Thursday, October 26, 2006

First Signs

My first signs were back in June 2006. I noticed some blood in my urine and thought it was something to do with the fact that I'd carried a big awkward and heavy machine up the stairs (and down again) at home.

I drank loads of water and after a few hours it went away.

Later - only a few weeks later, I drove to my Office a couple of hundred miles away and arrived at my Hotel in early July. As you do after a long journey I dashed to the loo and was horrified to find a stream of red urine far worse than anything before. I started to drink water as before and started going to the toilet far more often as a result. Over the next few days it didn't get any better so I rang my wife who rang the Doctor and I had an appointment set for the end of the week.

The journey home wasn't great, you have to find a closed toilet not an open urinal for obvious reasons.

So one of the symptoms is blood in urine and get straight in to see your Doctor.

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