Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'd Rather you use the word Cancer

I was at a do yesterday and it was announced (in front of 100 people) that I had "undergone some tests and would start treatment next week".

That elicited a round of applause (a bit embarrassing) and then - of course - lots of people coming up - why are people always "sorry" - I suppose that there isn't another easier word to use. Trouble is each time you have to recount your story and that can be a little tedious. Of course it was good to know all these people were with you and all that but I would much rather the chap say.

"A number of Operations and tests for Bladder Cancer. Good progress and Immunotherapy treatment starts on Monday week".

Would people have still come up for more detail?

Who knows. Perhaps I can add more about the reactions you get when you say you have Cancer?

It really doesn't worry me but a friend has let no one know why he went into Hospital or what he was doing there. Each to our own and people should respect that.

1 comment:

A Dived Ref said...

Hi moico

I can understand that. A friend of mine too cannot bring himself to use the word. I find the dancing around the issue worse than the word itself. Keep your spirits up and I hope that the treatment works for you.