The Internet has made cowards as brave as you like. Operating from their mother's under stairs cupboards, the keyboard warriors tackle the problems of the day and report what, in their befuddled minds, annoys them or offends them. I'm sure that the authorities who have brought this behaviour on their own heads must be fed up with this now but NO it continues to plague us.
TV Programmes aren't all as good as they used to be I suppose but my method of complaint is to turn it off, turn the programme over or just not watch it anyway. We see daily, enraged and offended people complaining to the BBC or OFCOM, online about something in a programme which, frankly, just using your common sense and taking away the ability for the programme to become commercially realised might be a better strategy? Surely if the programme is made and had been broadcast and you sat there and watched it and were offended then it's to do with you surely?
I was watching a programme last night episode 2 of a war series and it was dreadful and it was offensive, unrealistic and not believable - quite how someone in war time could get from England to Italy without the benefit of EasyJet or Ryan Air in such a very quick time, establish an identity and so on is not possible. It was therefore stretching the credibility of the characters and the plot, the main actors weren't exactly likeable (I know you don't have to be) and so 20 minutes into the second episode I turned over and will not see out the next 4 episodes. However, why would I write to anyone about it let alone complain? What's the point? If I don't like something, I don't watch it, If I don't like a product, I don't buy it. What's the point of taking to the agencies and expecting them to do about it.
Of course, here I am writing and complaining too which is a bit hypocritical I suppose. It seems a lot of our "culture" these days is to be snitches and tell tales, grassing people up and reporting them to the authorities. You can't really practice free speech much these days as they'll say you're not allowed to say or do this or that. Back in the day, if you said what you were thinking and I disagreed with it, I had a choice. I could tell you I disagreed and why and back then, you could do that and not get into a screaming row or being yelled at. I could just let them have their say and say nothing, or I could just walk away and ignore it.
I do hate this yelling and screaming nonsense these days. People almost burst a blood vessel getting so angry about something you might say. But here is the thing that worries me, have we lost the ability to have an opinion and to voice it. I do have contrary opinions to many people. I don't believe a word that any of the MSM say. A case in point would be the bias of the BBC news. It's worth getting views from different organisations and contrast and compare. The illegal invasion by economic migrants is a case in point. The BBC had someone on from a pressure group stating that these people were coming to a safe country from wherever they were from. They had already passed through a number of safe countries and some were coming from countries where there were no wars or conflict etc. So to double down on this they then pulled some library shots of a child being rescued from a boat. The one thing you don't see that often is children or women among these.
Then the bloke says that we should provide safe channels for refugees as if we don't now. You can get here via a safe channel if you are claiming asylum but to pay to come over by boat destroying your papers on the way over isn't a safe channel is it? That's the BBC for you. Go and have a look at France24 or some other European News station or go and look online and find out about it. The BBC reporting of the raid on the Gaza Hospital is diametrically different to other news outlets.
Worryingly, people are more interested in complaining about what someone is wearing rather than being fed "facts" that are dressed up propaganda. We have long lost the ability to deliver the news and let the viewer decide what it is all about. Now we get to hear what they "think" we should understand from the reports. Just watch it occasionally and you can pick up the trends in the reporting, the use of NGOs and Pressure Groups disguised as unbiased factual commentators.
Anyway, off at a tangent but everyone needs to wake up and become an adult again. Bickering like children and pointing fingers and telling tales is not going to lead us out of this situation. As I sad at the start, grow the f*** up.