Friday, August 30, 2024


When your "elected" leader tells you it's all doom and gloom and troubled times are ahead after having told you about the bright sunlit uplands in his clamour to be elected you might well feel, like I do, that “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark?"

If you wanted someone to lead you into battle or inspire you, this Prime Minister is not the one.  The lies and downright bare faced bollocks that he and his party have started coming out with just a month or so into their tenure bodes badly for our future.  Very badly and some of the things they want to bring in will cripple the country and destroy the will to work or do anything, why should you work for someone else's benefit and not your own?  Why should you pay crippling taxes and see no benefit yourself.  Imagine if you will that they state there is a huge gaping hole in the budget to the tune of £20BN and yet they gave away £11BN so they can save the planet.  Imagine that they haven't even looked at the huge amount spent on vanity projects, millions goes to waste on studies to prove that Shakespeare didn't write for the LQBTQ+-=£$%& community.  I could have told you that for a few quid.

There's no leadership at all, this downtrodden, glass half empty PM has no idea how to inspire us, to say what needs to be done and he appears to have no ideas at all.  Like a Bullrush in the wind he blows hither and thither not knowing which way to point and grow in.  It's all looking grim and the anger is growing, the criticism too is mounting.  What they say and what they do are almost completely the opposite, people can see it for themselves and the trust (if there ever was any) in them is being destroyed one lie at a time.  You don't need to be a Rocket Scientist to know how things are going.  The race to the bottom is almost there and this lot will reach the bottom and then accelerate and dig down even further.

I don't know too many people who take this clown seriously anymore.  We need leadership out of the sh1t storm we are currently in and there's no politician that isn't to blame for the mess we are in.  But we've got Mr Blancmange in charge, woe betides us!

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