Saturday, March 10, 2007

Interesting e-mail

I got an e-mail or rather a private message which was rather nice - someone I don't know wishing me well. It puts a little smile on your face when you get one of those - RAOK - a Random Act of Kindness. Nice one!

Actually it has quite made my day thinking about it.

Selfish Streak

I said it before I think. You can be awfully selfish and awfully grumpy, awkward and downright instransigent. At least I find myself being like that. Not all the time just occasionally and I catch myself being a real pain in the arse sometimes.

Selfishness comes with the territory I feel. The rest is the anger working its way out. Bag man on the doorstep wants to sell me something - this time I didn't even give him the time of day. Told him straight that I knew what he had in the bag and that as far as I was concerned he'd be wasting his time trying to sell me stuff from it. I've seen these guys congregating in the local pub afterwards. Making a living - perhaps but they were banging back the beers at an alarming rate.

The flashes of utter rage and also prolonged anger get channeled elsewhere and confrontation and making your point forcibly are other occasional events. I've always had a bit of a sharp tongue anyway - these days I have to bite it really hard to stop myself launching into stuff and situations that just wind me up. I get far more wound up than I ever used to before. My high level of tolerance, even with people who defy the gene pool has evaporated.

Well you have been warned.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Someone Said that I was brave and

That they wouldn't know what to do if they had to go through what I am going through.

I don't think it is brave particularly. I think that you have an option to make the best of it, take the pragmatic approach. Attitude and positive thinking (of course you have doubts too) are all things you can lean on to get you through.

You learn to live with things pretty quickly I find. The key thing is to understand what you are being told, accept it (that is a hard thing) and then get on with it.

Each step is a little bit more of the story.

Day one - you have cancer but it isn't known how bad
Day two - we think it is bad
Day three - it isn't as bad as we first feared
Day four - we can do something about this now we have you under control

and so on. That is how it goes and it isn't brave it's just life. And that is the thing to celebrate. Until they threaten that it is going to go away from you - you really don't know how much of the time you have had you've wasted.

Blimey that was creepy

I just read that last post - creepy lyrics indeed

Anyway, if I wasn't worried enough about going in that time I don't suppose that made things an awful lot better.

I still have so much stuff to get done before I go in and suddenly next week is full up in the diary again.

I have no idea how I am going to get everything done but I suppose it is better that way.

Those Lyrics

Yep - I actually quite like this song now - I hardly think I needed to be hearing these words just before being wheeled in. :-)

I don't suppose I'll worry too much about that this time however.

Anyway - here you are for what it is worth

Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired

There's a ghost on the horizon
When I go to bed
How can I fall asleep at night
How will I rest my head

Oh I'm scared of the middle place
Between light and nowhere
I don't want to be the one
Left in there, left in there

There's a man on the horizon
Wish that I'd go to bed If
I fall to his feet tonight
Will allow rest my head

So here's hoping
I will not drown
Or paralyze in light

And godsend
I don't want to go
To the seal's watershed

Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, Will I go

Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired


I used to take in a number of CDs to Hospital and a book. I've bought myself an MP3 player now.

I find that listening to the music allows me to deal with the stress reasonably well. So what music do I take in?

Ludovico Einaudi
Antony & the Johnsons - I am a bird now
Classical - relaxing classics (Classic FM version)
Yann Tierson - Sound track to Amelie
Michael Nyman - best of
David Gray
Colin Bluntstone

It is all very middle of the road stuff except I suppose Antony & the Johnsons. For those in the know the track I was listening to just before I had the first operation was "Hope there's someone" and if I find the lyrics I'll stick them up here. It was pretty spooky listening to that track and then opening my eyes to see the porters there ready to wheel me down. Of course at that time, everything was a blur and we had no idea if the cancer was localised or not - sh1t scary stuff - believe me. Anyway, I quite like this track now :-)

The Scary Factor

I was chatting to a friend this morning about the forthcoming operation and the assessment. The last time I had an assessment they completed that and the next thing that happened was I got wheeled down to theatre so this will be a first.

I really can't stand having blood taken so I definitely don't look forward to anything to do with needles or syringes (as you may recall from the BCG syringes they use!).

So I can only imagine that my Blood Pressure will be through the roof and I just hope that they don't keep me waiting as it won't get any better doing that either.

It is the 0.1% that will get you

I just saw an advert on TV. Some domestic spray you can use that kills 99.9% of household germs including a whole host of named nasties.

The worry is the didn't mention what the 0.1% was that it didn't get rid of? Not that I should worry that much about it I suppose.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


So my old company would like me to work for them based on a contract rate. I suppose that isn't such a bad idea really. I could certainly do part time and I suppose it would fit nicely with the uncertainty of the outcome of Monday week's tests.

At least this way if I have to take time off it isn't going to mess up a new employer's area.

I find it amazing that they are having to look to get me back. I don't think that they realised the aftershock of the redundnacies would have been to make those who were thinking of leaving take the decision for themselves but you can imagine if you have mortgage and you are not sure where the next penny is coming from you have to make those sorts of decisions.

What that means is that because I can do the whole piece - I could go back and be managed by the people I used to manage - which is very funny as they will make me do what I was making them do :-)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Brilliant Evening

I heard some great news from a friend of mine that his wife is getting better and making a great recovery and I feel really lifted. He has been really kind and called me on the odd occasion just to see how I am and to offer me his support and all the time his wife hasn't been at all well. Every now and then your faith in human kind is restored.

I was at a Jazz night this evening and it was one of those magic ones. A few guests turned up and they jammed along brilliantly and there were some great solos, really good musicianship and with Speckled Hen at £2.40 a pint - you just can't go wrong really.

Fantastic night and good company. I feel much better - better than I have for a couple of weeks and it isn't the beer doing that - it is the "high" of hearing that my friend's wife is so much better and on the mend and for enjoying a good night out.

So they'd like me to work with them again

How about that. Possibility of going back to work with the company that are laying me off.

It often happens that there are a round of redundancies followed by some major people leaving followed by some key people leaving and suddenly you are struggling. These guys now don't have people available to deliver! Hey ho, what do I know?

I need to think about this. It could work to my advantage in that I need part time work and they need me.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

It has been a busy old day again

I am off out again soon to listen to some live music - Trad Jazz. It is a nice evening out, I'm probably the youngest one there :-) The beer is cheap and the company is good and the music is always played well - wit occasional variances in quality but normally it is good fun. I also get a good walk there and sometimes back as well.

Talking of which I ramped up to 30 minutes exercising this morning only to have a phone call at 20 minutes. No I couldn't be bothered after the call to reset the machine for a further 10 minutes - perhaps tomorrow.

So I've had three meetings face - to - face and a couple of phone call meetings and a few e-mail exchanges too.

At least it keeps my mind off next week and the week after.

I am encouraged by

The occasional note I get saying keep on with the blog. I often feel that it is just mundane stuff but was "told off" for that. I suppose it is important to know that life goes on pretty much as normal and that actually your emotions go on a roller coaster ride. You can't get off the Roller Coaster until someones says you can, you have to ride it until the journey is over. The cruel bit is just when you think everything has settled down - off you go on another circuit, bend and loop the loop.

I think that I play down how serious this is. I read my consultant's notes again the other day and she told me in no uncertain terms what this disease is all about.

Anyway, I am rambling off the subject - which was that I am going to keep on doing the blog and hope that it doesn't get too boring. Sometimes all that does happen is I get up, do some work and go to sleep - life as normal - I'm beginning to be more and more thankful for that.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A good evening out was what was needed

It has again been a busy day as I was trying to get my paperwork sorted. Tomorrow I have to go and sort out some financial stuff (I can't get my head around balance sheets) and so I am going to have my work checked to make sure that I am right.

I was out this afternoon and this evening with the person who has bladder cancer but is a few years in advance of me and on the BCG maintenance regime. It does me good to see him looking so well and so I am feeling much better.

Later on I have to meet some guys about web sites, servers, domains and all that.

After that I am out to a Jazz night so that will take my mind off things for a while.

In between times I need to complete some minutes of meetings and to redo a terms of reference and a re-planning document.

Thursday I will again be out and then, with any luck things will settle down for a short while. At least being busy is taking my mind off you know what so that is good.

Disrupting my life

I know I shouldn't complain about it but it really disrupts your life having Cancer. Simple things like going out on a Monday night in 6 weeks time become uncertain events. I cannot commit to anything in case all is good and I go straight back on maintenance therapy. That then takes out the Tuesdays and my life is dictated by the uncertainty of the outcome and the treatment regimen that will put me on. I have had to turn down a number of things "just in case" and people are sympathetic of course but when things suddenly move and I could have been there it takes on another connotation.

I suppose because I have always had a planned and organised life (being a project manager it tends to fit to some sort of plan) that this uncertainty and short notice changes in plans really does knock me sideways. It takes a lot to get myself back on track and I just know that something else is going to happen to mean I've got to re-plan again.

Calmed Down a bit now

I am having a very up and down time at the moment some days I am OK others I am dreading the coming event. It is less than two weeks away now - it is only a week to assessment and by this time next week I hope that that is over. At least I won't have to go through assessment and having the Op a few minutes after they finished that.

Whilst I am in this mood I ought to get on and work my way through my list of "to dos" which still doesn't appear to be getting any less.

After a long battle

What does that mean? We use very aggressive words with cancer, you beat cancer, you defeat it, you win the battle, you battle cancer, you fight it.

I always feel for the obituary that says "after a long battle against cancer" It implies that cancer somehow "won". Pedantic semantics I may have but it is an unusual choice of words but what else could they be?

Cancer is an enemy
Cancer is aggressive
Cancer needs to be tackled aggressively

I don't think I am in a battle. I feel that I am approaching recovery different to say, a cold. You have to change your lifestyle and so you "manage" the disease and try to ensure that it never gets to a point of managing you. Whatever control you do have is focused on beating the disease so you can see how quickly I slipped back into the fighting vernacular.

Anyway, the next time someone had a long battle against cancer you'll perhaps give some thought to how long that battle was and what it meant to that person.

Dream Time revisited

It can be quite a shock waking up these days to find that actually you aren't just coming to in your hospital bed but you are actually at home. The dreams are all about the hospital but not on anything specific at the moment. Mostly this is reliving things and complaining about blunt cannulas and replaying different scenarios of the outcome. The Surgeon comes over and says hello but that is it. They smile at me and it looks good news. However path results take a couple of weeks so it isn't going to be over the day after the Op.

Perhaps the dream will pick up a bit in intensity nearer the time. Despite knowing what awaits me my mind is still occasionally running wild about it.

This time, as I understand it, they will knock me out and will take a series of biopsies around the bladder. Last time they were going to do this but actually re-re sectioned and resected another area and did some retrogrades and then took biopsies as well!

These biopsies will be around the original area of the tumour and also at intervals around the bladder. These are then mounted in a wax substance and thinly sliced and examined under a microscope. They can then determine what affect the BCG has had and what the next steps may be.

Best case is that I get to go on to maintenance therapy and get 6 monthly hits and 3 weeks a time (I believe). At 6 months afterwards a flexible cystoscopy and if all looks OK then another 3 lots of BCG and so on gradually the intervals increase but the dosage I believe stays the same.

The more often you have these BCGs apparently the more severe the reaction can get and some people don't finish the course. I really haven't had such a severe reaction that I'd have wanted to give up the course but I did get a seriously bad reaction to one that shook me and I can imagine if I had had a series of those I might have thought differently.

Another person I know with Lung Cancer

I heard tonight that someone else I know has lung cancer. That is three in as many years and two this year alone.

I wonder whether it is an "age" thing - I remember being told that you know you are getting old when your friends and acquaintances start dying.

It could be that I am getting to that age where my peer group are beginning to get cancer, serious illness and dying. Not trying to put too much of a downer on proceedings you understand. I think there is also a fair amount of being sensitive to people with cancer. There is a"not just me then" attitude. Also and perhaps a it more disturbing is ranking your cancer and severity against them. It is only natural to compare and I keep coming up with an answer that mine isn't as serious as theirs. However, it probably is, it is just (thankfully) I am not on chemotherapy, I haven't lost my hair and (hopefully) things are getting under control.

I'm meeting up with the person I now know has bladder cancer and who is on maintenance therapy - he will have completed his latest course and so I can see how he got on. He did have a very bad turn with the BCG once. Far worse than the turn I had. However, he is three or four years on from his original diagnosis which I remember being quite something. I knew it was cancer but not how bad it was. So that will be tomorrow - or in fact looking at the time later today.

Right - must dash - better get some sleep.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Connecting the dots

All I need now is confirmation that I can disappear from my employer's radar, hand back the equipment which would make it difficult to contact me and to free up a third of my desk and allowing me to draw a line under that.

I have some work to get on with, well three concurrent bits of work and I need to concentrate on those. This would allow me to do that. I can then sort out my plans and get to work free from the encumbrances of the bits and pieces I have been doing.

That would tie in the dots about winding up my employment, setting up the business again and earning some part time money through that. so that would be work.

Then there are the dots in the insurance claim. Gee 5 months that has been dragging on for and I'm still not sure what to make of that. It would be nice to connect that one and not have that to worry about.

I suppose get the 19th out of the way as well. I've got to hope that it is good news and that I'll get stuck into the observation and bcg maintenance regime. That would join those dots up.

If all three could come together then perhaps I can get some control back into my life. I can also plan this holiday that I haven't had since - 2005! That was the last one in Summer 2005!

I am wondering whether to take myself off on my own - I'm pretty good at that and have travelled extensively on business on my own and made the best of it. Sometimes it can be difficult - taking a photo of yourself always looks sad :-)

Anyway, I do hope that these loose ends can just get tidied up quickly and I can get on my way again.