Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark.

 So it was in the Lord of The Rings Film:

Gimli : "Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." Haldir : "The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." 

Last night, we could hear someone talking loudly outside, "Yea Bro." this and "Yea Bro." that prattling on for about 20 minutes.  So much so that I actually went out of the house and to the field gate to see a young male with his motor scooter, leaning against the gate and fence.  I didn't say anything just gave him a hard stare as if to say "STFU Bro.!" 

He left a short while afterwards but he's in a private no through road and using his phone in that speaker mode they do these days holding the phone flat and extended out in the hand!  

I suppose at least he wasn't using it whilst driving his scooter as we saw in Taormina, Sicily, a few years ago, a young lady on her red scooter on the mountain road happily talking into her phone!  I'm surprised more people aren't killed, I've certainly had to emergency stop when people walk out in front of my car without bothering to look other than at their phone screen and also runners and cyclists with headphones on who cannot hear my noisy old Diesel SUV coming down the track at them.   

Funny old world isn't it?  I try not to look at my phone all day long.  Occasionally it distracts me though but the number of parents not looking after their children but rather glued to their phone screens is alarming.  We were at a child playing event on Monday and you are meant to supervise your children (grandchildren in our case).  The use of mobile phones for a photo or a video is fine and you can understand that but one group of women (for there were only two males in the activity rooms) huddled together and were sitting, chatting and using their phones and their children were freewheeling around the area unsupervised.  These are the sorts of people who would scream blue murder if their child was hurt or injured.  So it is outside on the roads and quite how more accidents don't happen I do not know.

I also like the looks you are given as you grind your car to a halt to ensure you don't crush their child under 2 tons of AWD SUV as if I was at fault!

Anyway, I digress.  So I hope this lad doesn't come along regularly.  We have some lads who can be heard but not always seen apart from the wisps of smoke from their joints who sit in a far corner of the field an hour or so before sunset but they aren't that loud or that frequent.  Sound travels in the countryside and some people having a party across the valley can be heard quite clearly by us hundreds of yards away.

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