Monday, September 09, 2013

The Week Ahead

We are still embargoed from my main news.  The week ahead will be interesting I feel and whilst I have no idea what it will hold for me at this moment, I've had a number of things come together in the last few days which is good.

The best thing is honestly to now be clear (mostly) of the damaging baggage I've been hauling around with me these past years.  I can't tell you what a relief it is to be able to control this stuff, get rid of it, stop it in its tracks.

I didn't get to meet the hirers for the job - well that's OK too.  I feel fine about that too and no doubt they will find someone far more suitable.

Once I found out that, I thought I'll write an action plan, a page of things to do, a project plan a mindmap and work out what I will do next.  Here it is:

Yes, that's it :-)  All my life I've written plans and lists and things and suddenly, yesterday, nothing would come out at all because there isn't anything there anymore.  I tore it all down last week when I removed the past I also realised that all the stuff I plan and scheme about never happens in the way I want it to and so it isn't necessary to do this - it leads to disappointment and it is not productive either.

So an interesting week coming up and who knows what's coming down the line... :-) 

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