Already sick to death of these incompetent no nothing politicians. They haven't a clue and they are absolutely despised and just don't seem to know it yet. I'd say they probably have no idea what they are up against and they look like animals caught in the rushing headlights of an oncoming vehicle. They wanted "power" and now they've got i, you can see they don't know what to do with it.
They are spending money like water and want us to pay for it, they are doing really stupid things, LTNs, no smoking outside pubs FFS - and I'm an ex-smoker and find that ridiculous. They are focusing on jailing people for hurty words and seem to be dealing in different ways with serious crime. There's photo evidence of the Police, for example, walking past someone doing Nitrous Oxide in plain view. There's rightly prison time for extremist thugs and violence but again it seems as if it is being handled very badly and the press aren't really helping their cause.
They have spent so much money on continue to do so on vanity projects expecting us to suffer the tax to cover it. Honestly, when you see the money being pumped into projects that have no good outcome for normal regular people you can see that they've already lost their way and the people just think rightly so that they are a bunch of liars, cheats, chancers (for sure), ignorant, nose in the trough politicians. They say they have a £20 Bn black hole in the accounts. They spend half a billion a day on the NHS probably more now so in 40 days we'd get that back! They pumped £11 Bn into reparations for Climate Change! The spend on vanity projects is likewise huge and there's no benefit to us at all.
The energy price cap has gone up 10% and due another 3% in January and it's doubled in 4 or 5 years but that's not their fault. It's our apparently. There some magic secret force out there called the Far Right. When you boil it down., there is no such thing, there's concerned citizens who have livelihoods to look after, mouths to feed, mortgages and bills to pay and they are being sold how under control the economy is and yet these inflation busting energy prices, fines to use your car, and food prices increasing alarmingly - they say it's a few percent inflation but they don't truly see the cost in their closeted high castle.
You can feel the anger and the disappointment in the utterly wet "leadership" this guy brings. He's already lied to us three or four times and the Internet does not forget and the promises he made just a few months ago are shattered and broken, smashed in our faces. "I'll look after the Pensioners" Well he's taken £300 off of them and raised the costs of heating for us all.
I am not sure how long he will last as he appears to have underestimated what it takes to be PM of this country he brings nothing to the table and all they can do is Nanny us in what you can and can't do.
LEAVE ME ALONE you bastards. Stop telling me what I can and cannot do. Run the country for us (which is after all what you were voted in to do). But no. you just want to interfere and make things worse.
Ronald Reagan said that the most frightening words you could ever hear were "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you!"