I enjoyed the Matrix films and the underlying messages and the more I think of it, the more I feel that somehow we ended up somewhere similar.
The constant push and pull of the MSM and if you have anything to do with X or Facebook indeed any social media you'll know that you are bombarded with messaging. Here's an exercise for you. Compare the headlines of an event and see the similarities in the way it is reported. Look for common headlines and phrases within the article or report. Ask why there are common phrases and headlines?
It's a complete assault on your senses and an insult to what intelligence we've got left after they've beaten it all out of us. Do people think for themselves anymore? Do people believe all that is fed to them? The looks of horror when I mention the Covid debacle, the Climate Change Scam, the use of statistics and graphs to portray information that are clearly skewed to make a point and the use of percentages without backing data are some of the things that annoy the hell out of me but are held up as dogma or an axiom by those who accuse me of being "A Denier" which is pretty sh1tty way of closing down a conversation at the same time revisiting the horrific crimes of the Holocaust....
I feel that sometimes I am just p1ssing in the wind and I am also getting that awful problem as I get older of not wanting to argue anymore. I try and discuss things in a scientific way but getting yelled down and also gang shouted down is also a bit tiring.
My friends, let's say 95% of them, hate Donald Trump. None of these friends are American Citizens and none of them have been to or lived in the States. They hate Elon Musk too, once again, I'm not sure what he has done to them either? Surely they've all used PayPal at some time or other. But here's the thing, they are convinced the planet is getting warmer yet they've lived as long as I have and our promised Mediterranean Climate has not materialized. Far from it. Whilst we don't suffer the cold winters of the 50s, 60s and 70s we don't have the heat of the 30s and 40s to contend with either.
So why are they so invested into these things? We are fed Trump and Musk hatred by our MSM. We believe what we are told almost without any pursuit of the truth or attempt to understand the accuracy or efficacy of the data. Let's take another truth that's been bent way out of shape. Take Ukraine's President Zelensky, a comedian who came to power after the US got rid of his predecessor. I'm not a Guardian reader but go and look at the headlines of that liberal left leaning paper and you'll see they were slagging off Ukraine for Nazi leanings and other underhand stuff. It's all there on record and then, look at after the war and butter wouldn't melt would it? So what changed from the short time it tool a sinner to become a saint?
No one remembers the pre-war worry about the regime. It's all a horse of a different colour again now. It was also like watching "Drop The Dead Donkey" (If you know you know). Blown up buildings with glass broken yet the cars in the car park hadn't been touched? Stuff like that was all a bit strange. Remember the Covid dropping down dead in the street films? It was all too contrived, not believable and done for reasons perhaps to deaden your brain and make you take sides, frighten you and make you follow orders. I'm waiting for our Government to "Make The Trains Run On Time" which I believe was a sort of swipe at Benito Mussolini. If we do manage it, I think I'll have to hunker down LOL.
Back on track with all this stuff going on, it actually "does my head in!" to go back to my Sarf London roots. It does mess with my head as I feel half or more of the people I know are brainwashed with this torrent of propaganda and half truths wrapped up in easy 5 minute sound bites. The TDS being shown is off the scale and do people really exhibit that sort of hatred or is it just somewhere to let off steam now we no longer have the Colosseum Gladiators, Feeding the Lions with slaves, Bread and Circuses? We perhaps need our own 'Running Man' or 'Rollerball' to keep the masses entertained with violent outlets in the hope that after they have vented they will remain peaceful until the next gore fest?
So how can I disconnect from my own Matrix connection, break the cord and live a life without having the distraction of all this noise and bad stuff? The temptation to go off grid is huge but you are still connected as your money is in the bank and your bills need to be paid and your credit cards (if you use them) identify where you are, what you spend your money on and so on. Your mobile phone connects you to the grid too.
My mission has to be how can you disconnect and remain both connected and disconnected at the same time? It's not going to happen but I do need to try and separate fact from fiction and try and move away from the small screen of scrolling doom, the propaganda machine emitted by my TV screen, the nonsense garbled out by the MSM and the constant pulls on my mind by all of these. When none of these things existed, life was much easier and safer I feel.
Let my mind gymnastics begin!
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