Friday, November 15, 2024

Back on subject - maybe

I was horrified to hear that my mother, who had a scan about a month ago still has not received her results.  They were testing for Cancer.  They say it could take up to 12 weeks as they are short of (I think) radiologists!  Now call me old fashioned but with a staff of 1.6 million people you'd have thought that they'd be able to muster some health professionals in there rather than equality and climate change managers now wouldn't you?

Well, I am sure that the Government's answer to this will be to lob a few more billion into the system and show how well they are funding it and stating that "Lessons Will Be Learned" and all that old guff.

Honestly, no one believes them anymore about the "World Class NHS", "Our NHS" etc.  It's a cult, as are many things these days.  The doers and the workers have to make the best of it whilst the managers and the hangers-on get to take home huge salaries for work they are under qualified and do not get monitored for.  They were cr@p 30 or 40 years ago when I worked in the system.  Utter waste of time and resources.  They were still recently and the waste beggars belief it really does.  

Add to all this the ineptitude, the tribal rivalries, the lottery of treatment and the non accountability of these people and you have a right royal mess.  Of course, like just about everything else in this country these days, you'll be told you are a health service denier or something like that.  All of these things are cults, they have tales and stories woven around them to big them up but just look at the effectiveness and the stories everyday folk tell you and is it any wonder that it's all falling down in front of your eyes.  It's the Emperor's New Clothes - the vast majority can see it but the small minority keep up the pretence.

With an inept government (small g) and politicians who don't seem to have done a day's work in real life in "charge" we are living through the Nero period and you can make all the noise you want but the best thing is surely to let it crash to the ground whilst all those in charge stand mouths wide open, agog, incredulous as their empires burn and collapse.

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