"Illegitimi non carborundum" is a mock-Latin phrase, meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down," Often used at work along with many others such as “We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.” attributed to Konstantin Josef Jireček
And so we go on our journey with such mottoes as we shake our heads in disbelief at the liberal value system that isn't particularly liberal or that exemplifies and real decent values either come to think of it.
I see that in the US a District? Judge of some sort demanded that criminals (many vicious and pretty unsavoury) be returned to the US. The plane, already in the air (or planes) completed their mission and these undesirables were repatriated. What sort of person wants one or two plane loads of criminals in their country? Such are this Judge's overblown authority that he should perhaps denounce Putin and send his troops back home, order KFC and Coca Cola to disclose their secret recipe and other such urgent matters.
We have Rory Stewart. He's quite different in opinion to me - opposite would be underplaying it, he's almost alien in outlook. Often calling things out wrongly, sweeping victory for Harris in the US elections etc. He has a sort of young puppy excitement about things and just sets off my spider senses every time I hear him or see him.
There seems to be a new breaking awakening among the great unwashed. A slow realisation of how much poo we are in, how unbelievably bad our so called leaders are, how corrupt, how stupid, naive and how they lack any real experience of life, the universe, business, science, economics and they have a very loose grasp on the truth. How so many can have lied about their past careers and have actually got away with it is beyond me. Again, in "public" life it appears that you do not have to be meritorious, perhaps the opposite. You don't have to have displayed competence in your particular subject nor understand the consequences of your actions. In my real life experience, I'd have lasted less than a day if I'd have displayed anything approaching the low level of achievement these people think is acceptable.
Are we waking up to this? A little too slowly I think we are. I suppose everyone is sick to death of it all and so have been dulled and numbed like having your teeth filled, you don't feel the pain after a while and you get worn down by it all. But, gradually the roar is beginning to build up and the hatred (for it is that) is beginning to brew up as both local and central government continue making our lives miserable. Local councils are doing things at the dead of night, against their very own constituents wishes. It's like a dodgeball game out there, dodging fines and cameras and the get rich quick schemes of the people who work for us, by our mandate. I really hope that this May, people will heavily punish all the old established parties and give them a bloody nose.
Of course, some people are happy to be told what to do all the time and how to act. Happy to be fined and ordered around like some unruly flock of sheep. It's time that the public woke up as one and kicked the living daylights out of the system. Any new councillors need to act hard and fast to tear down the nonsensical oppressive systems there before, save money by cutting away all the waste and nonsense of huge committees and running services based on central office policies instead of what is right for the people. It's like living in 1960s East Berlin in some local towns and cities. The financial crap they've managed to get into (some of them) is not punished, oh no, the people they represent have to foot the bill and have double digit increases imposed on them through mal-administration. And no one gets sacked or goes to prison for it.
Yes, come on everyone, wake up, vote them out of office. Get rid of traditional uni party and see what this new lot can do. What's there to lose? You can have more of the same or you can try out the new kids on the block who have talked a good game so far. You can't really lose as everyone else has screwed up so far. If they get in and make no difference then we are all in trouble.
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