Thursday, March 13, 2025

And The Moral Of The Story Is......

 Get AI to help you do little things that make a difference and do write to complaints departments and be helpful and constructive.

Case One: I put in a security complaint about a rogue trader who was phishing and it was only when I viewed the transaction that I realised.  So I spoke to security, filled in a form and head nothing back - zilch.  So I rang after 6 months and they asked me to redo the form etc.  On both occasions I got an acknowledgement.  I waited another 6 months and then wrote (old fashioned letter) to the complaints department.  I used AI to help me make it a concerned formal letter but not nasty just factual as I was concerned that the trader might still be at it!  Phone call this morning,  very sorry that it's fallen off the radar.  Compensation £100.  

Case Two:  I bought some hearing filters/noise reducers and I've used them a few times now in place of my hearing aids.  They work OK and help in noisy environments to hear what people are saying.  The manufacturer asked me to review these and I just did but asked AI to assist as I wanted to add a little humour as I noticed that they had reduced in price in the last month since I bought them.  So the review said how good they were but that it was tinged with sadness as I'd paid a lot more for them than the price on the review page :-) They refunded me within 5 minutes the difference.  How good is that?

Case Three: I specifically order something that was priced as a dual pack (I wanted 2 not 1) and rather than get next day or two day delivery waited for the two weeks to get the dual pack.  Of course, just one arrived.  I complained, explained the situation all nice and calmly and factually and explained this and lo and behold.  Full refund and please keep the single one we sent you.

It doesn't take long to make the complaint and if it's factual and you aren't yelling a shouting or demanding you'll generally get some sort of resolution.  It's often better than you would have thought and if you don't ask, you don't get.

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