Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Still not quite right

I do tend to forget this - even now after what? Close to a year of having this.

These treatments aren't like taking an Aspirin - this is something beyond most people's comprehension (thank goodness) including my own most of the time. I have to remind myself that drastic diseases need drastic actions. So having side effects and all that go with the territory and I don't know why I expect that it will be plain sailing or easy or something like that.

I still haven't got it into my head some of the fundamental stuff. It is perhaps the way I have approached it and tackled it that does this.

Anyway, I'm OK now yet still a little bit aching and stinging but I can feel it improving. I haven't had any tablets today to control it - perhaps I should have?

I'm hoping that I will feel a lot better tomorrow as I have a lot to get through.

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