need to try and separate fact from fiction and try and move away from the small screen of scrolling doom, the propaganda machine emitted by my TV screen, the nonsense garbled out by the MSM and the constant pulls on my mind by all of these.  When none of these things existed, life was much easier and safer I feel.

Let my mind gymnastics begin! 

Running A Business In The UK

 You cannot seem to do it anymore not one that relies on people that is.  Not that it is the people you have to worry about (mainly) but the new rules and regulations.  Sold to everyone as help and assistance and growth in my world it is actually the opposite of all those things.

Strengthening the employees rights is all well and good but in strengthening those it weakens business still further.  In my business, I now plan to employ no one, no one at all.  The work, such as there is, would be done by me, my AI subscriptions and if I actually need people I will offshore it (onshore if possible but I'm not confident about that).

There are now penalties to employment that mean zero hours contracts are going to be banned, that worker's rights to various things like sickness and maternity pay are available immediately to all without any trial period or the usual qualifying period.  That sick pay is paid by the employer, not via the state.  National Insurance for employers has gone up, the threshold where these kick in has been lowered significantly and minimum wage has increased.  All at once, no phasing in and no consideration for the impact.

Small businesses and those who use lots of low paid workers including catering, hospitality and care homes, cleaners etc are all facing huge increases to their wage bills.  Larger businesses have already stated they will reduce headcount and consumers will see higher prices.  It will be interesting to see what happens to inflation based on that alone.

So, no employees for me then, it doesn't make any sense and the risk reward spreadsheet is looking a little less encouraging.  If you invest your own money that's already attracted tax into a venture and it fails do you get your stake back or part of it?  Of course not but make it a success and you pay punitive taxes for your trouble.

I see that Companies House is recording record company wind ups.  Not surprising really.  These changes appear to come on on the next Tax year which is less than a month away and so perhaps we will see something happening then?  Growth has contracted and if you look at the adjusted figures not the headline ones, the ones adjusted after the published ones you'll see that most are revised downwards.  One is to three decimal places and probably only there to show, technically, that we are not in recession.  

Luckily I am not in the position many small businesses are in.  If I were I'd have to be looking long and hard about ever taking on new employees.  A new employee could, I imagine, report for work the first day and then go on long term sick and you'd have to pay them for as long as that took and no access to compensation for the loss of money and productivity.  Who, in their right mind, is going to do that?

I cannot for one minute think this is sustainable.  You would never employ anyone.  Their simplistic view that AI can do everything is so short of the mark as to be laughable.  I wonder when they'll see the error of their ways?  When the economy starts to flat line and unemployment starts to become a problem I imagine.  "They" say there are a million job vacancies and they've molly coddled the work shy introducing sitting on your arse all day acceptable during the Covid debacle so now you can sit at home with a declared condition and get paid for the privilege of doing so, moves to tackle that are met with howls of derision.  Good luck with all of that then.

For my part, I just need to stop the thieving bastards pick-pocketing my money and falsely claiming that my pension is a benefit despite me having paid in for 50 years to earn it.  I am glad that I don't have to employ anyone for my business, other than sub contractors.  It's the cost of everything going up though that will impact us all.  

Friday, March 14, 2025

Time To Blame Everyone But Yourself

 I see Rachel Thieves is playing the victim and it's all Trump and world forces that are stunting growth and blah blah blah.

She has the most irritating voice (actually most of them do) that sounds as if she could tell you all the Tram numbers and all the stops and the frequency of journeys on each line including Bank Holidays!  There's nothing remotely likeable and everyone else is at fault apart from her over the economic downturn.  She might be able to add up but that's where it ends.  None of these lot seem to consider the world outside and its impact on us.  They don't seem to appreciate qite how it all goes together and they like to think that they are in charge and if the say something it somehow magically happens.

I recall working with an organization where the story told was one of riches beyond dreams, huge amounts of money could be generated by what was, back then, a rival for the accounting business we see today and online invoice and payment systems.  BUT and here's the but, no one worked hard enough to make it happen so blinded were they with the £ssss that they took their eye off the ball and delivered a bad implementation that didn't work and everyone was left wondering why.  If you want to make money, you have to actually put some effort in.

It's all down to you too.  All this "external forces" and blaming other people is wearing a bit thin now.  You have the power, you have control and if you did something and it's not working who do you think is to blame, somebody thousands of miles away?  They had a choice to free up bureaucracy, lower tax burdens and go for growth (that's what they said, but like previous socialists they think the way to do this is to tax their way out of a problem.  Time and time again, their answer has been to drain the citizens who work and give it to those who do not, or squander it on foreign wet dreams.

The level of insular naivety is off the chart with these people, none of them can hold an audience, they have little or no charisma.  When they open their whining mouths all that comes out is lies, deceit, lack of real world thinking and bollocks and bullsh1t.  Awful dregs of self righteous, snivelling, thick, not thought out drivel.  

When I was working these were the sort of people that I dismissed from meetings and sent them back to their managers with an accurate appraisal of their usefulness to the business.  Waste of Oxygen, like a four pack of beer without the plastic thing that holds them together, depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.  You can't do that sort of thing these days but none of them would have lasted more than a few minutes in my teams.  People knew what to expect in my organization and those who preformed well did very well and were rewarded appropriately.  Those who turned up, unorganized, to make up the numbers, were sent packing.  My meetings we have you delivered what you said? Yes or No?  There is no excuse, it is either yes or no, no maybe.  If you couldn't live in that professional environment you were sent back to your manager.

So to hear all the excuses coming out shows the calibre of these chancers (for that is what they are) and it doesn't stop there.  They are showing really bad management in committee and other areas of Government too.  Just look at the Assisted Dying Bill and how that is chaired railroading through something as important as that and not allowing interested groups to be involved, riding roughshod over people's concerns and taking away the safeguards.  They deserve to be sacked for treating this Bill in such light terms when it needs proper review and all thoughts and ideas reviewed.  Of 80 (yes 80) amendments put forward only 1 is accepted and put forward.   We deserve proper professional MPs not this shower of sh1t.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

And The Moral Of The Story Is......

 Get AI to help you do little things that make a difference and do write to complaints departments and be helpful and constructive.

Case One: I put in a security complaint about a rogue trader who was phishing and it was only when I viewed the transaction that I realised.  So I spoke to security, filled in a form and head nothing back - zilch.  So I rang after 6 months and they asked me to redo the form etc.  On both occasions I got an acknowledgement.  I waited another 6 months and then wrote (old fashioned letter) to the complaints department.  I used AI to help me make it a concerned formal letter but not nasty just factual as I was concerned that the trader might still be at it!  Phone call this morning,  very sorry that it's fallen off the radar.  Compensation £100.  

Case Two:  I bought some hearing filters/noise reducers and I've used them a few times now in place of my hearing aids.  They work OK and help in noisy environments to hear what people are saying.  The manufacturer asked me to review these and I just did but asked AI to assist as I wanted to add a little humour as I noticed that they had reduced in price in the last month since I bought them.  So the review said how good they were but that it was tinged with sadness as I'd paid a lot more for them than the price on the review page :-) They refunded me within 5 minutes the difference.  How good is that?

Case Three: I specifically order something that was priced as a dual pack (I wanted 2 not 1) and rather than get next day or two day delivery waited for the two weeks to get the dual pack.  Of course, just one arrived.  I complained, explained the situation all nice and calmly and factually and explained this and lo and behold.  Full refund and please keep the single one we sent you.

It doesn't take long to make the complaint and if it's factual and you aren't yelling a shouting or demanding you'll generally get some sort of resolution.  It's often better than you would have thought and if you don't ask, you don't get.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Immunisation Of Our Senses

 We are constantly bombarded with news and views, images of atrocities, disasters and bad things.  It never ends does it?

Relentlessly wearing away at our inherent good nature and optimistic outlook on life we become immune after a while and it's all just dramatic bad news and gets worse every day.

I don't know if it is designed that way to wear us down or perhaps stuff is just that bad?  We appears to be run by morons too which doesn't help.  Apparently there's a plan.  A La Baldrick in Black Adder I imagine and I doubt it involves Turnips of any kind unless they too can be taxed at 100%.  Light is faster than sound which is why Ed Milliband always appears to be out of synchronisation and what's with the adenoidal voices these politicians have?  What's that all about are they really speaking down their noses at me or are they attempting to be the person at school who knew all the bus numbers and could tell you all the stops on route?

So - I am thinking about how I can disconnect from all of this stuff?  I did this a few years back now and just took a rest from social media other than just acknowledging birthdays.  I think that's worth doing again.  I haven't touched Twitter (my personal account) since then as it was fuelling almost a paranoia in me about things.  Full on conspiracy theorist even if most of it was based with one foot in fact.

I'm retired apart from the one project and I have time to do things but I still don't motivate myself about it.  There's big problems in my head about getting my arse into gear and doing something.  I find it difficult to actually motivate myself as many things do not interest me anymore which I find kind of sad.  I'm happy to sit here at the keyboard and at my desk doing nothing (really) rather than getting myself up, out and about.  I can do things but I just don't feel the need.

That's for me to work on and perhaps disconnection from the bombardment of my senses is the way forward.  I do tend not to watch the news and TV so much so maybe that will help me to break free?  O hope so, I know the problem, I just need to address it. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Please Just Leave Me Alone

 It's just sickening that politicians in particular just want to f**k up your life.  Listening to Ed Millipede and the Ginger Growler yesterday telling us how well off we are going to be as they ride roughshod over people's objections and concerns was dreadful, if I ever wanted to smack someone in the mush it was him yesterday.  They have absolutely no idea what they are doing, are as thick as mince or pig sh1t if you like and lord it over us making us poorer whilst at the same time telling me that it's all good for me.

Utter heartless bastards and unbelievably ignorant too.  Who in their right mind thinks they can control the climate FFS!  Really?? You can turn the climate control knob when you haven't got much of a knob yourself?  What an utter prat.  These people are deluded if they really think that they can somehow do this. These are the alchemists of the 21st Century who can change dog poo into gold or something like that.  Completely deranged and a product of a system that rewards failure by appointing them into some high office of state!  What a mess we are in if this is the best we have.

Then there's Rachel (from accounts) Thieves who's found out that economics isn't something you can learn in evening class and unleash your homework on the public, the country and the world.  The economic chimera is yet to truly bite us - it's coming and only a month or two away.  The spite and ideological stance they take, the vitriol and hatred of the people they are meant to serve will haunt them and destroy the very thing they wanted because they are too full of venom and bile to realise that the actions they are taking are diametrically different to those they wanted.

Trump's plans are not going to help either and the miscalculations on our energy policies, heavy taxation on employment, penalising entrepreneurship, punishing working people and others in society will be the undoing of our country.  Some homework for you is to look into China's 20 year (or even ten year) growth and understand the BRICs countries power now and the size of their markets.  They are pretty much self reliant and they no longer use the US Dollar exclusively so much is hidden away.  We have outsourced almost everything to them.  The only industry they do not lead in is Aerospace but watch the next 10 years as they will catch up and overtake.

Then look at their control of key minerals - the stuff that things are built with and realise that they now use most of it and do not export them anymore.  So rare earths and things like gallium and the likes are held within their own system  The stuff that the west needs is becoming rarer and therefore more expensive and only available from unfriendly countries.  It's frightening that we argue over going green and net zero and the emerging market world aren't bothered apart from providing us with said products that we use to virtue signal our race to the bottom.  Why does no one understand the peril we are in and do something about it?  I have no idea why our leaders are so f*****g dumb?  

We have tied one hand behind our backs, made building a business in the UK unsustainable, penalised people for being successful, hammered them and us with taxes, almost impossible working conditions, stealth taxes and gotchas everywhere.  High prices, high transport costs for rubbish service, high energy, straight jacket regulations, non secure borders, high crime, huge public service bills which deliver no benefits to the majority etc.  Full foot shooting sort of stuff. We have blinkered, low IQ, career politicians who cannot see the "big picture" nor can they see the sucker punch incoming which will wreck our lives and our country.  And still "the people" happily feed on a diet of Stars on Ice (or whatever it's called), Strictly, Emmerdale, Coronation Street and Eastenders. They bend there heads to the great Smartphone and immerse Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and the like and believe it to be reality.

We've even got politicians that feel they want to "Poke The Bear"  and put our troops on the border with Russia (what the hell was the United Nations for if not that?).  We can't stop people invading out own country let alone help protect another thousands of miles away.  I think they've alienated all but the people they say they represent and the die hard socialists.  I imagine they'll be coming for them too with this Spring Statement so let's see how they like it?  Thieving bastards the lot of them. 

So leave me the f**k alone.  I've paid into the system for years and my reward for putting savings by for my retirement is for them to fiscally drag me into paying more tax when using my savings, limiting by ability to make gains on my already taxed money and trying to tax the arse of my transport costs when not providing any alternative.  These damn townies think we've all got a bus stop on our doorstep, mains sewage (we don't), gas (we don't), a train station nearby (45 minutes walk on a good day for me). I could go on but I imagine you get the picture.  Somehow we need to break the general apathy in this country and get some anger building against what are, in fact, our servants.  They haven't proved themselves fit to kiss my feet and I've no time for any of them.  Wake up UK or you might just find we will be sold off to the highest bidder.

Monday, March 10, 2025

Whatever Happened To Peaceful Protest?

 I saw today that people are using Molotov cocktails and have shot at Tesla property.  Apparently they are incensed that Elon Musk, who is a major shareholder in the company is doing work on behalf of the US Government.  Since when is this acceptable?  If you have a grievance surely you write or email and complain, grab a placard and join a peaceful demonstration and do all of your protesting within the law.   

Your case might be justified in your own mind but to make it weaponised is crazy, do any of you thik that you could actually cause harm to other citizens?  Do people not think out their actions?  Not that we are allowed weapons or Molotov cocktails here in the UK but on what planet do these people exist?  It surely isn't adult, grown up, behaviour is it?  Protest if you must but don't put the safety of other at risk nor destroy people's livelihoods etc.

We had a riot many years ago where a number of people lost their jobs as a large shop was burnt down.  Do they not care about others?  Is it acceptable?  OK so those caught had the book thrown at them and rightly so.  Some where sons and daughters of very well to do families but that didn't help them escape a stay in prison.

So, why do people get enraged about what's going on?  From the little I see, the DOGE outfit have uncovered corruption, maladministration, jobs for the boys, money laundering across the world and other good works (sarc).  So do people believe that these excesses, spending tax payer dollars to shady individuals and countries are good value to the US Tax paying public?  I suppose if you were a recipient you'd be a bit upset that the gravy train had stopped.  But it doesn't make sense.  Is it that the quantum of the problem has been exposed, the curtain pulled down on the system?  IS it the shock and therefore the denial stage they are going through?

If you are familiar with Kubler Ross you might see some sort of pattern here in the grief cycle.  We often used this when we were making major corporate changes and it was very much how things would go.  Not everyone is affected in the same way.  You can also use this in terms of illness too - I refer to it a number of times with my cancer journey.

I wonder if the world has turned upside down for them and they are in the denial stage at the moment?  Who enjoys being wrong?  Their anger is making them not think through the consequences of their actions.  Their whole world and ideals have been turned upside down and maybe there's that.  It reminds me of the comedy sketch where this line was used:

The sudden realization that you might in fact be on the wrong side of history.  Is that what is causing this stupidity of action, fighting a rear guard against common sense which appears to have gone on its vacation for a good few years and may, only slowly, be returning? 

Whatever drives people to make bad decisions I have no idea.  The medicine isn't going down to well in the UK either as protesters do ever dafter things.  The general public seem hell bent on getting involved in the distraction that is Trump's State Visit and wanting to prolong a war that's taking countless lives.  I just don't get it.  Any rational person should have stopped all of this but we don't do rational rather the opposite, we shut down the world for a cold and now staring huge financial meltdown in the near future blame something else other than our own leader's incompetence and downright cowardice not to mention the depth of corruption that has underscored it.  

Look where the money goes.  Does it improve the lot of the citizen?  Do the institutions getting that money improve or become fit for purpose or do the just bloat out and provide a further enlarged service with more people employed than ever and less people treated than ever?

These things cannot be solved without some heavy drastic action.  It's the sort of stuff my colleagues and I used to do we can see the problems but politicians only want to throw money without result at it.  Throwing good money after bad doesn't sort it out, people get angry and don't like the change that is needed either.  The general level of ignorance and belief in the propaganda of our public service is surprising considering how nothing works like it should.  People resist the thing that would save their institutions because they don't like change and let's take for example the health service, would not want to see it privately run and yet some of the very best are privately run and you only need to look to the near continent to see this.  Why do we have health tourists now going outside the UK?  

Anyway, let's hope the liberals finally come to their senses.  I imagine there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth when the Spring Statement arrives and we find out how much more of our money the government are coming for.  When it rips out money from your pocket and your wallet you tend to then arrive at the right conclusion and smell the coffee all at once. 

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Re imagining The Past

 I remember a foreman who worked for me complaining that his wife had made them late for Bingo (I had no idea that this quite fierce character played Bingo) and that, if they had been on time they would have won the jackpot but the couple just in front of them did.  A few moments earlier?  Does fate work that way? I'm not entirely convinced it does.  Like the chap next to you that won a raffle prize.  If I'd have been sold those tickets before him, would I have won?  Probably not.  

It's an interesting puzzle that just recently has been cursing my brain.  My mind is quite something in that it is always computing things and I haven't really learned to stop it doing that - I can, for a short while, but it's what I do, it's how my mind works.  Being an INTJ will do that.  I have stopped worrying about the past.  Some years ago I destroyed all of the negative thoughts in my head but there's a residue at the moment and it is to do with meeting and messaging old friends from 50 years ago.

One, it turns out, lived around the corner from me in both locations I lived in.  I only met him once in all that time at the stations one day.  It wasn't my normal train journey and he recognised me not vice versa.   All that time, many decades, walking past each others houses, even going to the same pub we never bumped into each other - we could well have been on the same train, in the same pub, supermarket etc but never met!  So I found that very strange as surely in all those years we would have bumped into each other but if we weren't looking to do that or were occupied elsewhere it wouldn't happen.  Ships passing in the night so to speak.  

Then my brain started doing other stuff and what ifs.  This was around whether, had things been different, I'd have ended up with a lady that I was close to as I discussed a few posts ago.  We hung around together, went to Paris together (in a small group), went to parties, concerts and so on.  So if things had been different?  She sent over a photo of her now and I could feel my reaction to it.  But that didn't happen, it wasn't to be and that's the annoying thing really about my mind.  Here we are, it cannot be anything but what it is now.  Would meeting up now somehow even things out, could now be the beginning of what didn't happen then?  It's a complete waste of grey cells and synapses but that's what my mind is computing.

I can dream about these things, run over in my head why certain things didn't happen at the time, another friend of mine and I had an "Interesting" evening together but nothing ever came of that or thereafter. What if? 

The bottom line is, of course, none of that can be changed at all.  It was a long time ago and we all went our different ways and we lived our separate lives not knowing what the other was up to after the point we lost touch.  If it was to be, it would have happened.  This hankering for nostalgia is probably part of my writing my memories down for genealogy purposes if nothing else. And yet, my brain wants to work out what sort of life we would have had together and is curious about that.  It's a little bit creepy too if I'm honest.  

What? The Whole Section

 Got a text from my friend over from Bulgaria - he flies in for a meeting four times a year to Luton, he's been travelling for hours already to get here.  On arrival, the whole rail network in that area of the country is down - you can't get from the airport to anywhere except by replacement bus!  Normally there's a train into London and on to us but no, not today.

How utterly annoying is that, that's the whole weekend and his travel plans are such and timings in place mean that he may not get to us at all.If I was to set out now it would take me a few hours to reach him and by then he may have made it someway towards London! 

I fear we are becoming a third world country as it just seems to get worse.  I recall the odd disruption but shutting down huge swathes.  It's disappointing as he may not even make it now - if it takes too long he will have to turn around and go back to catch his flight home!

I see that not only Luton but Stansted are also affected - that's both airports north of London.  Who plans this stuff?

Friday, March 07, 2025

Getting It Just RIght

 I have a toast to deliver tomorrow, a short speech and it needs to be short and sweet and hit the right note.  It's more of an introduction for the response to the toast which I am certain will be extremely good as the chap is a great raconteur.  Me?  I'm OK but tomorrow will be a little less off the cuff just to keep things on track!

Delighted that AI can come to the rescue on things like this.  If there's a bit you're not happy with you can get it churned around with AI which is great as it can smooth things out or can lighten the tone etc.  It's good like that.

I'm going to practice it a few times and hopefully it will all come good on the day. 

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Not Being Able To Do What You Used To Be Able To Do

NO! Not that!

Something else.  For most of my working life I've been able to do most things practically.  Working on my cars, plumbing, electrics (trained electrician), brickwork, rendering, landscaping, fencing, glazing, you probably get the picture.  Being trained as a sparks, you actually learn a lot more including carpentry and so DIY and being practical are all part of things I've done and probably saved myself loads.

I took one look at the re-pointing and brickwork needed and knew I needed someone to do it for me.  My body wouldn't have stood up to all the hard work - it took two guys two and a half days to do it so I guessed that it would have taken me about a week and a half but I just knew, deep inside, that I would have ended up with a bad back, very sore knees and aching everywhere.

Age creeps up on you and suddenly you are the same age as old people.  My last major project - the driveway gates which are each over 2 metres wide and 1.8 metres tall showed me how unfit I am and also the limitations of my powers.  I had a bad back and knees from that but also noticed I got Trigger Finger which took about 3 months to get over and very painful it was too.  Having to use splints to help the repair!

I have a back and knee braces to assist and planting in the garden or any strenuous work needs to be thought through so I don't hurt or injure myself.

It's asking others to do something for you that I also find difficult although I know that they are OK with it, not being able to do something is actually an injury to your pride as much as anything.  I have a loose tap but I am not flexible enough to get behind the unit and tighten it up.  I know that A is and he's done it before and is happy to do it yet I feel like I'm some sort of burden and a failure for not being able to do it myself. It's blindingly obvious that this should happen but your mind says you can do it and your body informs you otherwise!

I see now how difficult it is to ask for help or assistance.  Very difficult indeed.  You want to do all this stuff yourself but physically, you can no longer mover mountains, leap tall buildings, catch bullets with your teeth and so on.