Or am I? I have to say that I've now started to just ridicule our leaders who strut around proclaiming utter nonsense but do so in an authoritative way, asserting their complete lack of knowledge about world affairs, economics and being so massively disconnected from the public that it really is just funny even though it is so serious.
I have terrible trouble now not to just burst out laughing wen these caricatures, cartoon like, sitcom look and sound a-likes say or do anything.
Good old Kier Starmer made me chuckle when he "Warned Vladimir Putin" Yep good luck with that old man. I imagine Vlad would have to have asked for his 'Whos Who of Foreign half wits" to work out who was threatening him now. Honestly, who does he think he is? Who do Europe think they are. Our glorious leaders seem to only want a war and yet they are neither prepared for it nor has it been planned. No one actually has a plan for what they want out of it anyway? Of course you'll hear the liberal wets stating that Ukraine feeds the world but I kind of doubt that it is really true. Where do they think the manpower is coming from. Would anyone follow these witless politicians into battle? What for, what's the reason, what's the objective?
This is no Sir Winston Churchill in charge. Just look at what was at stake back then. It's all words and no actions all mouth and no trousers as we used to say. It's just a joke and it curries no favour with the public, it's just a spout of words and politicians vying for a Nobel peace prize (not).
When you hear their measly mouthed, weasel worded statements, their inability to actually govern and manage but rather blame it on someone else. Wouldn't happen in business, these are the sort of waste of oxygen types you'd sacrifice at the altar of the bosses and who you'd send on suicide missions into the cauldron of management transactional warfare. They'd either sink or swim. The former being the most likely. Ideal cannon fodder. Those who have climbed the greasy pole not by merit but happening to be there and brown nosing their progress. When finally they take power they are woefully inadequate, what od they say? The sort that would take a knife to a gun fight. They are easily outwitted and confused by facts, have no idea of anything practical or that requires common sense and emit cognitive dissonance and they probably smell nasty too.
I hate being talked down to but I am now finding great joy and much hilarity watching them bury themselves doubling down on their mistakes and not realising how far they are digging their own graves, they're not shallow as they reach the bottom and continue to dig. Watching Ed Millipede in China admonishing them about their use of energy (I think he still thinks coal and oil are made from fossils) as if the second largest country in the world is going to listen to someone who really cannot rationalise the damage he is doing to his own country by exporting all the work to, let e see, ermm, oh yes, China. The man is a complete basket case.
Just laugh for they will end up in a mess. They all need to be investigated for lining their pockets and they all need to be held accountable for destroying our country and its people. So ridicule is the weapon, That and not listening to a word they say, opposing every sick policy they have that impacts us the people. I used to enjoy the word "NO" when at work. Try it, it completely befuddles people. No explanation as to why, just say no. Ignoring people is also good, I enjoyed that too. Cutting them short when they wanted to tell you how they had missed a deadline, calling them out. I wouldn't want to work for me even now. I was a nightmare to deal with because I took no truck, no feeble excuses. Anyone who messed around was subject to FAFO. You didn't deliver on the day you said. Come with me and let's explain it to the customer. They didn't do it again. The boss taking one of my team away without telling me was also thrown to the wolves and made to explain to the customer and if they wouldn't then they'd be made to explain it to my direct boss. FAFO.
None of these so called politicians would be allowed to get away with this sh1t in a commercial situation. Not one of them understands business, it appears the lie on their CVS and they have no cognizance of the impact of their actions until it smacks them in the face.
Laugh at them, ridicule them, take the mickey, poke fun at them, make them feel uncomfortable, hold them to task. They can all go to hell in a handcart and no one will miss them. No need to pay for comedy entertainment we've got the labour party. The people of Doncaster ought to be super proud that they actually went out and voted for Ed Millipede as they now see their energy bllls double and possible quadruple so that we can live off Unicorn Farts and unreliables in the future. So we should all ridicule Doncaster as well - it's gone downhill since I was last there Obvs.
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