Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Year Ago and Tomorrow

A year ago I was thinking about my forthcoming BCG treatment, wondering how it would affect me and being worried about those who dropped out of their treatment.

I am really quite nervous about my meeting with my Consultant tomorrow. In a way I am looking forward to seeing her and understanding what the results are and what happens next. I'm not sure how I am going to react to whatever news they may have.

Will I be elated, bitterly disappointed, unfazed or what. Only tomorrow will tell. If it is good news - I hope that I don't blub! Perhaps walk home with a stupid grin on my face.

It is really strange how I feel - I am on a bit of a high given the news earlier today on the job front. But do I feel all excited / nervous because of that or tomorrow?

I'll let you know tomorrow.

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