Sunday, March 23, 2025

Painting the Forth Bridge

 The expression "Painting the Forth Bridge" is a British idiom meaning a never-ending task, stemming from the fact that the Forth Bridge's original paint technology required continuous repainting, but now, with modern paints, it only needs repainting every 20-25 years. 

So once again, I've had to fix my driveway gates.  One of the posts suffered a lot during the gales and is ever so slightly loose in the ground.  I'd fixed that by driving metal stakes into the ground and also by tying back to a local tree and using a system of small pulleys.  Anyway, it's worked OK for a few months (the cold weather also affects the wood) and I've just had to go and put a new stake in as I can see where there was a gap through the recent high winds.  So that's fixed..... For Now!

Down the week I had to fix one of the WCs which had started to leak but instead of an easy fix I had to buy all new components and fix it.  Then the auto cupboard light needed fixing too!  The light fitting was fixed on and so the heat was ridiculous so I also changed the lamp for an LED one too.

Blow me down if yesterday, my partner said she could hear scratching from the chimney!  Yes there was scratching and I could work out roughly where so I opened the windows and doors blackened one half the room with the curtains and took out the baffle plate in the log fire and left the door open.  You then need to shine a light upwards (it's not the first time this has happened).  All that happened was the bird pooped on my torch!

Giving it an hour we realised that we may need to help things along so I started to undo the inspection hatch but I'm old and not as slim as I used to be so partner's son came over and loosened the screws.  Still nothing, we could hear it but nothing so I once again shone my working light up the hole.  I also started to cook some food thinking the smell might help.

I was suddenly aware of a dark shape coming out of the darkened area of the room (we have a doubled sided chimney).  Then on one of our ceiling rafters we saw.....  A huge Crow.  It flew across to another rafter/beam and then shot out of the window!  Greeting all his Avian friends in a chorus in the field at the back! 

I've managed to partially put back the inspection cover and baffle plate but will need the long tall assistance to put the rest back!  

So that's my week.  How has yours been? 

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