Friday, March 14, 2025

Time To Blame Everyone But Yourself

 I see Rachel Thieves is playing the victim and it's all Trump and world forces that are stunting growth and blah blah blah.

She has the most irritating voice (actually most of them do) that sounds as if she could tell you all the Tram numbers and all the stops and the frequency of journeys on each line including Bank Holidays!  There's nothing remotely likeable and everyone else is at fault apart from her over the economic downturn.  She might be able to add up but that's where it ends.  None of these lot seem to consider the world outside and its impact on us.  They don't seem to appreciate qite how it all goes together and they like to think that they are in charge and if the say something it somehow magically happens.

I recall working with an organization where the story told was one of riches beyond dreams, huge amounts of money could be generated by what was, back then, a rival for the accounting business we see today and online invoice and payment systems.  BUT and here's the but, no one worked hard enough to make it happen so blinded were they with the £ssss that they took their eye off the ball and delivered a bad implementation that didn't work and everyone was left wondering why.  If you want to make money, you have to actually put some effort in.

It's all down to you too.  All this "external forces" and blaming other people is wearing a bit thin now.  You have the power, you have control and if you did something and it's not working who do you think is to blame, somebody thousands of miles away?  They had a choice to free up bureaucracy, lower tax burdens and go for growth (that's what they said, but like previous socialists they think the way to do this is to tax their way out of a problem.  Time and time again, their answer has been to drain the citizens who work and give it to those who do not, or squander it on foreign wet dreams.

The level of insular naivety is off the chart with these people, none of them can hold an audience, they have little or no charisma.  When they open their whining mouths all that comes out is lies, deceit, lack of real world thinking and bollocks and bullsh1t.  Awful dregs of self righteous, snivelling, thick, not thought out drivel.  

When I was working these were the sort of people that I dismissed from meetings and sent them back to their managers with an accurate appraisal of their usefulness to the business.  Waste of Oxygen, like a four pack of beer without the plastic thing that holds them together, depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.  You can't do that sort of thing these days but none of them would have lasted more than a few minutes in my teams.  People knew what to expect in my organization and those who preformed well did very well and were rewarded appropriately.  Those who turned up, unorganized, to make up the numbers, were sent packing.  My meetings we have you delivered what you said? Yes or No?  There is no excuse, it is either yes or no, no maybe.  If you couldn't live in that professional environment you were sent back to your manager.

So to hear all the excuses coming out shows the calibre of these chancers (for that is what they are) and it doesn't stop there.  They are showing really bad management in committee and other areas of Government too.  Just look at the Assisted Dying Bill and how that is chaired railroading through something as important as that and not allowing interested groups to be involved, riding roughshod over people's concerns and taking away the safeguards.  They deserve to be sacked for treating this Bill in such light terms when it needs proper review and all thoughts and ideas reviewed.  Of 80 (yes 80) amendments put forward only 1 is accepted and put forward.   We deserve proper professional MPs not this shower of sh1t.

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