Thursday, December 12, 2024

People, Service and Community

 Humbled to do a little bit for the community last night.  I set up my PA and Projector with Christmas images and music for a charity gig performed by members of a band that sets out to let people of all abilities play together.  They meet once a month and practice and there are lots of volunteers who assist them.  They had written their own Christmas song which they performed for a small audience of parents and carers.

They obviously loved performing and they are lovely, we all smiled together and then there were Carols at the end.  I did a very little but I was so gladdened to see that people give up their time and spend it with those far less fortunate than ourselves.  The leader is a lovely chap with a great personality and he led them to write their own song.  It truly was excellent and everyone had a part to play.

Finally I felt that my faith in human nature was reestablished and watching these musicians helping their charges to make expressive and quite charming (in my eyes) music really did lift my spirits.  I felt quite surprised that they gave me a round of applause at the end for my tiny contribution to events.  I see that they got a lot out of it even though, to me, I did what I was able and it wasn't difficult for me to do what I used to do day-to-day. everyone else deserved far more recognition than I.  Although on reflection I get it.

Anyway, it is heartening that we have people like these who give up their time, at this busy period in the year, to help and inspire others.  It checked my natural cynicism shall we say. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

It's Still Weird - This Sick Feeling

An old friend wrote to say they were "under control" after Prostate Cancer treatment - all is being held at bay so to speak.  Then shocking news this morning as someone I knew died yesterday.  I knew her to say hello to and it was unexpected to say the least.  It is something that has obviously upset me albeit only the suddenness of it all.  Things trigger emotions inside of you so someone else you know going through treatment is unconsciously bringing it all back and someone that I expected to see in a month or so is no longer with us.

Most of my Christmas deliveries have now been made - a couple later today and that is it apart from the Christmas in a Box which is due 22nd.  I've got just about everything I need to get excepting a few items.  Christmas is often anticlimactic for me.  I wonder if I try and reconstruct the Christmases of my past and they never quite live up to the hype?  There's a strangeness about this year that I cannot quite put my finger on.  I imagine it's just me trying too hard when I know, deep down, it's going to be a disappointment once again.  Keep trying I suppose but something isn't right.

I feel stomach churning sick and it's more like a nervous sick, a worried sick if that makes any sense?  I've tried too hard and I need to not do so.  I'm also quite conscious that the App isn't ready and it should have been.  I really wanted to get it out there for the world to download and try but, once again, it just isn't going to be.  It's a nuisance I have to say as it is the right time of year to launch especially when everyone has their new gadgets for Christmas.

I have spent too much money and time on Christmas and so I just need to reset myself for next year and decide quite what I want.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Watching These Idiots

 These politicians are complete amateurs.  I had to laugh as once again they can't keep the same story among the lot of them.  The Chancellor stated to the CBI that there would be no ore tax rises in the next 5 years. or as long as they are in power.  Now, a few days later, they need to review and the PM thinks there might be a need for more.  The Foreign Secretary leaves the door open for Syrian migrants whilst the Home Office shuts the door.

The utter chaos these guys sow is beyond belief.  They seem wholly unaware of the contempt we, the people, hold them in, but more so, they don't seem to see what we see and that's the crash coming down the road at us.  Already there's talk of reduced recruitment and investment, there's big job losses coming in the car industry and what people also miss is the suppliers will also lose out too.  

Their great plans are in tatters already because they have no idea how they can achieve these things and stealing our money appears to be the only way they think they can do this!  Good luck to them if they think any of this is sustainable.  It feels like we are once again going to get flattened by the ineptitude of our government.  It's not worth working as they steal t off you! 

Monday, December 09, 2024

Eyes Of A Child

 It's often said isn't it that you should view things through the eyes of a child and I reason that it is because those eyes are not yet tainted by cynicism and they see the joy in things that for us we have become immune too or take for granted, our senses dulled by the sheer ordinariness of things to our eyes.

Yesterday our 5 year old grandson came to a Christmas Lunch with us and bless them, the organisers made sure all the children had a winning raffle ticket and the big man himself made an appearance and the sheer joy and delight on the little ones faces were a sight to behold.  Winning a raffle prize was amazing as he was up and out of his chair and running up to the top without his usual caution - he is at that shy age.

Children get a "Wow factor" from things we take for granted and especially new things.  A dragonfly a butterfly, sheep in our field at the back, lights, artwork, posters, cars and fire engines, all sorts of things and it is well worth us taking the opportunity to learn from them about this view of the world I think.  Can a butterfly bring joy?  Of course it can and a fire engine or a shop display or almost anything at all if you look at it properly.  How many of us look up when we are out?  In my local town there are some architectural features of interest, if you look up.  There's a castle too but people walk by and don't stop to have a look at it.  It's amazing and in good repair for its age.  Then we have the river, the locks, the bridges and it's all there before you but we park our cars, go to the shops or whatever we are doing and then get back in the car and drive home.  

Make time to appreciate it all and view it through new eyes and marvel at it too. 

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Use Your Inner Mr. Spock

 Our PM is a bit of a bot.  He speaks like a robot and his countdown to the Christmas Lights was monotonic to say the best about it.

So he's restated the goals or reset or whatever and it's just as much bollocks as before.  I was intrigued thought to hear that he is going to build (going to) 1.5 Million houses in the 4 and a half years he's (or his party) have left in Government. That is around 1,200 a day.  Houses take more than a day to build of course.  So let's consider that there is even the manpower or willingness to build them.  You have to start adding up some serious labour numbers to get your house built and even using factory based frame methods it's going to be a great and glorious undertaking.

It is going to be a bit difficult given that a number of our skilled people are heading back home to their native countries where the pay is good, the cost of living better and the taxes are a lot less.  Our leaders are going to destroy the gig economy for the greater good you understand and so being a flexible worker won't pay so why stay? 

I think you just need to run some numbers in your head here and whenever you see a house or housing estate going up how quickly does it happen, how many people does it employ and all the various trades and all the materials and so on?  It took them almost 2 years to build two houses next to us and there were just 4 or 5 full time with additional trades coming in and out when needed.  It's possibly made a lot worse with the employment tax being raised and taxation generally which I imagine would have the affect, somewhat as it did with me when the last Labour Government were here of adjusting my income to suit my tax band.  They imposed a stupid tax.  The vast majority of us changed how we operated and lo and behold, tax takings went down and a lot of my colleagues moved country too.  Hey ho.

It will be interesting to see how this bunch of clowns try and achieve something as spectacular as building all these homes when they've alienated the very people and businesses they rely on to build them. 

Friday, December 06, 2024

I'm Sure There Are Lots Of People Who Aren't Well

 I don't know what happened to us in this world?  I just saw someone melting down and spouting on about how one of our Politicians is well..... a whole list of words that l'm not allowed to write here.  

These people look and sound deranged to me.  I don't tend to say words that are not true nor do I accuse people of being things that frankly you can get had up for.  B"be kind" brigade seem to be able to get away with this vile intolerant speech and then be offended at people like me because we disagree with their hatred.

Here's the thing though, these are the very people who are making all the noise about how they don't like the way things are and hurty words and they, quite hypocritically, use worse language themselves and say worse things.  I don't understand how they square the circle being like this, do they not notice that they sound deranged and overly privileged at the same time.

Now I might say that our politicians are Muppets or that they are useless or unprofessional but I would draw the line at accusing them of the serious nature these people do.  You can't go around saying everyone is a r******** or n*** or f***** or whatever.  Firstly, it's demonstrably untrue and secondly, it points out their total lack of education and level of bigotry.

Anyway, the more I see them venting and getting angry and not forming sentences correctly, yelling and swearing, going red in the face and their body language erupting in pre-violent poses and just the rage they talk and write in the more concerned I am that these people are ill, mentally ill and they don't realise it and we leave them to do this.   

I admit to just letting these idiots rant and rave on and make a complete wally of themselves in doing so but even among people I know, there's this malevolent side to them.  They get really angry when certain people or subjects are tabled.  Now I like to think that I can debate stuff I know about and I do know about stuff but if I don't know then I'll listen and try and learn but, and here's the but, if you engage me with rational logical well delivered facts, we are going to get along just fine.  I can take that information and go process it and come to my own conclusion.  If, however, you yell at me and force this on me then I'm going to assume that you don't really understand what you are saying and have no basis for it.  

Forcing me to see your viewpoint isn't actually winning me over now, is it?  Maybe they don't do discussion and logical thinking any more in school.  We were given a subject and had to discuss it and provide multiple viewpoints.  We did euthanasia (not Youth In Asia as one of the lads misheard it), we did politics and capitalism versus communism, things like travel broadens the mind and all sorts of subjects and we had to argue our case logically with facts and figures. These days, you just have to repeat a mantra at high volume enough times for your point of view to be right (in your own mind).  Mentally ill not rational discussion.

I gaze on at all these sick people and wonder what it will be like when they wake up and realise what utter idiots they've been.  Rather them than me though.  I'd like to see a few of them sued for the words they use too.  

Wibble Wobble

 I find it strange that I am still flipping between OK and not so good all the time.  Progress is knowing that this is happening and being able to do something about it.  It's a struggle but it is something you can deal with.  I really felt tearful this morning, no particular reason, just sad and that has passed quite quickly.  I'm pretty sure it is this time of year that does it.

Your head really can be your worst enemy sometimes I think.  It has all those "little voices" in there arguing among each other and the trick is to realise that this is going on and in doing so make them go away.  It's the ego and the pain body and they are struggling to get attention and so it goes around.  It's as if they don't want you to be yourself, be happy I suppose and there's the rub, identification of what it is will help to defeat the voices but they get going when you aren't expecting them.

In other news I've been trying my hearing aids.  I think that they are great but on Sunday will be a big test as we will be at a Christmas do with lots of people so I hope that I'll be able to use them without blowing my brains out!  They amplify so well but I find it a little too loud even on the quiet volume setting.

Thursday, December 05, 2024


Well Bitcoin has done it's job and gone to $100 - interesting times ahead.  Then we have our Prime Minister desperately trying to reset things and finally realising that most of the population (other than London) doesn't believe him, can't stand him, know he's not being straight with us etc.   I do hope that the people are waking up and smelling the coffee etc,  I'ts about time that we start calling out our servants and fighting back against them.

After yesterday and my partial realisation that I'm probably missing my family more than I realised even though I get to see my #1 daughter and her children a reasonable amount and #2 not so much I don't spend a lot of time with them and I need to resolve this next year.  I haven't seen my mother this year or my brother and his family either.

Sat here backing up computers and NAS's (that's not the plural I guess but more than one NAS) gives me time to sort things out and after this Sunday when we have a Christmas Meal I think that next week I will get into the Christmas Spirit a bit more.  I need to do my cards and newsletters and I can also wrap some presents and so on.

I found myself falling back into having a few beers over the last few nights but I am working on the premise that as soon as Christmas and the New Year are over I can go back to my strict diet and continue to lose weight.  I am already 2 stone down but I really want to go down another 2 next year if I can.  I feel great in terms of my body and general fitness.  I don't have the out of breath problems I did have nor the feeling of carrying around 14 or more bags of sugar with me all the time.  It's a big difference I have to say.  

I kind of know what the problems are but I think I am not facing up to them or tackling them and that's something that, once again, I need to work on for the New Year.  Maybe that can be part of the next few weeks run up to Christmas?  I think perhaps it needs to come to a head now.  

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Is It Christmas That Does This To Me?

 I do get down this time of year and it happens regularly and to varying extents.  Last year it was very dark, black and gloomy.  This year it isn't as bad but it is still there.

So I started to wonder about this and it is probably a couple of reasons I think.  When I was at work Christmas came up fast and one minute you were working and the next on holiday for a while and then back to work.  With having the children it was a lovely family time and we could all spend time together and having parties and the like.  Even before Children we had a number of parties, midnight mass, a big family meal and so on.  

It was good and whilst I probably got my seasonal SAD sadness, I was busy and had little time to dwell on it.

I realise that it is the 10th year since I left my Ex and in all that time, I've not had a Christmas with my children or my grandchildren but have with my Partner and her family.  I then thought about how I've got time to ponder and mull over this and perhaps that's why it is a problem to me.  

Whilst we have a pleasant Christmas Day and we have entertained members of her family we haven't done so for mine.  They have their Christmas and I have mine I suppose.

I probably need to do something about this but I'm not sure what at the moment.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

I Don't Believe A Word You're Saying

 I've been a sceptic and a cynic for a long time.  If life has taught me one thing it is that everyone's out to get you and you cannot count on your "friends" and sometimes not your family either.  That's a shame but it's a hard learned lesson and one that bites me over and over again.

I have lost count of the number of people who owe me money.  Some of them in the tens of thousands of pounds.  Some less than that.  I see and hear people talking about such things and hold my counsel as they say they hate the very thing they themselves are.  There's not a politician alive that I trust nor any authority person these days.  Everyone appears to be tainted, in it for themselves and not on the side of justice and right.

Many people have poisoned minds filled with the untruth of the propaganda fed to them in soundbites but never tested, looked into all taken as gospel from the words of known liars and charlatans.  They spout headlines at me and wonder why I start to ask searching questions as to where they might have heard this brilliant soundbite and what does it mean and how does it manifest itself and what data do they have to back it up.

The weekend just gone I once again heard that CO2 was a pollutant and that electric cars were the way forward but there was no recognition that there is a supply chain issue coming down the line at us and a shortfall of trillions, perhaps tens of trillions to make some politician's wet dream into some sort of normal for all mankind.  Then I got the nuclear waste problem which I countered with there isn't any in Fission reactors that are soon to be here.  But an electric world seems far away when the benefit for getting there is higher bills, higher shop prices and the only way to sell this stuff to me is to force me to buy it.

The modern world is made up of badly educated dreamers with no clue how to review ROI and how to make holistic decisions based on hard facts.  It's a big problem because they do not understand how to run this like you would a Programme with all the benefits and costs nailed to various actions in the plans.  I used to talk to Businesses and also Public Sector about how to go about such things bringing them together and monitoring the impact of doing one thing against another, KPIs and all that good stuff.  Big business got it and public sector had their eyes glazing over in about 20 minutes as they didn't understand why they'd need to keep control fo everything they do in a centralised fashion. They had a bottomless pit of money - you and I to just go and steal off of if they screwed up.  Big business would have to fight off their shareholders if they screwed up.  

Yes, it's just pathetic listening to these amateurs who can't lie convincingly or tell the truth ever by the looks of it.  They never answer a a question and they do not understand the paid that is coming down the line for them especially in terms of our economy which is pretty much trashed now.  I imagine we will have an economic collapse they'll blame it on anyone but themselves and they'll continue to lie and screw up until something changes and the next lot of liars take over.

I've lost faith in just about everyone these days.  There are very few people that I'd trust left. 

Tuesday Blues

 I met with my cousins yesterday, a bit late notice as they weren't expecting to drive down this way but a quick look and I found a half way pub we could meet up at.  It was nice to catch up.

I trialled my Hearing Aids but I really found them difficult to work with as they made everything so loud (yes I know I can turn them down).  There are three settings sort of General, Outside and Inside but I could not work out which was which so I am going to try at home during the week. I have trouble hearing people in loud places, like pubs and restaurants especially these days when there is a move towards solid wall surfaces / brick and steel etc rather than soft absorbent materials so the sound bounces around and they insist on playing music everywhere.

I like music but imagine that, the chatter of other people, the machinery of a pub or restaurant and I struggle.  Actually my hearing is surprisingly good and my right ear where Ih ad 15 or so operations (or thereabouts) is, for all of that, only just below normal.  However it is inevitable that I'll require these aids but hopefully only in certain situations.

I'm feeling a little blue and down again.  My flashbacks take me to interesting periods in my life and the replays are generally OK but there's this regret and doubt coming in to play and I need to stop this "What if" and "Maybe if I" and so on.  These things happened in that order and you can't replay them.  It would be nice to think that finally something that didn't happen 50 years ago might magically happen now and all the happiness that your brain associates with that particular union might be kindled forever.  Stupid old romantic fool!  Of course not.  That's the problem and often as we used to say as youngsters "The thought is often better than the deed" and isn't that the truth.  I'll leave you to ponder on that but give one example.  I really liked this girl at school and she was in a relationship with one of the lads I knew and so everything was off limits.  I was chatting to her one day when she sort of let slip that she had broken up with him and so I suggested a date.  I'm not normally a quick worker or anything but she was a nice girl, very pretty and way out of my league.  To my surprise she said yes.  I was delighted but after a few drinks and back to her place she had the worst halitosis I've ever encountered.  It didn't really go on from there and after a few dates we sort of drifted apart and her ex came back on the scene.  The thought was indeed much better than the deed.  Nice girl though nevertheless.

So I need to stop making these rose tinted flashbacks unless I use them for a best selling novel of course, then all these experiences can be relived, garnished and served up as the truth!  

Monday, December 02, 2024

That Sort Of Day

 It's been a strange sort of day.  Cousins are down our way on a last minute trip and I am trying to arrange a place to meet up that's not too far away from both of us!  A bit of late notice but they didn't know until last night.

It is strange how my mind is being drawn back to incidents of my early working days.  I was reminded about this time of year was a round of taking gifts to customers, taking them out for Christmas meals, your team office parties and so on were always something that I tried to avoid if at all possible.  As "the boss" you'd always get someone have a few too many and start to lecture you so I'd go for the first hour or so and the make my excuse and retire to somewhere else with a few fellow team mates where we'd have a few and go home leaving the office to its own destiny.

I remembered how I enjoyed coming home on the train at this time of year and generally I'd be late, it was not unknown that I'd leave after 7 or 8 pm and the trains would either be boiling hot or freezing cold never comfortable.  One the way from London you'd speed past houses with their Christmas Trees and Lights on.  Houses looking warm (even if you weren't) and try and imagine that each and every one of those houses would be happy and looking forward to a Christmas few days off.  It was before Mobile Phones and I might either be reading a book or listening to my cassette player.  Whatever it was to be there was something comforting about the row on row of houses and flats with their trees lit up.

I'd have a long walk home from the station which I might get a bus or if I was feeling flush a taxi but generally I walked home and recall how cold it was.  These days, thankfully it doesn't seem to get as bad as it was in the 70s and 80s although our politicians would obviously like us to live in cold times to reinforce their ideology.

It was nice to then have the half day on the day we finished for Christmas, have a few drinks and then come home knowing that you had a week or two off and could relax.  Generally, that meant catching a cold or the Flu as your body stopped being a stressed out worker!  

It's OK To Not Be OK Right?

I find myself going through cycles again of gloom and then relative happiness and then to a period of acceptance and it's up and down all the time.

Whether or not this is me, my circumstances, surroundings or the time of year (again) I don't know.  I was thinking (dangerous) that things these days are not how I felt say 30 or so years ago.  By that I mean that I don't have the recreated feelings I did years ago, things have lost their sparkle, I've become more cynical and the veil of the world as it used to be presented to me has dropped away showing ugly avarice and corruption behind it.  Picture the Wizard of Oz where the curtains are pulled back and all is revealed for what it actually was not the grand show it projected itself prior to that.  

So perhaps that's what it is?  I think that I'd like people to stop p1ssing me off, stop interfering in my life, stop taking money off me and so on.  

The conversation with the Developer was, as usual, one of a further slip.  It appears to be not his fault and there's a work around but it really is an 11th hour problem and I'm sure there will be more but it is just draining on me.  I feel that people take your power away by draining all of yours.  It feels like that, perhaps it isn't so.

For now, I will have to just ride along with that and hope that we get some sort of resolution to that.  Everywhere else, I feel I am in this rut that I just can't quite get out of.  It seems to me to be myself defeating myself even though I know I've had plenty of stuff to beat me down and give me a tough time.  IT problems, the App, the Gates and House Maintenance - I just need to actually do something about them.  It would be easy to sit in the corner, grab a few beers and wallow in the despair of it all - but that's never fixed anything and it is just a matter of getting fired up to actually do things again.  I can see things that I could do and I'm still sitting here "thinking about it" which will never get a job done.

Anyway, I content myself at the moment that it is OK to be a bit down but that I need to boost my mind and get on and actually tackle stuff that's in front of me.

Disappointment, Despondency, SNAFU

 It is interesting that I never quite get to a point in my life when I am happy or satisfied and I often, like just now, get to a low point in thinking or existing, I don't know what that is.

I know what it is that troubles me but I seem powerless to actually do something about it.  I expect far too much of people and I find that anyone who doesn't perform their job to my standards is an issue to me.  

These are problems I've had all my life but I do find bad service, incompetence, hypocrisy and other such traits annoying.  I've someone who didn't wrap the goods up properly which arrive broken will not refund me unless I post back (abroad mind you) the item.  We are both strongly disagreeing in our own respective languages and I will have great joy in making it very difficult for them but it's for a few pounds and it's the principle in this case.  Giving me less than 10% of the value back isn't what you do when you've screwed up.

I've fixed (partially) the data loss problems and everything is now being backed up but I don't like the industrial outcome of my solution.

The heating system needs attention but I haven't got the quote yet so I really need that to budget for at the moment the IT costs have taken that money I put by.

The App Developer is about to deliver me more bad news.  What a surprise, it's slipped again and I've got to the point now where I really cannot be bothered to be upset anymore about it.  I have never known anything so bad.  There is a book called "The Mythical Man Month" by Fred Brooks it was published way back in the 1970s I think. It led to Brooks's Law and projects fall behind one day at a time and it is an interesting read.  I used to talk about this as part of my job and I used the analogy that if it took 1,000 men I month to build a mile of road then if I put 30,000 men on it, we'd do it in a day!  Here lies the challenge of Project Management in that it isn't a spreadsheet world and you cannot just add more resource and expect things to be done quicker (there are lots of reasons).  

So, it's a classic tale of optimism versus talent versus in this case and in what will soon be seven years, he has only hit one target milestone and that's the first one. So what do I do?  I've already got angry, helpful, given extra money and been hard and soft man with him.  I've read him his future in my Crystal Ball and it isn't pleasant.  It will be what it will be but my fabled Christmas Launch originally for 2019 hasn't happened yet again.  

I find myself in a sloth of despondency yet I don't need to be.  I know this, I try quite hard to not be (perhaps where I am going wrong).  I should just be in the moment but it seems it's just one thing after the other.  Of course you shouldn't worry about these as what else can you do but I feel that I am piling stuff on and not taking it off.  I need to start to care less or not at all about such things and get on with my life and start to enjoy retirement.  At the moment, I miss work even though I feel that I am working a lot more than I should.

I will have to tackle this as I feel that it is dragging me down.  

Saturday, November 30, 2024

I Suppose That's Something - Gates Almost Fixed

 I did some more maintenance on the gates again.  This time I removed the old bracket and re-positioned it, change the limit switches and cut away a bit of the fence to allow the motor arm to move a little further in.  Well, it seems to have brought it back to where it was before.  It's an improvement from the problems I've been having, it is the same as it was prior to that and perhaps in the summer it will be a bit better when the gates and posts dry out.  You'd be surprised at just how much the wood swells up and now the gates are bashing into each other again.  I've adjusted them and sanded some off to allow them to work properly.

That's one job down but I'm sure there will be others too.  The outside doors have rain deflectors over them which need a clean as they are getting moss and algae build up but the wind (gales) of last week have loosened their fixings so once again, I will have to sort that out. It seems never ending to me, there's one thing after the other.  It would be nice just to have a quiet time to myself and not have anything go wrong.

Pressure - I Don't Normally Get Headaches

 It's been a bad week all in all although things are getting better but I could have done without the expense of sorting out IT and now doubling it just in case.  Once bitten twice shy they say but this was quite a psychological hit considering I really thought that I'd nailed the backups and storage etc.

I felt bad yesterday knowing that I'd get the PC back but not certain about whether the Server would kick back to life.  It didn't but I was able to revive it and an upload of the last firmware release did the trick thank goodness.  Later this weekend there will be three servers and UPS sets so let's hope that I've learnt my lessons!

Of course the gates are givig me trouble yet again.  The cold weaher must have frozen the brackets and made the gates work and now they've defrosted, the issue is back but I can see the drive bracket moving and so I've ordered some bolts and nuts (can you believe among the hundreds I've got, not one fits!).

So I woke at 4 am and my mind was alive with realising that I DO have nuts and bolts spare as I have the second set of gates equipment!  Oh FFS and of course they are made for it.  Anyway, I will go and do that while I am waiting for the IT stuff.  Then my mind kicked in about how to use the spare bays I have for Memory for the PC then I need to get some other stuff sorted - I have three old PCs that I need to get rid of and I know a nice man who recycles them.  I could I suppose sell the MAC, I'll see if hey are going for reasonable money - it's a big and heavy beast of a machine.

Other than that, I can now get back on to my newsletters, accounts and getting the App tested.

My head though is pretty bad and I am certain that it is caused by the stress of this week and the IT problems.  Let's hope that after tomorrow I will be secured, I'd hate to go through that again!   

Friday, November 29, 2024

Got My Life Back?

 Well, I got my PC back and thank goodness I read enough to try and rescue my server which was showing red lights everywhere and no data!!!  There's 9 TB of data on there and so it was with some relief that the PC arrived with new PSU and it sounds good I have to say, tight like a new;y serviced car.  The server showed no signs of waking up and so I tried a few reboots, light twinkles and so on but no, it wouldn't have it :-) 

I remembered that the last time this happened I updated the firmware and whilst it would do it itself I manually updated it and there it was all lit up green and healthy however too late to cancel the recovery system I'd bought for it!  Not to worry though.  Arriving tomorrow are UPS sets, two more servers and I'll be able to back up the data properly once again.

I suppose I need to look at getting a new PC too.  I think I have seen one that I like but, of course, new stuff isn't compatible with my lovely old screens and so on!  

Our MPs have seen it necessary to pass the Assisted Dying Act and I think that perhaps this really needed more time and more discussion than it had.  You probably won't get your life back.  It's a difficult thing and MPs are our last line of protection but I don't think that they've done justice to this at all.  In some ways I think that we should have the discussion and review it but surely one day in Parliament is insufficient time and as most of them seem to need someone to help them get dressed and go to the toilet they may not be the right people to actually debate this sort of thing. 

I;m not certain it is the right step forward at all.  I felt that my Father's death was perhaps a good thing, he'd had enough and he wasn't going to get better but I wondered whether a better approach and good palliative care would have been a better way for him rather than in a ward in a Hospital, a Hospice would in my mind have been kinder.  No one wants to suffer and the whole thing including the family and safeguarding need to be applied.  Again, these days, our medical professionals seem to be super drug dealers than practitioners and so I wonder how it will materialise and work out in practice?  It's a big subject and I truly think they should have had more time to consider it and to consult properly.  I very much doubt that the whole picture was presented to everyone who voted.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Instinct Maybe

 I said I had a dread felling this morning.  Well EVRI delivered my Magnetron all the way from China, in only a few days and blow me down, it's broken.  Just to prove it I stuck it in the Microwave turned it on and got a big humming noise and a bang.

No packaging, it was just in a cardboard box and had been dropped and landed on the Antenna bit that sticks into the Microwave Oven itself!  I've now been on to the Manufacturer but they're just going to credit me and not send a new one.  If a new one is delivered in the same condition, what use is it?

How on earth they can manufacture these for about £12 delivered is the first mystery but why send it on a journey half way around the world without putting at least a bit of polystyrene over the Antenna?!  

So maybe that was what it was.  These things are easy enough to replace - as long as you know what you are doing and don't stick your hand across the HV side or the capacitor.  hey don't send replacements, they refund your money! 

Now, do I just keep sticking it out until one arrives properly packaged?

That Dread Feeling

 Do you get that dread feeling in the pit of your stomach sometimes?  Well, it is happening to me right now.  The PC looks as if the PC guru might have fixed it but the server still looks as dead as a Dodo.  I thought I'd covered eventualities but probably not and that's annoying that I hadn't made a double double back up although, of course, I had made some back ups but you then find you never made enough back ups LOL.

I find that things that happen are almost "personal" affronts to me.  I know they are not but the gates have started playing up again and were fine a day ago!  The PC and Server broke.  The Hot Water Cylinder needs a new installation and so on.  I just felt that these things were all happening at once and for some strange reason, I should have been able to mitigate them.  Of course you can't mitigate any of them.  You can over engineer things and over think things (my particular Achilles Heel) to a point where everything affronts you and causes you pain etc.

Of course I know better than that, of course I do.  The trouble is that your head then plays a sort of chess game between ego and rational and various other areas of your mind and you have to stop it.  It takes a while, you have to realise what it is that is going on and then switch it off. 

It's been a list of things really.  The Inventor blowing up, burning his bridges and leaving the business, the developer suddenly adding a further 9 month delay to an already 6 year delayed product. The gates not working, Microwave blowing up, PC stopped working, Server stopped working, car needing a new tyre (but thankfully nothing else) and on and on it goes.

I think also there's the back of my mind what is it going to cost part too.  It's not cheap at all.  The repair to my PC is around half of what I paid for it but of course that was 10+ years ago so in real terms it isn't too bad.  The Microwave should cost around £12 to repair - I was an electrician so I can repair things like this together with fault finding so that's OK too.  You can get parts shipped over from China in a week or two and at reasonable prices.  The Magnetron is £12 shipped.  How on earth they can make them at this price and ship to the UK is beyond me.  But that's what they do and you can see the mark up from UK based suppliers.  I don't think anywhere else makes these things these days.

Watching programmes about China it is impressive how they have taken over almost the whole world in terms of manufacturing, there are a few things they don't do but they are catching up and they lead in some areas way ahead of us.

Our "people" just don't seem to get it at all, we are destroying our manufacturing capabilities by hiking energy prices and also refusing to produce our own raw materials relying on imports.  Don't get me started on it really as it is a whole new conversation to be had around economics and global dominance of markets.  China doesn't actually need our markets in the West if we make it difficult for them to trade.  Just look at the rest of the world and the population spreads.  Our 67 million people aren't exactly a huge market place especially if we restrict and lump on tariffs it's easier for them to sell to countries who don't do this.  Anyway, another discussion for another day.  Let's get my PC back and working then try and do CPR on my server (hitting it with a defibrillator would really kill it though LOL).  Please send luck and good vibes for the patient!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


Yes, it is inconvenient and I am now on my backup of backup old laptop which sort of works but trying to update it to the latest incarnation of Linux has proved fruitless it just won't do it!  Oh well, it's something I guess and here we are.

My password machine is part on the server and part on the PC which is a pain in the arse once again - it is secure but not when both parts of the equation break down simultaneously.  Stuff like addresses and important dates are also shared across the two areas.  

It makes you wonder how we operated without all of this "good" IT stuff before.  

I'm just going to have to make the best of it at the moment and work my way through recovering (it that is possible) all my stuff.  I think I can get all the files recovered but it is just such a pain having to do it.  Once they are recovered I have to re-build the IT system and take out any possibility of a double failure like this

In other news, I have found the fault in the Microwave and the new Magnetron is on its way to me.  Hopefully, that will give me a chance to repair and clean it ready for Christmas.  It's very useful although I do have another Microwave as well, this one is quite a lot more convenient.

My hearing aids are great but need adjusting down a bit as they make everything so very loud, like they are supposed to.  There are a couple of settings for outside, inside, and general that I need to get used to.  

The boiler has been serviced and now we await the quote to replace the megaflow and associated pipework.  Just another bill to be paid but with any luck this should set up for 25 years as long as it is regularly maintained which the previous one wasn't. 

FIngers crossed that we get all this stuff fixed ASAP.