Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Less than an hour to go now

I've had my shower and I am just going through my check list of things. I have to be at the Hospital at 7:45 meaning about 7:15 away from here, getting parked and then walking into to the admissions lounge. I do hope that they are not showing Casualty or ER like they did last time I was there. Either these people have an advanced sense of the ridiculous or they are sadists. I think they had one of those programmes last time live from some hospital and frankly it did nothing for my nerves. I remember turning the damn thing off when someone left the room.

For the first time I'll have already had my assessment and so it will be straight onto the ward without all the medical staff fussing over me.

It seems quite strange me calmly sitting here at the PC when all the other times I have been sat here but playing solitaire or tertis or some such thing with my headphones on and locked away from the world. Today I'm the opposite to that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my thoughts are with you mate