Wednesday, July 04, 2012

On Reflection

Going out to dinner and not cancelling it was a good thing to do.  Telling my daughter in the Restaurant wasn't ideal but she went straight there and I was hoping she would come home first.

Cracking open a bottle of Champagne and toasting my dad also not such a bad idea.  Putting on the film Koyaanisqatsi  was, I feel, a nice way to sit down and reflect on things.  However, whatever made me select Field of Dreams afterwards is somewhat debatable.  I suggest to you that if you remember the ending you may recollect why I found tears very easy last night, nothing much just tears at those last scenes before the cars arrived.  Magical moment really as it is really an uplifting film, maybe a bit cheesy but uplifting nevertheless.  The final film I tried to watch but was too tired was 2001 - dad loved Science Fiction and I thought 2001 was indeed another sure fire certainty to set me right.  However, I didn't even get as far as the Docking sequence and had to retire to bed.

Slept well with all that Champagne in my system it would be difficult not to.  I think my dad would be laughing mischievously today though as my birthday card I opened today comes from him.

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