Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Incompetence - A New Way Of Running Everything

 Absolutely everything these days is run by incompetent people who suffer no punishment for being truly awful at their jobs.  

The trains had staff shortages because they didn't work out that in the summer time, staff go on holiday.  Once again thousands of people had their train journeys disrupted because no one planned for it.  The Port of Dover once again every July and August gets busy but do they add extra staff? No, of course they don't.  They implement a stacking system on the motorway which was hellish to drive through over the weekend.

Yesterday I checked the national roadworks database to see if my journey would be a problem. No, it states quite clearly that the road WILL BE CLOSED between 20:00 and 05:00 every night.  Lying scumbags, when I got there I had to detour down tiny country lanes.  On the way back I tried to follow the diversions but the roads were awful, tiny little roads and then we met a huge truck, luckily I could get into someone's driveway to get past.  Clearly someone was not paying attention because when I got past the truck I could see why.  The only other road you can possibly get to our place by was also closed off.  WHO in their right mind closes not one main road but also the only really wide enough road to take two lanes of traffic.

The Government are taking away £300 fuel allowance from pensioners.  I'm the only pensioner in the house and therefore the only one bringing in any money!  So not only is my income now taxed (oh yes, they increased the pension but not the tax allowances) so now what 10 million have to pay a couple of quid income tax each. Fuel has almost doubled in 4 years since they shut the world down.  Here's the fun part - I get around £12,600 a year. Last year I paid £1680 in electricity costs. £312 in Water costs, £2,000 or so in Heating Oil and Council Tax was £3,100 so around £7,092 went in bills before I look at transport, insurance, food and the like.  Those have to come out of the remaining £5,508  about £460 a month.  If I go anywhere near London's ULEZ zone that's £12.50 a day. It's about £50 a month I have to find for that.

When I worked out me pension and what I'd get of course I worked out what the £300 would be for. It comes in around the time that the Electricity bills go up.  They are due to go up around 10% in October and it just seems to me that there's something at play or these people truly are incompetent.  If you have a set amount to live on and then you take some of that away, what are you actually thinking?  You're not thinking at all.  The new Government have just made enemies with 10 million or around 15% of the population.  Many of whom are their supporters I feel, although probably not now.

The list of incompetent people and organisations appears to me to be growing daily.  With potential conflict looming in the Middle East we decide not to use our own natural resources but can now be held to ransom by importing them from the Middle East.   We could use Russian but hold on, there's a problem there right?

I have always felt sorry for people who self harm but for a Government to bring harm down on its people by myopic policy decisions in the hope of saving the planet by actions of less than 1% of global impact is self harm and potential suicide in the hope of virtue signalling how stupid they are at the cost of our industries and our personal safety.  

The way people behave, the way we are being governed is turning into a race to the bottom and once they've got there they're going to keeping digging.  

All the good meaning policies are obviously going to harm business and the people of this country and the people can see it but the "politicians" cannot.  I despair that these people are running us into the ground and are a high speed rail crash coming around the next bend.  It feels as if there is a ground swell of anger against these pointless, stupid ideas.  The "ruling class" believe that by calling us names and beating us down they will, like Winston Churchill's famous appeasement speech something along the lines of each appeaser feeds the crocodile in forlorn hope that they will be eaten last!  We shall see what happens, it feels like civil unrest might be coming if they punish the working classes and not only put up their taxes and withdraw their pensions but also raise their bills in the long term.  

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