Espoused by politicians and "celebrities" (persons of notoriety more like) who tell us we should be nicer (hate that word) and kinder. Well, they're the very opposite of what they say they are. I've never seen so much hypocrisy as we see these days.
President (or is it ex President - I don't know the protocol) was almost assassinated and there are people wishing it had been successful!!!! What planet are these people on? Politicians had already said bad stuff about what should happen to him. Then there's Pelosi who if I recall had wished actual bodily harm on him. Now it's not confined to the US, it's everywhere. Whether or not you like or dislike someone is your own business. To spout off about hoping that they are injured or die is horrendous. In recent years we've had two MPs murdered and the general disregard for people's lives is horrific.
So called celebrities are the same. Sports people, Actors (who make a living pretending to be something they are not), musicians and TV commentators (the funniest experts have to be those who appeared on Love Island or Made in Chelsea or some such). These people set themselves up as social commentators and they are full of vitriol and hate. I'm surprised that with all the bile inside their bodies they don't melt away from all the acid in their bodies. The spit out hatred and normalise behaviour which is unacceptable in modern society.
I am making a conscious effort to stay away from Social Media and the TV as it really is poisonous stuff. No one debates anymore, it's all yelling until you yell loud enough to drown out the opposing view and impose yours on them/us. It's a bit like these pressure groups representing less than a quarter of 1% of the population who block roads, damage art work and disrupt our lives trying to force their ideals on to us. Just Stop Oil, why don't they go to Saudi and stop the production? Perhaps go to India or China and complain. The trouble is they don't actually know what they are asking and they, when questioned are as thick as sh1t about what stopping oil would mean to their own lifestyle let alone trying to impoverish the rest of us. Go live on an island with no oil for a year and see how you get on. The other ones were the Vegans - throwing perfectly good food away and wasting it. Now I know a couple of Vegans and whilst they are always happy to tell you all about it ad nauseam they realise that I do not subscribe and I realise that without me eating meat, there wouldn't be any vegetables to feed the animals I devour!
There's nothing stopping an individual being just that, individual, If you want to live in a cave with rough clothing and just wood for fuel as you don't want oil or oil based products, off you go, I won't stop you, it's your life choice but it is not mine, stop trying to force me to do things that you wont do yourself and then prove to me by discussion and example how good it is for me. I reserve full rights to do exactly what I want with my life. Same with Veganism, Vegetarianism, Pescetarianism etc that's fine by me, do whatever you want to do.
There are no limits to what you can and cannot do within the law. Do it but don't drag me along with your fantasies. Likewise don't foster hatred and division. You start to normalise that sort of behaviour and you start to get to the breakdown in civilization and the smashing down of social norms. It isn't OK to go around inciting or delivering violence. It isn't normal by any means to force your views on others or try and change the natural law to accommodate your cult, religion, misogyny, cruelty, bizarre fetishes, criminal behaviour and so on.
I like to think I'm pretty tolerant and nowadays I just isolate myself from all of this nonsense as I know that it poisons my mind and I actually feel uncomfortable with "humans" acting and voicing their opinions which do not in anyway reflect how one ought to behave in civilized society. Of course, that's my opinion and I'm allowed to have it. I suppose everyone should have their opinion but when it comes to physical violence and threats, forcing change on people who don't want it and coercive control the line has been stepped over. Celebrating someone's death or wanting it and saying it out loud? Well should we accept that or not?
No matter what you think of someone there's often two or more sides to an argument. Shouting and wishing harm on another person is not exactly a good basis for discussing the bigger picture and shows a lack of compassion, a lack of value of human lives and a closed mind unable to accept that other people too have a mind of their own, their opinions and they too need to be heard.