Uttered by me on many occasions and almost hourly these days. So they've knighted the London Mayor. Speechless what on earth were they thinking? The trouble is I don't think that their ideology allows them to think, it's very catholic and totalitarian, almost dystopian at the moment and this headlong rush to the bottom isn't over by a long way. Everything that they touch is the opposite of Midas and is rapidly turning into mahogany (soft and brown) stuff.
Education is being destroyed and for no good reason other than spite. Maybe, finally, people will wake up to what and how these people are? It is no longer education it is indoctrination and still, no one is angry. The answer will be more tax and more fines and so on until there is nothing of any value left. It's already happening and 2025 looks to be the year that the economy collapses alongside some of our European neighbours.
De-industrializing in the name of a cult (that of Climate Change) does absolutely nothing except show how f*****g stupid you are. Destroying your own country to appease fanatics is not exactly a grown up approach to this and it will end in tears and more damage to us. Already people are paying substantial energy bills and the time will come soon when we will only be subsistence living. There wont be any money to spend other than on food and fuel.
It worries me that there may soon be a large snap against all of this and no one can see it coming. If you tax the cr@p out of people and they don't see anything for it, then why should they cooperate? I'm trying to find ways of just not obeying and not cooperating. It would be nice that everyone in the country started not complying and stating that they no longer wish to be "governed" by these people who think they have some sort of authority over us. But then I expect too much of "the people" when I was in business we used to have a saying that 98% of people want to be told what to do and the other 2% were project managers!
Oh well, let's see how it goes. The list of wasted stuff goes on and on, the oppression of the people continues and at some point someone has to say no, enough is enough. Let it come sooner rather than later and let's hope that the damage can be undone. You can imagine that they having spunked all the money away will have to try and work out how to pay to put it all right again.