I don't know what happened to us in this world? I just saw someone melting down and spouting on about how one of our Politicians is well..... a whole list of words that l'm not allowed to write here.
These people look and sound deranged to me. I don't tend to say words that are not true nor do I accuse people of being things that frankly you can get had up for. B"be kind" brigade seem to be able to get away with this vile intolerant speech and then be offended at people like me because we disagree with their hatred.
Here's the thing though, these are the very people who are making all the noise about how they don't like the way things are and hurty words and they, quite hypocritically, use worse language themselves and say worse things. I don't understand how they square the circle being like this, do they not notice that they sound deranged and overly privileged at the same time.
Now I might say that our politicians are Muppets or that they are useless or unprofessional but I would draw the line at accusing them of the serious nature these people do. You can't go around saying everyone is a r******** or n*** or f***** or whatever. Firstly, it's demonstrably untrue and secondly, it points out their total lack of education and level of bigotry.
Anyway, the more I see them venting and getting angry and not forming sentences correctly, yelling and swearing, going red in the face and their body language erupting in pre-violent poses and just the rage they talk and write in the more concerned I am that these people are ill, mentally ill and they don't realise it and we leave them to do this.
I admit to just letting these idiots rant and rave on and make a complete wally of themselves in doing so but even among people I know, there's this malevolent side to them. They get really angry when certain people or subjects are tabled. Now I like to think that I can debate stuff I know about and I do know about stuff but if I don't know then I'll listen and try and learn but, and here's the but, if you engage me with rational logical well delivered facts, we are going to get along just fine. I can take that information and go process it and come to my own conclusion. If, however, you yell at me and force this on me then I'm going to assume that you don't really understand what you are saying and have no basis for it.
Forcing me to see your viewpoint isn't actually winning me over now, is it? Maybe they don't do discussion and logical thinking any more in school. We were given a subject and had to discuss it and provide multiple viewpoints. We did euthanasia (not Youth In Asia as one of the lads misheard it), we did politics and capitalism versus communism, things like travel broadens the mind and all sorts of subjects and we had to argue our case logically with facts and figures. These days, you just have to repeat a mantra at high volume enough times for your point of view to be right (in your own mind). Mentally ill not rational discussion.
I gaze on at all these sick people and wonder what it will be like when they wake up and realise what utter idiots they've been. Rather them than me though. I'd like to see a few of them sued for the words they use too.
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