This came to mind thinking about what is going on today in the UK. There's an abhorrent crime but wee are told that it isn't terror related despite what we have been shown. Not my call but along with many others we blink in the bright sunlight of once again finding out that we haven't been told the whole truth in fact we've been obfuscated, yet again. Politicians and "the authorities" seem to deliberately do this and for what purpose? Are we not sufficiently mature to hear the facts, are we afraid that we will inflict hurty feelings?
The bottom line is that they aren't very good at lying to us and they do so for the wrong reasons so as not to offend anyone and yet the offend my intelligence and that of the vast majority of us. Once again, they try and protect the 1% of people who are offended by absolutely everything and want the 99% to do what they want, bow to their medieval hatred and backward ways. I for one am fed up with it all and want them to GIVE IT A F***KING REST!
This heinous crime and life sentence were greeted by a commentator as if there was going to be a race riot. Why did he even think that was the case? Finally we saw this monster for what he was, a snivelling coward and then I've got someone spouting off to me that diversity is our strength. It's got nothing to do with that and your stupid silly conclusion that we think like that. What's annoyed everyone is the lack of action from the authorities because of that very problem, treading on egg shells, unwilling to upset a tiny minority of the population who do not hold the values of this country and its people at their hearts and so want to impose a version of their stupid self image onto us.
I kind of don't care who you are, what your religion is, what you identify as as long as you go about it in your own quiet way, like I do, like my fellow citizens do. But OH NO, you can't be doing that, you want us to bend to your backward, medieval, insane vision of a world where you take centre stage, are offended by everything, read insults into every word we say to you and think that it's ALL ABOUT YOU. About time we got a grip but our politicians are feckless parodies, inept is too high up the stupid order for the vast majority of them. Politicians who think that the war in Ukraine is about slavery, who cannot think strategically, who don't understand economics, global impacts and who have no idea of the appliance of good science.
If anything, the inconsistencies of the way they govern and the way they talk down to the public is a measure of how they treat us all with contempt and just want to rinse us for money without actually delivering anything of value. Damaged goods, not fit for purpose, totally inept Pigs with Lipstick.
Treat us with some level of intelligence. Don't talk down to us and don't think you are our lords and masters. As always, I try telling people that these are our servants not the other way around. They were voted in to do our will but like them all, they totally p1ss on us and tell us it's raining.
Old "Let me make it clear" and his party are a laughing stock not just here but wider in the world. No invite to the Inauguration for any of them tells you a lot. No speaking part at Davos should also tell you a bit more. The loss of over 10,000 millionaires who've moved to the UAE, Singapore, USA, Canada (God knows why you'd go there) and other such places tells you all you need to know about the UK right now. Coming down the track of the high speed crash (although it will appear to be slow motion) are a series of economy damaging events. They happen on a daily basis. Supermarkets are culling staff, businesses that have been around a long time are going into Administration, recruitment has slowed as if an emergency brake has been applied. Prices continue to go up and I have seen my energy bills and food bills I'd say double in 5 years and I think that more pain is on the way.
I have to laugh when you see their haunted faces and the slow realisation that perhaps something isn't right with country. They are getting sh1t from all sides, no one wants to know them, they aren't a cohesive unit and do stupid things and say even stupider things and dig themselves into a hole. Competent is not a word that can be used for any of them really, they've never had a job in industry or diplomacy or anything useful, it's like being governed by the loud mouthed kids in the sixth form who know everything about anything but haven't left home and gone to earn a living yet. Whose only experiences of life have been gathered from brief encounters behind the bike sheds, a cigarette shared and drinking p1ss weak lager from a tin!
Why we tolerate such imbeciles running the country and poisoning minds with double speak and frankly race baiting rhetoric I have no idea. Surely we look on "Let me be clear Kier" and shake our heads in disbelief that he appears to have no grasp on the reality of the situation, the mood of the nation and how he seems to blame anyone else but himself and his policies for the situation we are in. His and his parties stock answer to legitimate questions is to parrot out in his Dalek voice that we are all far right or some such thing. Look into that man's history and you'll see that everyone you know is far right compared to his political beliefs and his past political affiliations. Poor old Jeremy Corbyn is further right of two tier Kier.
I think that there is a ground swell of anger that should not be ignored. I cannot take any one of them seriously and they are minnows in a big pond of big fish. They are getting cut down to size and their authority eroded each passing day. I wish the great majority of the UK public start to see through this veneer and also start to understand the propaganda that we are subjected to daily by well meaning, well intentioned but utterly bereft of scientific or logical substance behind it. Parroted out multiple times a day sh1t like climate change, carbon emissions, EVs, renewables blah blah blah. You are told what to think and how to think, programmed by the BBC and state media and yet if you just scratch beneath the surface and so basic research you'll find that all is not as it should be "Something is rotten in the State of Denmark".
It's easy folks. Look up what a Renewable Windmills is made up of, how much energy it takes to make and which parts are actually "renewable" and then add up the costs, work out the rating and the efficacy and just see that if you are worried about carbon (dioxide) then plant a few trees, job done. Don't conflate pollution with emissions. Don't believe that things are getting worse when in fact they are getting better. Think there are more hurricanes and wild fires and disasters? Go look at the people that would be hit in their pockets if it were so. Go look at the insurance payouts. As a rule of thumb, follow the money - ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY as it will lead you to all truth. Remember who gets poorer and who gets richer from these clean energy schemes and in which way does the money and taxes flow?
I love being lectured by people who tell me that they are saving the planet and they probably feel quite righteous that so much of their household income now goes on green stuff and taxes. And, they want more of it. Less plastic, organic, plant based, blah blah. A fool and his money are soon parted.
Anyway, that's enough for today. Remember taxes are good, Ukraine needs to be freed from slavery? We should pay lots more money for stuff that doesn't actually work and that aren't renewable, believe everything you hear, diversity is our strength, make everyone poor and stop complaining. I think that will do as my mantra going forward.