Sunday, May 24, 2009

Loose Trousers - at last

I'm starting to see some improvement in the size of my waist and my weight is becoming to slowly and surely come down. Nothing dramatic, just steady progress. I'm 5 Kilo (about 11 pounds) lighter than I was when I went to the GPs some 5 or 6 weeks ago. So it is about 1 or 2 pounds per week coming off which is pleasing. If I can keep that going for another 8 weeks I will be pleased.

Today has been about booking my trip in St. Petersburg (Russia) and working out the details, costs and all that. It hasn't been easy but we finally made up our minds and have gone with one that is challenging physically but we have decided not to go out on the first evening as we will have done close to 12 hours touring with just a 30 minute lunch stop. The next day would also be around 10 hours. SO to go out for a show or to the ballet may just wipe us out. We also realised that we would already have been going for 3 days before the 2 in St. Petersburg and still have Tallinn to hit the day after we leave. So a total of 6 days in 5 cities - at least I won't have an excuse to put on weight as we will be walking around each city rather than sitting on coaches like we were a few years back.

In a way I am looking forward having a busy time and getting out and about. I'm sure my feet wont feel they belong to me by the time we are finished.

Feeling a lot better than I have for a while, less tired today and a day off tomorrow will make things better. I had Friday off - even though I was doing some work at the time.

I can spend tomorrow catching up with loads of odds and ends now that I have the holiday tours booked and sorted and under control.

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